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PUNSUP Senior Auditor Sample Question Paper : Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation

Organisation : PUNSUP / Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Post : Senior Auditor

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Senior Auditor Sample Question Paper :

Directions for Q. Nos. 1-4: Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrase verb out of the four choices given.
1.The children were keeping lots of sweets fer a midnight feast.
(A) turning out
(B) hoarding up
(C) keeping up
(D) sending off

2.Ramesh unexpectedly discovered the advert for the holiday.
(A) stumbled on
(B) delved into
(C) string along
(D) fall for

3. It was a difficult decision, but Tara and Ramu decided to continue with their divorce.
(A) go through with
(B) put up
(C) take after
(D) look through

4. Azahar passionately began telling a string of excuses when the manager asked him why he was late for work. –
(A) set off
(B) launched into
(C) laid on
(D) pressed against

Directions for Q.Nos. 5-7: Choose the correct opposite to the given word out of the four Choice
5. Commendation
(A) appreciation
(B) bias (C)
(D) condemnation

6. Introduce
(A) begin
(B) abolish
(C) launch
(D) complete

7. Nauseous
(A) Deaf
(B) Dumb
(C) Noisy
(D) Charming

Directions for Q.Nos. 65-90:

65. Income of a religious trust is chargeable to tax as income of —
(A) An association of persons
(B) A body of individuals
(C) individual

66. Residential status of an assessee can be
(A) Different for different previous years in the same assessment year
(B)Different for different assessment years
(C) Different for current years
(D) Different for previous years

67. Merger of two entities engaged in unrelated business activities is known as:
(A) Conglomerate Merger
(B) Vertical Merger
(C) Horizontal Merger
(D) Demerger

68. ‘CENVAT” is reiated with–
(A) Excise Duty
(B) Money
(C) Foreign Currency
(D) Transport

69. Which of the following is not a component of Economic Value Added?
(A) Net sales
(B) Net operating profit after tax
(C) Cost of Capital
(D) Capital employed

70. Cost of intangible fixed assets are ……… over their useful lives.
(A) Depreciated
(B) Amortised
(C) Charged
(D) Allocated

71. A charge on movable goods in which the borrowers undertake to give their possession to the bank when directed, is known as:
(A) Lien
(B) Pledge
(C) Hypothecation
(D) Mortgage

72. Accounting Standard – 14 is related with—
(A) Amalgamation
(B) Valuation of stock
(C) Depreciation Accounting
(D) Valuation of Assets

73. Which one of the following is Leverage Ratio?
(A) Debt Equity Ratio
(B Current Ratio
(C) Operating Ratio
(D) Inventory Ratio

74. AS-3 is related with
(A) Cash Flow Statement
(B) Fund Flow Statement
(C) Stock
(D) Depreciation Accounting

75. Decrease in cost as a result of reduced volume of sales results in
(A) Cost volume variance
(B) Sales volume variance
(C) Sales price variance
(D) Fixed overhead variance

76. A firm will not have operating leverage if–
(A) Its ratio offixed cost to total cost is nil
(B) Its ratio of variable cost to total cost is nil
(C) Its ratio of production cost to total cost is nil
(D) Its ratio offixed cost to production costs is nil

77. The concept of cost of capital can also be explained in terms of ………….. coSt.
(A) Variable cost
(B) Capital cost
(C) Full cost
(D) Opportunity cost

78. Consolidated financial statements are prepared when a parent subsidiary relationship exists and is recognition of the accounting concept of
(A) Business Entity
(B) Going concern
(C) Objectivity
(D) Materiality

79. An unidentifiable intangible asset is
(A) Goodwill
(B) Copyright
(C) Trademark
(D) Patent rights

80. Unquoted non-trade investments can be shown at
(A) Market value
(B) Cost
(C) Realisable value
(D) Nominal value

81. The accounting measurement that is not consistent with the going concern concept is
(A) Realization
(B) Historical cost
(C) Liquidation value
(D) Continuity

82. Nonfund credit facility by a bank includes
(A) Letter of credit
(B) Bank guarantee
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Bills discounting

83. An insurance plan in which claims may arise either by death or maturity is a
(A) Whole life Policy
(B) Endowment Policy
(C) Annuity Policy
(D) Term insurance

84. Under inflationary condition, FIFO method will lead to
(A)Higher sales
(B) Higher Profits
(C) Lower sales
(D) Lower profits

85. Which of the following is termed as Dividend Irrelevance Theory?
(A) Trade off Theory
(B) M-M Hypothesis
(C) Pecking Order Hypothesis
(D) Walter’s Model

86. Global Depository Receipts are
(A) Advance payments by importers to exporter
(B) Receipts of goods delivered to importers
(C) Indirect investments in equity capital of a firm by foreigners
(D) A device used by a central bank to accumulate foreign exchange reserves.

87. Beta in CAPM is a measure of
(A) Systematic risk
(B) Unsystematic risk
(C) Total risk
(D) All types of risks

88. Bonus Shares are issued by the companies because
(A) Surplus cash is available
(B) There are heavy accumulated general reserves
(C) There is heavy competition from similar companies
(D) They have very high gross profit ratio

89. ‘Causa Proxima” implies that the loss must arise from
(A) The nearest place
(B) An ascertainable source
(C) Cause insured against
(D) Unforeseen sources

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