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Organisation : Department Of State Educational Research And Training
Exam : State Level NTSE Examination
Paper: Language Comprehensive Test Paper – II
Document Type : Model/Sample Question Paper
Year : 2013

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Language Comprehensive Test Model Question Paper :

Instructions to Candidates :
1. The Question Booklet containing 50 questions and the OMR answer sheet is given to you.
2. All questions are compulsory, each question carry one mark.
3. During the examination,

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DSERT State Level NTSE Model Question Paper

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8. English version of the question paper will be considered as final, in case of any dispute arising out of variation in translation version.
9. In case of any dispute the opinion of the experts appointed by DSERT will be final.

Questions (1 – 5) :
Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer to the questions :
To someone who had only a paper knowledge of India, it might seem that Indian women were the best off in the world. We have the vote, we have the right of abortion, and we have practically everything else in between. The Special Marriages Act is the most sensible and ignified marriage contract possible to imagine.In actual fact, only a fraction of the women get the advantage of its liberal provisions, prominent among the exceptions being Muslim women. Perhaps, some day, the live facts of a woman’s position will catch up with the paper position

1. One can conclude from the passage that
1) Indian women are better off in the world.
2) A lot of privileges on paper have not been translated into reality.
3) Indian women do not know how to enjoy benefits.
4) Indian women have no access to their privileges.

2. From the information given in the passage, one can say that
1) The Special Marriages Act has benefited only Hindu women.
2) Women have a long way to go, as far as privileges are concerned.
3) Muslim women, by far, have benefited the least from the privileges.
4) The Special Marriages Act requires modifications

3. Equal pay for equal work means
1) payment on par with men
2) same amount of work as men
3) all women to be paid equally
4) all women to be allotted the same kind of work that men do

4. The writer feels that an era of easy house-keeping would reach every woman because
1) working women do not work at home
2) it would specially help Muslim women
3) it would help women not to marry
4) no woman is usually exempted from house-keeping

5. The writer’s intention in this passage seems to be to
1) sympathise with the plight of women
2) show the injustice meted out to Muslim women
3) show which privilege would really ease women’s lives
4) present arguments for equal payment for women

Questions (6 – 10) :
Read the following passage and choose the appropriate answer to the questions :
Clara Monica was a nurse who contributed to the research on yellow fever at the turn of the 20th century. She was working as a civilian nurse in Cuba, where army Majors William George and Walter Benjamin were conducting experiments to isolate the cause of the disease. Tests ruled out dirt and poor sanitation as causes of yellow fever, and mosquitoes were suspected carriers. Clara was among the group who volunteered to be bitten by the insect. She contracted the disease and died on 24th Aug. 1901. She was the only woman to participate in the experiment and among the few volunteers to die from it.  With her death, the study ended, however the results of the experiment provided conclusive evidence that mosquitoes were the source of the disease
6. The reading of the passage implies that many of the volunteers
1) were not men
2) did not die
3) were not bitten
4) did not participate in the research

7. The word that best describes Clara is
1) ambitious
2) inexperienced
3) dedicated
4) over worked

8. One can infer from the passage that
1) yellow fever disappeared after 1901
2) the cause of yellow fever became clear
3) no one died of yellow fever after 1901
4) research on yellow fever continued after 1901

9. The study ended with Clara’s death because
1) There were no more volunteers to participate
2) It was impossible to isolate the cause of the disease
3) Majors William George and Walter Benjamin decided to stop all further research
4) The cause of the disease was already proved

10. The actual cause for yellow fever, according to your reading of the passage is
1) dirt and sanitation
2) mosquitoes
3) dirty habits of people
4) conditions of life in Cuba

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