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Chinmaya International Residential Grade IX School Sample Question Paper :

Organisation : Chinmaya International Residential School
Exam : GRADE – IX
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : English
Year : 2010-2011

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Sample Question Paper For Grade IX :

I) Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
Intelligence Augmentation
The terms “intelligence augmentation” and “intelligence amplification” evoke images of human beings with computer chips embedded in their skulls or bizarre accoutrements attached to their heads.

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However, according to an article entitled Get Smart by Jamais Cascio, human beings’ ability to augment their intelligence is precisely the prowess which has empowered us to survive “a series of convulsive glacial events” evinced by 5 the last ice age. Neurophysiologist William Calvin asserts that the human species continues to evolve cognitively and to create its own cognitive evolution in two basic ways external and internal

1. Write the letter of the alternative which according to you is the most suitable response
1. The author is mainly concerned about
A) various dangers of intelligence augmentation.
B) the advantages of intelligence augmentation.
C) the basic methods of intelligence augmentation.
D) some scientists who are working on intelligence augmentation.
E) the differences between external and internal intelligence augmentation

2.. The author’s use of the phrase “somewhat more problematic in social terms” refers to
A) the difficulty of making cognitive enhancement widely available.
B) the difficulty of making pharmacological enhancement socially acceptable.
C) equalizing cognitive competitive advantages among social groups.
D) bureaucracies which hamper cognitive enhancement activities.
E) the relationship between external and internal intelligence augmentation.

3.. As it is used in line 27, the word placated most closely means
A) deprived.
B) enhanced.
C) cured.
D) assisted.
E) quieted.

4.. In the context of the passage, which of the following best articulates the author’s opinion?
A) Intelligence amplification by external means might be more difficult to achieve than by internal means.
B) Cognitive augmentation does not really constitute evolution.
C) Some people consider intelligence enhancement to be a form of cheating.
D) External and internal intelligence enhancement might constitute evolution in cultures that accept them.
E) Personalized software could be misused by a bureaucracy intent on its own continued survival.

5.. The primary purpose of the passage is to
A) describe different kinds of intelligence enhancement.
B) discuss society’s reactions to pharmacological cognitive augmentation.
C) examine the differences between external and internal intelligence enhancement.
D) dispel misgivings about humanity’s attempts at creating its own evolution.
E) illustrate the limitations of external intelligence augmentation.

Section – B :
Creative Writing Skills :
1) The last decade has seen an unprecedented growth of Talent Hunt shows on television. Are these shows really bringing out the hidden talent of our country?
Write your views in support of or against the topic. (Your ideas should be coherent, and supported by valid arguments.)

Section – C :
Grammar :
1) Write the letter of the alternative, which in your opinion, is the most suitable answer
Example: The sun ______________ now. (shine)
Answer: The sun is shining now.

1) We __________________ TV when it started to rain. (watch)
(A) was watching
(B) were watching
(C) watched
(D) will be watching

2) I __________________ to visit you yesterday, but you __________________ not at home. (want, be)
(A) wants, were
(B) wanted, was
(C) wanting, were
(D) wanted, were

3) Look! It __________________, so we can’t __________________to the beach. (rain, go)
(A) rains, go
(B) rained, went
(C) is raining, go
(D) had rained, go

4) We… London so we …… a lot about the place. (live, know)
(A) lived, know
(B) have lived, knew
(C) have lived, know
(D) living, know

Note :
** The above are sample questions for the English Entrance Examinations.
** Candidates must be prepared for a variety of such questions during their examination.

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