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Probationary Officer Sample Paper :

Section1: Verbal Ability
Directions for Questions 1:
Read the passage and answer the question that follows:
Don’t we say, “There’s no place like home”? That’s certainly what animals feel. Animals are territorial. That is the key to their minds.

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Only a familiar territory will allow them to fulfill the two relentless imperatives of the wild: the avoidance of enemies and the getting of food and water. A biologically sound zoo enclosure – whether cage, pit, moated island, corral, terrarium, aviary or aquarium – is just another territory, peculiar only in its size and in its proximity to human territory. That, it is so much smaller than what it would be in nature stands to reason. Territories in the wild are large not as a matter of taste but of necessity.

In a zoo, we do for animals what we have done for ourselves with houses – we bring together in a small space what in the wild is spread out. Whereas before for us the cave was here, the river there, the hunting grounds a mile away, the berries somewhere else – all of them infested with enemies and poison ivy – now the river flows through taps at hand’s reach and we can wash next to where we sleep, we can eat where we have cooked, and we can surround the whole with a protective wall and keep it clean and warm. A house is a compressed territory where our basic needs can be fulfilled close by and safely.

A sound zoo enclosure is the equivalent for an animal (with the noteworthy absence of a fireplace or the like, present in every human habitation). Finding within it all the places it needs – a lookout, a place for resting, for eating and drinking, for bathing, for grooming and finding that there is no need to go hunting, food appearing six days a week – an animal will take possession of its zoo space in the same way it would lay claim to a new space in the wild – exploring it and marking it out in the normal ways of its species, with sprays of urine perhaps.

Once this moving-in ritual is done and the animal has settled, it will not feel like a nervous tenant, and even less like a prisoner, but rather like a landholder, and it will behave in the same way within its enclosure as it would in its territory in the wild, including defending it tooth and nail should it be invaded.

Such an enclosure is subjectively neither better nor worse for an animal than its condition in the wild. One might even argue that if an animal could choose with intelligence, it would opt for living in a zoo, since the major difference between a zoo and the wild is the absence of parasites and enemies and the abundance of food in the first. Think about. Would you rather stay at the Ritz with free room service and access to a doctor or be homeless without a soul to care for you?

1) According to the author, what is the difference between houses and zoos?:
A) Humans make zoos for animals while houses are made by men themselves.
B) There is no semblance of a hearth or fireplace in a zoo.
C) Humans voluntarily choose to live in houses while animals are forcibly put in cages in zoos.
D) There is no difference; both are just enclosures or territories

Directions for Questions 2-3:
Choose the option which will CORRECTLY fill the blank/s:
2) He was appointed as Principal ______ the college but he was unequal _______ the task:
A) of; to
B) in; with
C) with; by
D) of; within

3) I’m feeling a bit ______ the weather at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll be okay tomorrow:
A) above
B) over
C) below
D) under

Directions for Question 4:
Identify the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word given below:
A) Secure
B) Guard
C) Ensure
D) Guarantee

Directions for Question 5:
Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS from the given options:
5) The completely mercenary attitude of many Indian families to marriage has to be condemned:
A) Money-minded
B) Prejudiced
C) Orthodox
D) Religious

Section 2: Numerical Ability
6) Sandeep gave 20% of the amount with him to Sudhakar, 30% of the remaining to Harish, 40% of the remaining to Yagnesh and 50% of the remaining to Bhawana. Who got the greatest amount?:
A) Sudhakar
B) Harish
C) Yagnesh
D) Bhawana

7) A committee of 6 members is to be formed from a group of 6 men and 4 women. In how many ways can the committee be formed if Mr. Ajay refuses to join when Ms. Anitha is in the committee?:
A) 112
B) 140
C) 70
D) 240

8) There are 8 letters and corresponding 8 envelopes. If 8 letters are placed into 8 envelopes randomly, find the number of ways that exactly one letter is placed into wrong envelope:
A) 1
B) 0
C) 8
D) 7

9) A varies directly with the sum B and C. B varies directly with D, and C varies directly with D. When D = 16, A = 44. When D = 36, A = 90. Find A when D = 64:
A) 152
B) 144
C) 136
D) 160

10) In still water, a man would take ¾ th of an hour to swim 900 m. He crossed a river of width 410 m in the minimum possible time. His crossing speed was 20.5 m/minute. Find the speed of river.(in m/minute):
A) 2.5
B) 3
C) 4.5
D) 5

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