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Board : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education
Exam : Class XI
Subject : Psychology
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
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Psychology Question Paper :

Class -XI :
Group-A :

Related : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education Class XI Physics Question Paper Sample :

1. Choose the correct answer or answer the following question in one word or one Sentence: 1×11=11
(a) Who established the first laboratory of psychology :-
(i) James,
(ii) Angell
(iii) Wundt
(iv) Titchener

(b) The founder members of Gestat school of psychology?
(c) Name one Projective tesy?
(d) Which part of the brain controls our emotion~
(e) Who first used the term ‘Maturation’ in child psychology?
(f) Which is the exact recepter of gustatory sensation?
(g)Suppose a student is solving a mathematical problem. What type of attention is required here?
(h) Who propounded Operant Conditioning?
(i) Basic processes of memory are encoding,…………………………, and retrieval. (Fill in the gap)
(j) ‘The term motivation refers to the arousal of tendency to act to produce one or more effets’’-Who said this?
(k) What are the beasic emotions according to Watson?

Group-B :
2. Answer the following questions within 20-30 words : 2×10=20
(a) Why the definition of psychology as a ‘science of soul’ is not accepted?
(b) Write two goals of psychological Enquiry.
(c) What do you mean by the physchological basis of behaviour?
(d) What are the stages of development according to Earnest Jones?
(e) What is illusion?
(f) What do you mean by ‘law of exercise’?
(g) What do you mean by ‘Retention’?
(h) What is self-aclualization?
(i) What is Emotion?
(j) Write any two differences between anger and fear.

Group-C :
3. Answer the following questions within 30-60 words : 3×8=24
(a) Discuss the contribution of Girindra Sekhar Bose in the development of psychology in India.
(b) Explain how Experimental method is used in psychological investigation?
(c) Discuss the structure of Neuron.
(d) ‘Adolescence is the period of stress and strain’-Discuss
(e) Discuss any three factors of perceptual organisation.
(f) Discuss any three charactereitics of attention.
(g) Describe about the motivational eycle in brief along with diagram.
(h) Discuss in brief the James—Lange Theory of Emotion.

Group-D :
4. Answer within 150 words : 3×5=15
(a) Describe the structure of Internal Ear with diagram. How do we hear?
Discuss the attributes of sensation.
(b) What are the characteristics of learning?
Critically discuss about the Gestalt theory of learning.
(c) Describe in brief about the ‘Atkinson Shiffrin Information Processing Model.’’
What are the causes of forgetting.

Syllabus :
Unit I : Introduction to Psychology (10 Periods)
** Definition of Psychology
** Development of Psychology: Old concept to Modern concept
** School of Psychology: Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviourism, Gestaltism and Psychoanalysis with criticism
** Psychology as Science
** Branches of Psychology: Pure and Applied
** Development of Psychology in India

Unit II : Methods of Enquiry in Psychology (15 Periods)
** Goals of Psychological Enquiry
** Different Methods of Psychology:
i. Introspection method
ii. Observation method
iii. Experimental method
iv. Cross Sectional and Longitudinal method
v. Case history method
** Tools of psychological enquiry:
i. Tests
ii. Interviews
iii. Questionnaires

Unit III : Biological Bases of Human Behaviour (20 Periods)
** Relationship between Body and Mind
** Structure, Function and Types of Neuron
** General idea of Human Nervous System with special reference to Brain and Spinal Cord (Cranial Nerves and Spinal Nerves)
** Brief discussion on Endocrine System

Unit IV : Human Development (10 periods)
** Meaning of Development
** Growth, Maturation, Development and Evolution
** Factors influencing Development
** Overview of Developmental Stages with special reference to Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence

Unit V : Sensory Process (20 periods)
** Definition and Attributes of Sensation
** Different Types of Sensation:
i. Special Sensation: Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin
ii. Organic Sensation
iii. Muscular Sensation

Unit VI : Perceptual and Attentional Process (20 periods)
** Definition and Nature of Perception
** Perceptual Process
** Relation between Sensation and Perception
** Principles of Perceptual Organisation
** Perception of Depth and Distance
** Movement Perception
** Illusion: Definition, Types
** Attention: Definition, Characteristics, Factors, Types

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