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Professional Examination Board Pre-Agriculture Test Sample Question Paper :

Organisation : Professional Examination Board
Exam : Entrance Test
Paper: Pre-Agriculture Test
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2014

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Pre-Agriculture Test Sample Question Paper :

Instructions to the candidates :

1. . This question booklet contains 200 questions numbered from 1to 200 and each question carries 1 mark. All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking.

Related : Professional Examination Board Pre-Veterinary and Fisheries Test Sample Question Paper :

2. Tally the number of pages along with no. of questions printed on cover page of the booklet. Also check that question booklet contains the questions of all relevant subjects/topics, as required and stated above and no repetition or omission of questions is evident.

3. If any.discrepancy is found in the Question Booklet, the same can be replaced with another correct Question Booklet.

4. Before answering the questions please read carefully the instructions printed on the back cover page of the question booklet and strictly follow them. There is no provision of erasing or changing of the answer marked in to M.A. answer sheets by any other means. Therefore, Indicate your answers by blacking un circles by black ball-point pen carefully on the O.M.R. Answer Sheet provided.

5. Use of any type of.calculator, mobile phone or any other electronic equipment and log table etc. is strictly prohibited

Physics :
1. If a free electron is placed in the path of a plane electromagnetic wave, it will start moving
(A) towards the center of earth
(B) towards the equator of earth
(e) towards the direction of magnetic field
(D) opposite to the direction of electric field

2. The power of lens of focal length 1 cm is
(A) 1 D
(B) 10 D
(e) 100 D
(D) 0’01 D

3. One cannot see through fog because
(A) fog absorbs light
(B) light is scattered by the droplets in fog
(e) light suffers total reflection at the droplets in fog
(D) the refractive index of fog is infinity

4. The dual nature of light exhibited by
(A) diffraction and photoelectric effect
(B) diffraction and reflection
(e) refraction and interference
(D) photoelectric effect

5. Huygens’ wave theory allows us to know
(A) the wavelength of the wave
(B) the velocity of the wave
(C) the amplitude of the wave
(D) the propagation of fronts

6. The dimensional formula for impulse is
(A) MLT-2
(B) MLT-1
(C) ML2T-1
(D) M2LT-1

7. The unit of reluctance is
(A.) ohm
(B) volt
(C) mho
(D) newton

8. The layers of atmosphere are heated through
(A) convection
(B) conduction
(C) radiation
(D) (B) and (C) both

9. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon
(A) specific volume
(B) pressure
(C) temperature
(D) density

10. The spectrum from Black body radiation is
(A) a line spectrum
(B) a band spectrum
(C) a continuous spectrum
(D) line and ban4 spectrum both

Chemistry :
11. The metal present in Chlorophyll is
(A) Fe
(B) Mg
(C) Co
(D) Mn

12. Soaps are metal salts of
(A) alkane
(B) alcohol
(C) fatty acid
(D) sulphonic acid

13. Rickets is caused due to the deficiency of
(A) vitamin A
(B) vitamin B
(C) vitamin 0
(D) vitamin E

14. Soaps are salts of
(A) strong acid and strong base
(B) strong acid and weak base
(C) weak acid and strong ;base
(D) weak acid and weak base

15. The silver halide having maximum solubility in water is
(A) AgF
(B) Agel
(C) AgBr
(D) AgI

16. If in a geometric progressien, 3rd term is 2, 5th term is 8, then the 10th term is
(A) 82
(B) 256
(C) 526
(D) 512

17. The coefficient of variation, of a distribution is 60 and the standard deviation is 20. The aritmetic mean of
(A) 100/3
(B) 103/3
(C) 100
(D) 30

18. Two poles of lengths 6 metres and 3 metres respectively are standing straight upright at certain distance. Athird pole of length 5 metres is placed touching the tops of the two vertical poles. The horizontal distance between the two vertical poles is
(A) 2 metres
(B) 4 metres
(C) 3 metres
(D) root 3 metres

19. Two geometric means between 9 and 576 are
(A) 18 and 172
(B) 144 and 86
(C) 36 and 144
(O) 81 and 243

20. 50th term of -5Q – 45, – 4Q — is
(A) -400
(B) +250
(C) -195
(D) +195

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