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Organisation : Uttarakhand Public Service Commission
Exam : Forest Range Officer Pre Exam
Paper: Question Paper of Forest Range Officer Pre Exam – 2015
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2015

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Model Question Paper of Forest Range Officer Pre Exam :

PART – I :
General Studies :
1. Viren Dangwal was awarded Sahitya Academy Award for his book
(a) Syahi Tal
(b) Isi Duniya Mein

Related : UKPSC Model Question Paper of RO/ARO (Pre) Exam 2016 :

(c) Dushchakra Mein Srishta
(d) Kal Ki Baat

2. Environmental Conservation Programme launched by the Government of Uttarakhand, during the Harela Festival-2015, is known as
(a) Hamara Paudha, Hamara Paisa
(b) Hariyali
(c) Ped Bachao
(d) Hamara Ped, Hamara Dhan

3. In which of the following State of America, is the Silicon Valley situated ?
(a) Florida
(b) California
(c) Texas
(d) Colorado

4. ‘Hamari Dharohar’ scheme in India is introduced to
(a) promote survival, protection and education of girl child.
(b) provide day care services to children of working women.
(c) improve language development by creating interest in reading and writing.
(d) preserve rich heritage of minority communities of India.

5. The golden rule of fiscal policy is that the governments are expected to borrow over the cycle to finance
(a) Current expenditure
(b) Old loans
(c) Investments
(d) Imported consumer goods
6. The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) recommends minimum support prices at national level for
(a) 20 crops
(b) 22 crops
(c) 23 crops
(d) 25 crops

7. Which metal is found at the following places-Hutti, Kolar and Ramgiri in India ?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Copper
(c) Silver
(d) Gold

8. Agricultural credit flow target by Government of India for 2014-15 has been fixed at
(a) 6,00,000 crore
(b) 8,00,000 crore
(c) 7,00,000 crore
(d) 9,00,000 crore

9. Which of the following is dubbed as a ‘living fossil’ ?
(a) Sphenodon
(b) Toad
(c) Echidna
(d) Crocodile

10. Which of the following is not a constitutional prerogative of the President of India ?
(a) Returning back an ordinary bill for reconsideration
(b) Returning back a money bill for reconsideration
(c) Dissolution of Lok Sabha
(d) Summoning of the session of the Rajya Sabha

11. Upto what age, can the judges of Supreme Court serve ?
(a) 62 years
(b) 68 years
(c) 65 years
(d) 70 years

12. What is the normal tenure of a Panchayat ?
(a) 3 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 2 years
(d) 5 years

13. Economically the most important rocks in India are
(a) Gondwana rocks
(b) Dharwar rocks
(c) Vindhyan rocks
(d) Cuddpha rocks

14. Gandak river is associated with one of the following river systems :
(a) Brahmaputra
(b) Indus
(c) Ganga
(d) None of these

15. At what altitude are Alpine forests found ?
(a) 1800 – 2000 m
(b) 900 – 1800 m
(c) 2000 – 2500 m
(d) 2900 – 3500 m

16. Where is the First Biosphere Reserve of India is located ?
(a) Nilgiri
(b) Nanda Devi
(c) Sunder van
(d) Great Nicobar

17. The maximum rainfall in India is received from
(a) South-West monsoon
(b) Retreating monsoon
(c) North-Eastern monsoon
(d) Cyclones

18. Integral coach factory is located at
(a) Varanasi
(b) Chitranjan
(c) Gorakhpur
(d) Perambur

19. Who among the following deciphered the Mauryan Brahmi for the first time ?
(a) William Jones
(b) James Princep
(c) Alexander Cunningham
(d) John Marshall

20. Which Indian National Park is famous for Rhinoceros population ?
(a) Kaziranga
(b) Jim Corbett
(c) Ranthambor
(d) Bannerghatta

21. Which of the following term was not mentioned in Rig Veda ?
(a) Jana
(b) Janapada
(c) Samgrama
(d) Gram

22. Bhimbetaka is famous for
(a) Pre-historic paintings
(b) Stupas
(c) Sculptures
(d) Temples

23. The copper coin called Jital was issued by
(a) Mohmmad-bin-Tughlaq
(b) Alauddin Khalji
(c) Balban
(d) Iltutmish

24. Who wrote Jahangir Chandrika ?
(a) Keshava Dass
(b) Kishandas
(c) Rammanohar Lal
(d) Jadrup Gusain

25. During the Mughal period Mansabdari system was related to
(a) Justice
(b) Trade
(c) Military administration
(d) Religious affairs

26. Shivaji’s administration had
(a) Asht Adhayaksha
(b) Asht Sachiva
(c) Asht Pramukha
(d) Asht Pradhana

27. Mahalwari system was related to
(a) Education
(b) Land revenue
(c) Community system
(d) Trade

28. In which of the following session of the Round Table Conference, did Indian National Congress participate ?
(a) Second
(b) First
(c) First and third
(d) Third

29. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) was set up in the year
(a) 1937 A.D.
(b) 1930 A.D.
(c) 1920 A.D.
(d) 1927 A.D.

30. Who founded the Indian Natal Congress ?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) B.G. Tilak
(d) Motilal Nehru

31. Which party declared 16th August, 1946 A.D. as the Direct Action Day ?
(a) Swaraj Party
(b) Indian National Congress
(c) Muslim League
(d) None of these

32. Which of the following statements about the Simon Commission are false ?
1. The Commission had five members.
2. The Commission had seven members.
3. Liberal Federation supported the Commission.
4. Hindu Mahasabha opposed the Commission.
(a) 1 and 3
(b) only 2
(c) 2 and 4
(d) only 3

33. Which of the following Act made a provision for setting up a Public Service Commission in India ?
(a) Act of 1909 C.E
(b) Act of 1935 C.E
(c) Act of 1942 C.E
(d) Act of 1947 C.E

34. In which year was the ‘All India Women Conference’ established ?
(a) 1905 C.E
(b) 1920 C.E
(c) 1927 C.E
(d) 1930 C.E

35. Which of the following sub-caste is not based on place name ?
(a) Dobhal
(b) Naithani
(c) Gururani
(d) Joshi

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