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Board : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education
Exam : Class XI
Subject : Political Science
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
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Political Science Question Paper :

Class -XI :
Full Marks :- 90

Related : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education Class XI Geography Question Paper Sample :

1. Answer in a complete sentence : 1×6=6
(a) Who is the author of the book ‘Politics’?
(b) Name any two exponents of the ‘Social Contant’theory.
(c) Mention any one method for acquiring citizenship.
(d) Name one chief exponent of the theory of Liberalism.
(e) How many fundamental duties of Indian citizen’s are mentioned in the constitution of India?
(f) Name one National and one Regional party recognised by the Election Commission of India.

2. Choose the correct answer : 1×4=4
(a) The Indian constitution came into force on and from-
(i) 15th August, 1947,
(ii) 26th November, 1949,
(iii) 26th January 1950
(iv) 15th October, 1949.

(b) The author of the book ‘Grammar of Politics’ is-
(i) Barker
(ii) Laski
(iii) Hobhouse
(iv) Rousseau.

(c) The Slogan ‘One Nation one state’ is for-
(i) eatablishment of right to self determination
(ii) formation of Nationality
(iii) formation of state
(iv) formation of Nation.

(d) Unitary Government is found in
(i)United States of America
(ii) Great Britain
(iii) India
(iv) Switzerland.

3. Answer the following question within 50 words: 3×10=30
(a) Who is the father of Political science? Give an acceptable definition of political science. 1+2
(b) Why is Tripura not a state?
(c) Explain briefly three elements of Nationality.
(d) Define law and mention any two sources of law.
(e) Explain any three conditions for the success of Democracy.
(f) Mention the importance of the preamble to the Constitution of India.
(g) Discuss three features of a Federal Goverment.
(h) What do you mean by Fundamental Rights? What are the fundamental Rights as guaranted by the constitution of India? 1+2
(i) Point out three differences between Political Party and Pressure Group.
(j) What is the role of Regional Parties in Indian Politics?

4. Answer the following questions with in 125 words: 5×4=20
(a) Discuss in brief the important elements of the state.
Explain the theory of social contact regarding the origin of the state.
(b) Discuss the relation between Rights and Duties.
(c) What is meant by good citizen? Mention three important hindrances towards good citizensgip.
(d) Explain the Right to Equality as mentioned in the constitution of India.
Discuss the improtance of the ‘Directive Principles of State-Policy as mentoned in the Indian constitution.

5. Answer the following questions with in 150 words: 6×5=30
(a) Is political science a science? Argue three points each for and against.
Discuss the relation between Political Science and History.
(b) Discuss brief the theory of ‘class struggle’as propagated by Karl Marx
What is liberalism? Discuss briefly the main principles of liberalism 2+4
(d) Is India a federal state? Put arguments in favour of your answer.
What are the conditions for the success of Parliamentary System-of Government.
(e) Discuss of functions of Political Party in a Democratic form of Goverment.

Syllabus :
Political Theory And Practice :
Unit-I : Introduction to Political Science (Periods 14)
Definition, Evolution-Subject matter, Politics and Political Science ; Relations with other social sciences

Unit-II : State (Periods 14)
Definition- elements, Origin(Divine origin theory, Force theory, Social Contact theory and Marxist theory, Evolution theory), State and other Association

Unit-III : Nation and Citizenship (Periods 18)
Definition of Nation, Factors behind emergence-the right to self Determination, Nationalism and Internationalism Citizenship-Definition, Acquisition and loss of Citizenship (with special reference to India), Citizen and Nation.

Unit-IV : Law and Rights (Periods 15)
Law : Definition, Sources and Classification
Rights : Meaning and types. Liberty, Equality and Justice : meaning, safeguards of liberty, relation between Liberty, Equality and Justice

Unit-V : Political Ideologies (Periods 18)
Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism and Fascism – meaning, features and critical Evaluation. Democracy, Dictatorship-Definition, features, types and critical evaluation

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