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Organisation : North Eastern Railway
Exam Name : High School Level Exam
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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NER Railway High School Exam Question Paper

Write Essay on any one in English :
The Cow, The Elephant, Railway Journey, Railway Engine, News Paper Mobilephone

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Write meaning in Hindi:
Dark, Rain, Sad, Agree, Journey

Write reverse of following :
Correct, Always, Best, Ever, Fast Man, Girl, King, Long, Go, Mouse, Close, Short, Women, Hard

Write reverse of following:
Correct, Always, Best, Ever Fast, Man, Girl, King, Long, Go, Good, Old, Sorry, Disobey, After Mouse, Close, King Short, Women, Hard, Day, Sad, Sky Poor,

Fill in the blanks: –
a. Ramayana was __________ by Maharshi Balmiki. (Written, spoken, read)
b. Sita ———— the dauaghter of king Janak. (is, was, were)
c. They had been playing – 4’0 clock. (for, from, since)
d. There is a Tree — my house & Mohan’s house. (between, among)
e. Geeta completed — work. (his, own, her)
f. The dog ran — the road.
g. The Driver jumped ———– the burning car.
h. He ruled ———– the vast empire.
i. He died ———– his country.
j. Everyone laughed ———– his stupid answer.
k. He died ———– cholera (of, off, from)
l. Ram is ———– in height then Shyam, (greater, higher, taller)
m. The Sun sets in the ———– (east, west, north)
n. She has been reading ———– 4’0 Clock (since, for from)

Choose the right answer from brackets to complete each sentence :
(a) The earth ———– round the Sun (More, Moves, Moved)
(b) My friends ———– the Prime Minister yesterday (sent, have, sent, send)
(c) I ———– him only one letter up to now. (sent, have sent, send)
(d) She ———– worried about some thing. (looks, looking, is looking)
(e) It started to rain while we ———– Tennis. (are playing, were playing)
(f) We scored as many goals as ———– had played. (they, them)
(g) Rama and ———– Try what we can do. (I, me)
(h) Wait for Hari and ———– . (I, me)

Write an application for job to Manager of a firm.
Write an application for 02 days leave to Principal of a School.
Write a letter to your father for sending Rs. 1000/- by Money Order.
Write a letter to your father after visiting a trip to Taj Mahal.
Write a letter to your friend for joining a cricket match.

Write one word for these:
i.A leather or plastic case for carrying, paper, books, clothes etc.
Answer – Brief Case.

ii. A box used for protecting money and other valuable from thieves & fire.
Answer – Safe

iii. A large field for aero plane.
Answer – Aerodrum

iv. An item specially made for keeping fish.
Answer – Aquarium

v. A place where alcoholic drinks are served & sold.
Answer – Bar

vi. A place where breads/Biscuits etc. are made & sold.
Answer – Bakery

vii. A place where clothes are washed & ironed.
Answer – Laundary

viii. One who makes the plans for new buildings.
Answer – Architect

ix) One who reads out information on radio & T.V.
Answer – News Reader

x. One who gathers news for newspaper or magazine.
Answer – Reporter

xi. One who travels to a holy place.
Answer – Pilgrim

xii. The art of telling the future by study of the stars.
Answer – Astrology

xiii. The art of cultivating & managing gardens.
Answer – Horticulture

xiv. Which can not be read.
Answer – Illigible

xv. A list of items to be served at meal.
Answer – Menue

xvi. One who can do shorthand & Typewriting.
Answer – Stenographer

xvii. One who make things out of wood.
Answer – Carpenter

xviii. A place where milk is kept for butter
Answer – Dairy

xix. One who goes place to place for selling things.
Answer – Hawker

xx. One who practices law.
Answer – Advocate

xxi. The science of plants.
Answer – Botany.

xxii. The scientific study of animal life.
Answer – Zoology.

Write antonymous of :
Able (unable), fit (Unfit), like (Unlike), honest (dishonest), correct (Incorrect), complete (Incomplete), regular (Irregular), religious (Irreligious), moral(immoral), payment(Non payment), careful (careless), examiner(Examinee), employer((Employee), above (Beneath), absent (Present), Big (Small), Early (Late), foolish (Wise), High (Low), Hot (Cold), Loud (Silent), remember (Forget), Strong (Week), young (Old), Thick (Thin), War (Peace), odd (Even), Major (Minor), Loose (Tight), long (Short), Junior (Senior), just (Unjust), fearful (Fearless), Excess (Shortage),Hard(Soft).

Write correct spelling:
Absence (Abseeism), Akross (Across), Annual (Annual), Apropriate (Appropriate), commercial (CommerciaL), committee (Committee), depo (Depot), dictionary (Dictionary), Gitar (Guitars), Program (Programme), Vacum (Vacuum), woolen (Woollen), umbrella (Umbrella), permanent (Permanent), Oposit (Opposite), marrage (Marriage), knowledge (Knowledge), technik (Technique), professor (Professor), Paralel (Paralled).

Correct the sentences :
i. He laughed on (at) me.
ii. He is suffering with (from) typhoid.
iii. She was angry upon (from) me.
iv. Ram is senior than (with Mohan.
v. He started to (for) Kolkata.
vi. He died from (for) heart attack.
vii. I traveled by (from) Ramu’s Car.
viii. This book is full with (of) pictures.
ix. He bent on (upon) me.
x. The tree is full (of) with oranges.

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