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All posts from Spelling Bee Competition Group 4 Sample Question Paper : Hope Foundation

Organisation : Hope Foundation
Exam : Spelling Bee Competition
Document Type : Sample Question paper
Subject : English
Year : 2015
Group : 4

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Hope Foundation Spelling Bee Group 4 Question Paper

Group : 4
Subject : English
Time : 1Hr.
M. M. : 30

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Q1. Encircle the correct spelling: (10×1=10)
a. Republican / Repablicen / Republicen.
b. Passabel / Pessable / Passable.
c. Campetant / Competent / Compatant.
d. Safficient / Sufficient / Suficient.
e. Introdaction / Introduction / Introdaction.
f. Eficiency / Efficiiency / Efficiency.
g. Degnified / Dignified / Dignifed.
h. Tarmoil / Termoil / Turmoil
i. Shepherd / Shephord / Shapherd.
j. Memoer / Memoir / Mamoir.

Q2. Read carefully and find out the wrong spelling: (5×1=5)
a. Steadily/ finaly/ readily.
b. Attitude / aptitude / altiitude.
c. Impliment / incident/ increment.
d. Against / favour / probebly.
e. Incredible / invincible / invesible.

Q3. Find out the wrong spelling in the given sentences and rewrite the correct sentence. (5×1=5)
a. The flood caused massive destraction to the crops.
b. They parsuaded the culprit and caught him.
c. He has got numeraus friends in the town.
d. I am very optemistic about the victory of our team.
e. Millions of people still do not have acsess to the necessities of life.

Q4. Find the missing alphabets: (5×1=5)
a. PER?IST?NT ………………………………..
b. AC?URA?E ………………………………..
c. ?OLIT?CI?N ………………………………..
d. SUF?ICI?NT ………………………………..
e. NATU?AL?Y ………………………………..

Q5. Unscramble the words: (5×1=5)
a. ABOSETCL ………………………………..
b. XEPLOISEV ………………………………..
c. PNOIOIN ………………………………..
d. EHTLAET ………………………………..
e. ESPFIICC ………………………………..

Group : 2
Subject : English
Time : 1Hr.
M. M. : 30
Q1. Correct the word by changing the position of any two consecutive letters. (10×1=10)
a. Erlax ……………………………..
b. Canla ……………………………..
c. Attcak ……………………………..
d. Eretc …………………………….
e. Tatract ……………………………..
f. Dipsatch ……………………………..
g. Xepand ……………………………..
h. Dsitract ……………………………..
i. Defcet ……………………………..
j. Eletc ……………………………..

Q2. Encircle the correctly spelt word: (5×1=5)
a. Surfece / Surface / Sarface
b. Disease / Diseace / Diseese
c. Fortenight / Fortneght/ Fortnight
d. Alreedy / Already / Alreade
e. Breeze / Breaze / Breize

Q3. Fill the missing alphabet: (5×1=5)
a. AMU?E ……………………..
b. ?NFORM …………………….
c. MAJO? …………………….
d. APA?T …………………….
e. MIRR?R …………………….

Q4. Correct the homophones in the given sentences and rewrite the sentence. (5×1=5)
a. This is to difficult for me.
b. I sea a strange dream while sleeping.
c. I read the hole book in one day.
d. I eight an apple in the morning.
e. Would you like a peace of cake?

Q5. Tick the most appropriate plural of the singular nouns in bold: (5×1=5)
a. FISH = Fishs / Fishes / Fishis.
b. OX = Oxen/ Oxes / Oxs.
c. LOAF = Loefs / Loaves / Loafes
d. TOOTH = Tooths / Toothes / Teeth
e. KNIFE = Knives / Knifs / Knifas

Group-2 :
Q1: Tick the most appropriate plurals of the singular nouns in bold.
a. Splash splashs/splashes/splashiz
b. Key kees/keys/keies

Q2: Choose the correctly spelt word.
a. Obediennt, obedient, obediient.
b. Awarness, awarenees, awareness.

Q3: Find the correct degree of adjectives from the options given in each sentence.
a. An elephant is (big/bigger) than mouse.
b. Kolkata is the (large/larger/largest) city of India.

Q4: Correct the misspelt words in the sentences.
Ex. There is know light in the house. No
a. I put sum oil in my hair.
b. Hurrah! We have one the match.

Q5: Replace the words in bold type with suitable words from the options given below.
a. I have some very nice friends. ( helpful/bad)
b. There is a vacant room in my house. ( small/empty)

Q6: Fill the missing alphabet.
Ex. D____NGER Danger

Group-3 :
Q1: Pick out the word which is similar in meaning to the word in bold.
a. Conceal
1. Deceive
2. Hide
3. Mislead
4. Reveal

b. Edible
1. Expensive
2. Tasty
3. Eatable
4. Pure

Q2: Use the prefixes: -un, -im, -dis, -mis, -ir or –il to make antonyms of the following words.
Ex. Possible impossible
a. Perfect
b. obedient

Q3: In each of the following sentences one word has been wrongly spelt. Find out such words and correct the spelling.
a. He herd a loud noise.
b. The meating continued for many hours.

Q4: Fill in the blanks with words which describe the persons and things in each following sentence.
Ex. A __HONEST__ (honesty/honest) person. A person who is loyal and true.
a. A _______________ (lengthy/length) story. A story which is very long.
b. A _______________(cloudy/cloud) sky. Sky covered with clouds.

Q5: Fill in the blanks with the right words from the brackets:
a. Prem is always on time. He is very ________________.(regular/punctual)
b. We must drink ____________water. (clean/clear)

Q6: Fill the missing alphabets :
Ex. PR___CESS Process

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