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Organisation : Hope Foundation
Exam : Spelling Bee Competition
Document Type : Sample Question paper
Subject : English
Year : 2015
Group : 3

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Hope Foundation Spelling Bee Question Paper

Group : 3
Subject : English
Time : 1Hr.
M. M.: 30

Related / Similar Question Paper :
Hope Foundation Spelling Bee Competition Group 2 Question Paper


i) This is the question paper cum answer sheet.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Fill all the columns in block letters only.

Sample Question

Q1. Fill in the missing vowels: (10×1=10)
a. ?CTU?L …………………………………
b. SL? V? ……………………………..
c. P?CN?C …………………………………
d. TR?? NGL? ……………………………..
e. G?RD?N …………………………………
f. L? RYNX ……………………………..
g. ? NF? R? OR …………………………………
h. STR??T ……………………………..
i. ?NSTR?M?NT…………………………………
j. S?N?OR

Q2. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the four options: (5×1=5)
a. I am very _________________.
i) Gratfull
iii) Grateful
ii) Greatfull
iv) Greatfool

b. Let us meet on ______________________.
i) Wednasday
iii) Whensday
ii) Wednesday
iv) Whednesday

c. The __________________ is awesome.
i) Weather
iii) Wheether
ii) Wether
iv) Weathur

d. Come ______________________!
i) Immediately
iii) Immediatly
ii) Immeditely
iv) Immediataly

e. The story is __________________.
i) Interasting
iii) Intrasting
ii) Intresting
iv) Interesting

Q3. Correct the homophones in the given sentences and rewrite the sentence. (5×1=5)
a. The healthiest drink is plane water. …………………………
b. The school principle is very kind. …………………………..
c. Hadil has a pane in her shoulder. ……………………………
d. Do you think it is going to rein today? ………………………
e. I have for dollars in my pocket. …………………………….

Q4. Pick out the word which is similar in meaning to the word in bold. (5×1=5)
a. Tired
a. Desperate
b. Exhausted
c. Bored
d. Delighted

b. Use
a. Operate
c. Lend
d. Raise

c. Real
a. Safe
b. False
c. Genuine
d. Fake

d. Kind

e. Fast

Q5. Use the prefixes: -un, -im, -dis, -mis, -ir or –il to make antonyms of the following words. : (5×1=5)
a. Regular …………………………….
b. Possible …………………………….
c. Comfortable …………………………….
d. Advantage …………………………….
e. Behave …………………………….

Group : 1
Subject : English
Time : 1Hr.
M. M. : 30
Instructions :
i) This is the question paper cum answer sheet.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii)Fill all the columns in block letters only.

Q1. Fill the missing alphabet. (10×1=10)
a. POC?ET ……………………..
b. LEA?N ……………………..
c. ALO?E ……………………..
d. SUM?ER ……………………..
e. TALK?D ……………………..
f. DO?S ……………………..
g. BECA?SE ……………………..
h. DUCKLI?GS …………………….
i. WR?TE …………………….
j. LEMONA?E …………………….

Q2. Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right: (5×1=5)
a. CHAIR – a group consisting of their parents and children.
b. AFTERNOON – a body of land, completely surrounded by water.
c. SURPRISE – A piece of furniture.
d. FAMILY – the period between noon and evening.
e. ISLAND – the act of surprising.

Q3. Unscramble the following words: (5×1=5)
a. OLDC ………………………..
b. NEPCIL ………………………..
c. EERT ………………………..
d. ONW ………………………..
e. UOHSE ………………………..

Q4. Circle the HOMOPHONE that best fits in the sentence: (5×1=5)
a. I had (ATE/EIGHT) dollars left to play video games.
b. We stayed at the (INN/IN) overnight.
c. The (SON/SUN) rose in the morning.
d. My mom waited for the (SAIL/SALE) at the store.
e. My parents (ALLOWED/ALOUD) me to watch a movie with my friend.

Q5. Find the correctly spelt word: (5×1=5)
a. Everythign / everhtying / everything / eevrything.
b. Eflt / felt / fetl / ffelt.
c. Umbrela / umbralla / umbrella / umbrilla
d. Boat / baot / bota / botta.
e. Teras / tears / teasr / teeras

Group : 4
Subject : English
Time : 1Hr.
M. M. : 30
Q1. Encircle the correct spelling: (10×1=10)
a. Republican / Repablicen / Republicen.
b. Passabel / Pessable / Passable.
c. Campetant / Competent / Compatant.
d. Safficient / Sufficient / Suficient.
e. Introdaction / Introduction / Introdaction.
f. Eficiency / Efficiiency / Efficiency.
g. Degnified / Dignified / Dignifed.
h. Tarmoil / Termoil / Turmoil
i. Shepherd / Shephord / Shapherd.
j. Memoer / Memoir / Mamoir.

Q2. Read carefully and find out the wrong spelling: (5×1=5)
a. Steadily/ finaly/ readily.
b. Attitude / aptitude / altiitude.
c. Impliment / incident/ increment.
d. Against / favour / probebly.
e. Incredible / invincible / invesible.

Q3. Find out the wrong spelling in the given sentences and rewrite the correct sentence. (5×1=5)
a. The flood caused massive destraction to the crops.
b. They parsuaded the culprit and caught him.
c. He has got numeraus friends in the town.
d. I am very optemistic about the victory of our team.
e. Millions of people still do not have acsess to the necessities of life.

Q4. Find the missing alphabets: (5×1=5)
a. PER?IST?NT ………………………………..
b. AC?URA?E ………………………………..
c. ?OLIT?CI?N ………………………………..
d. SUF?ICI?NT ………………………………..
e. NATU?AL?Y ………………………………..

Q5. Unscramble the words: (5×1=5)
a. ABOSETCL ………………………………..
b. XEPLOISEV ………………………………..
c. PNOIOIN ………………………………..
d. EHTLAET ………………………………..
e. ESPFIICC ………………………………..

Add a Comment
  1. Please tell that, what are the awards for the second level.

  2. What is the exact date of 2nd round Hope foundation spelling bee exam? Kindly provide sample papers for 2nd round for class VI.

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