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Name of the University : SGT University
Degree : MBBS
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Name of the Subject : Anatomy

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MBBS – Anatomy  Sample Paper

Q.l Write in brief about :-
a) Nucleus, course, branchesand applied anatomy of FacialNerve.
b) Grossanatomy, Nerve supply and Histology of Tongue

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Q.2 Describe briefly :-
a) Movement of Temporomandibular joint with musclesproducing movements.
b) Inlet of the larynxz; and c) NasalSeptum.
Q.3 Write short notes on :-
a) Layersof Scalpwith applied importance.
b) Structures embeded in the substance of the Parotid gland
c) Blood supply of long bone with clinical significance
0,4 Describe in short:
a) Elbow joint under following headings:-
i) Bonesforming joint; iii)
ii) Ligaments; iv) Movements; Applied Anatomy
b) Formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Add a no eon
Q.S Draw well labeled diagram to show :-
a) Transverse section of Medulla at the level of Pyramidal decussati n;
b) Structure of spermatozoa; and
c) Boundaries & contents of cubital Fossa.
Q.6 Write in brief :-
a) Microanatomy of Hyaline cartilage;
b) Deltoid Muscle; and
d) Distribution of Median Nerve in hand.

Anatomy- B :
Q.l Enumerateonly
a) Stucturespassingthroughopeningsin the diaphragm. (2)
b) Branchesof abdominalaorta. (2)
C) Derrivativesof Mesonephricduct. (2)
D) Partsof male urethera. (2)
Q.2 Writein briefabouta)
Grossanatomy,relationsanddevelopmentof urinary ladder.(4)
b) Formationcontentsandapplied anatomyof rectuss eath. (4)
Q.3 Writeshortnoteson
a ) Histologyof skin. (3)
b ) Deepperinealpouch. (3)
c ) Relationsof stomach.
Venousdrainageof lowerlimb.
Developmentof Inter-atrialseptum
Q.5 Writebrieflyon –
Hamstring muscles.
Femoral hernia
a) Klinefeltor”sSyndrome.
b) Cutaneous Nervesupplyof the dorsumof foot.
c) Arch of aorta

Physiology – A :
PART-l :
Q.1 Describe briefly
a) Rh blood group system with its importance
b) Describe the functions of Plasma Proteins
c) Fate of Haemoglobin following haemolysis
Q.2 Write short notes on:
a) Define cardiac output. Explain one method of measuring it.
b) Short term regulation of arterial blood pressure
c) What is windkessel effect? What is its importance?
Q.3 Discuss the following
a) Cell mediated immunity
b) Lonic basis of pace maker potential
c) Body response to hot weather

Q.4 Enumerate the hormones of anterior pituitary. Describe the functions of growth hormone. Add a note on acromegaly and gigantism. (2+4+2)
Q.S Write short notes on
a) Puberty
b) Spermatogenesis
c) Cushing syndrome
Q.6 Describe in brief
a) Chemical regulation of respiration
b) Oxygen-Haemoglobin dissociation curve

Q.1 Describe neural circuit with in cerebella cortex. Give the role of cerebellu in control of voluntary movements. (4+4)

a) Differentiate between the following:
b) Chemical and electrical synapse.
c) A (j fiber and c fiber nociceptors.
d) Classical decerebrate Rigidity and Ischemic decerbrate Rigidity.Spasticity and rigidity.

a) Write notes on :
b) Conductive deafness.
c) Colour blindness. Olfactory Pathways.

Q.4 Describe in brief:
a) Define action potential and give the details of its origin, phases, ionic basi & properties (4)
b) What is Extracellular recording of action potential? Give the physiological Significance and its clinical use. (4)

Q.A Describe in detail:
a) Define GFR. Mention its normal values. Explain the mechanism & factor affecting it. (6)
b) Describe the Na+ reabsorption along the various parts of the Nephron an the factors which regulate it.

Q.6 Differentiate between:
a) Visceral smooth muscle fibers & multiunit smooth musclefibers (2)
b) Myelinated and Unmyelinated Nerves (2)
c) Phases of gastric juice secretion.

Time:- 03 hrs. Maximum Ma ks: 50
Instructions :
1. WriteYourRollNo.on the QuestionPaper.
2. Attempt all the questionand partsof a questionshouldbeattempted in the seque tial order.
3. TheQuestionPaperconsistsof two parts:Part-l andPart-It having25maximumm rks for each.
4. Useseparateanswer-book for Part-l & Part-IIrespectively.Any mistakein this egardWill be at the risk and the responsibilityof the examineeand no complaint will be ente ained in this regardafter the examination
5. Drawthe diagram wherever required.

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