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Organisation : Reserve Bank of India
Document Type : Sample Papers
Post Name : Legal Officer
Year : 2012
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Paper-I-General Knowledge of Law :
Paper-II-English :

Legal Officer Sample Paper :

TIME : 9-30 A.M. TO 12-30 P.M.
Maximum Marks : 150

N.B. :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Part-A consists of objective type questions and Part-B consists of Descriptive type questions.

(3) Answer should be written in English.
(4) No reference books will be given or allowed to be used.
(5) Answers should indicate reasons and wherever possible references to decided cases should be given.
(6) Black figures to the right indicate the number of marks of the question.

Total—30 Marks
(2 Marks Each)

Paper I

1. In 2006, Reserve Bank of India had set up a panel to recommend the legislation related to regulation of which of the following ?
(a) Capital markets
(b) Money lending
(c) Financial inclusion
(d) None of the above.

2. Which among the following correctly defines Hundi ?
(a) They are slips on paper presented to the customer while purchasing goods.
(b) They are accounts of unorganized sector in India.
(c) They are key instruments of credit in the unorganized money market in India.
(d) None of the above.

3. ‘A’ admits to have received goods supplied by ‘B’ though there was no order therefor. In this context which of the following statement is correct ?
(a) It is an invalid contract in the absence of order for goods.
(b) It is a valid contract having privity of contract between ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the presumption of an order.
(c) The contract between “A” and “B” is invalid as the supply of goods was unwarranted and gratuitous.
(d) The contract between “A” and “B” is invalid until “B” discharges the onus that “B” supplied goods to “A” pursuant to an order.

4. A agrees to sell to B, “all grain in my granary at Laxmannagar”. The agreement is ……………….. .
(a) void as there is uncertainty
(b) valid as no uncertainty there
(c) unenforceable
(d) voidable.

5. The first case on the ‘Doctrine of frustration’ as decided by the Supreme Court of India is—
(a) Raja Dhruv Dev v/s Raja Harmohinder Singh
(b) Sushila Devi v/s Hari Singh
(c) Basanti Bastralaya v/s River Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.
(d) Satyabrata Ghose v/s Mugneeram.

6. Doctrine of “Lis Pendens” could not apply in—
(a) involuntary sale
(b) compromise decree
(c) execution of sale during pendency of suit
(d) transfer by a person who was not a party to suit at the time of transfer.

7. ‘Once a mortgage always a mortgage’. This was held in—
(a) Kapoor v/s Kapoor
(b) Noakes and Co. v/s Rice
(c) Subhash v/s Ganga prasad
(d) Raghunath Singh v/s Hansraj.

8. ‘X’ purchased a stamp paper in the name of a person whose name he intended to forge. X is guilty of—
(a) forgery
(b) attempt to forgery
(c) attempt of cheating
(d) no offence.

9. Which Constitutional amendment granted a position of primacy to all the Directive principles over Fundamental Rights ?
(a) 24th
(b) 25th
(c) 36th
(d) 42nd.

10. The landmark ruling of M.C. Mehta v/s Union of India, AIR 1987 SC (1086) laid down the doctrine of—
(a) Strict liability
(b) Absolute liability
(c) Vicarious liability
(d) None of the above.

11. Which part of the Constitution of India was described as the “Soul of the Constitution’ by Dr. Ambedkar ?
(a) The Preamble
(b) The Chapter on Fundamental Rights
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy
(d) Right to Constitutional Remedies.

12. In India, Mandamus lie against ;
(a) Officers bound to do a public duty
(b) Government
(c) Both Officers and Government
(d) None of the these.

13. Obiter dicta in legal parlance refers to—
(a) material facts of the case plus the decision thereon
(b) Observations made by a Court in a particular case
(c) Hypothetical facts, illustrations and casual expressions made by a court in a particular case.
(d) both (b) and (c).

14. A contract of insurance is—
(a) Standard form of contract
(b) Wagering agreement
(c) Agreement enforceable by Law
(d) Contingent contract.

15. Precept is—
(a) a transfer of the decree
(b) an order to another competent court to attach any property of judgement debtor.
(c) an execution of decree
(d) all the above.

Marks 15
1. Briefly answer the following :—
(a) Do prisoners have human rights ? Discuss.
(b) Discuss the rule laid down in Hadley v/s Baxendale under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 on assessment of Damages.
(c) Discuss ‘Judicial Activism’ in context of judgements decided by the Supreme Court of India.

Marks 10
2. Write short notes on any three :—
(a) Audi Alteram Partem
(b) Gender Inequalities in India
(c) Right to Free and Compulsory Education
(d) Res Judicata
(e) Sexual abuse of Children

3. Mr. XYZ, aged 90 years an Indian Inhabitant desires to execute a will in favour of his two sons “A” and “B” and daughter “C” equally. Draft a Will for Mr. XYZ.

4. Solve the following giving reason :—
(a) ‘X’ a doctor, informs his patient ‘Y’ that he was suffering from cancer. Hearing this ‘Y’ dies of heart failure. Has “X” committed any offence ? Discuss stating reasons.

(b) ‘A’ a trademan, leaves goods at B’s house by mistake. ‘B’ treats the goods as his own and uses the same. Would ‘A’ have civil legal remedy against ‘B’. Explain giving reasons.

Paper II

[TIME—2-30 P.M. TO 5-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks—100)

1. Write an argumentative essay of about 500 words on any one of the following topics :—
(a) Should we tax the super-rich at a higher rate of income-tax ?
(b) Can Information Technology make banking sector safer and more effective ?
(c) How safe are women in our cities ?
(d) Foreign Direct Investment and its impact on Indian consumers.
(e) Wastage of food–a disturbing trend in India.

(b) (i) Answer briefly and in your own words the following questions based on the passage given above :—
(1) Trace the background that led to the emergence of Public Interest Litigation.
(2) Define ‘Public Interest Litigation’. How does it differ from ordinary Litigation ?
(3) Write any two salient features of Public Interest Litigation that have appealed to you.
(4) What is meant by ‘Judicial Activism’ ? What is its need and importance in India ?

(ii) Explain clearly the contextual meaning of any three of the following expressions in the passage :—
(a) ‘ locus standi ’
(b) pecuniary interest
(c) aggrieved party
(d) redressal of grievances
(e) ‘ vis-a-vis ’
(f) proactive steps.

3. Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words :—
(a) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has received several complaints from customers pertaining to bank accounts, loans and deposits. They have drawn the attention of RBI to hardship faced by them regarding minimum balance requirement, renewal of term deposits, disbursal and closure of loans. A Committee has been appointed to study customer service in banks and suggest ways to improve it. Draft the Committee’s Report.

(b) Draft a Circular to be sent by RBI to all State and Central Co-operative Banks to forgo levying of penalty on prepayment of home loans on floating interest with immediate effect. Give reasons for such an urgent decision taken by RBI.

(c) The President of Bank Depositors’ Association has written a letter to RBI in which he has pointed out that most agreements with banks are one-sided. They are loaded in favour of banks. Further, several banks have been charging hefty fees for closing bank accounts. In case of dispute the burden of proving innocence is put on the customers. On behalf of RBI, draft a letter to be sent to the President of the Association stating that a panel, headed by a person of the rank of Deputy Governor, has been constituted to study various customer-related issues and suggest measures to make banking sector globally competitive. Also, assure him that henceforth all customer complaints will be resolved within forty five days.

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