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Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT : Model Question Paper

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Exam : Air Force Common Admission Test
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Air Force Common Admission Test Sample Paper :

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Instructions for candidates :
1. Total No. of Questions–100. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

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I. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
We stand poised precariously and challengingly on the razor’s edge of destiny. We are now at the mercy of atom bombs and the like which would destroy us completely if we fail to control them wisely.

And wisdom in this crisis means sensitiveness to the basic values of life; it means a vivid realization that we are literally living in one world where we must either swim together or sink together. We cannot afford to tamper with man’s single minded loyalty to peace and international understanding. Anyone, who does it is a traitor not only to man’s past and present, but also to his future, because he is mortgaging the destiny of unborn generations.

Q1. From the tone and style of the passage it appears that the writer is-
(a) a prose writer with a fascination for images and metaphors.
(b) a humanist with a clear foresight.
(c) a traitor who wishes to mortgage the destiny of future generations.
(d) unaware of the global power situation.

Q2. The best way to escape complete annihilation in an atomic war is to-
(a) work for international understanding and harmony.
(b) invent more powerful weapons.
(c) turn to religion.
(d) ban nuclear weapons.

Q3. The phrase ‘razor’s edge of destiny’ means a/an-
(a) enigma that cuts through the pattern of life like the edge of a razor.
(b) critical situation that foreordains the future.
(c) sharp line of division that marks the alternative courses of action in the future.
(d) destiny with sharp edges.

Q4. According to the writer, ‘wisdom’ on the razor’s edge of destiny means:
(a) awareness that we stand poised precariously on the razor’s edge of destiny.
(b) determination to ban nuclear weapons.
(c) responsibility to the ‘unborn generations’.
(d) awareness of the basic values of life.

Q5. The author is concerned about the threat of nuclear weapons because he feels that-
(a) a nuclear war will destroy human civilization.
(b) all countries are interlinked and one cannot escape the consequences of what happens to another country.
(c) the world is on the brink of disaster.
(d) his country is threatened by a nuclear war.

Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
Q11. His actions had ________ pain and suffering on thousands of people.
(a) affected (b) imposed (c) inflicted (d) deplored

Q12. The Government will ______ all resources to fight poverty.
(a) collect (b) exploit (c) harness (d) muster

Q13. The children ______ crackers to celebrate the victory of their team.
(a) burst (b) fired (c) shot (d) released

Q14. I am ______ forward to our picnic scheduled in the next month.
(a) seeing (b) looking (c) planning (d) thinking

Q15. I hope you must have _____ by now that failures are the stepping stones to success.
(a) known (b) felt (c) decided (d) realized
In each of the following choose the word most similar in meaning to the word given in capitals.

(a) Brought about (b) Brought forward (c) Brought out (d) Brought over

(a) Plain (b) Clear (c) Poor (d) Calm

(a) Obvious (b) Daring (c) Ardent (d) Affluent
Pick out the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word given in capitals.

(a) Prologue (b) Epilogue (c) Dialogue (d) Catalogue

(a) Imbibe (b) Improve (c) Insert (d) Inspire

(a) Certainty (b) Clarity (c) Rationality (d) Laxity

Choose the correct answer.
Q22. The First Battle of Panipat was fought between-
(a) Akbar & Hemu (b) Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi
(c) Akbar & Rana Sanga (d) Ahmad Shah Abdali & Marathas

Q23. Fa-hien visited India during the reign of-
(a) Chandra Gupta Maurya (b) Bindusara (c) Chandra Gupta II (d) Bimbisara

Q24. Gandhiji’s first experience with Satyagraha came up in-
(a) Dandi (b) Champaran (c) Bengal (d) Natal

Q25. During whose tenure as the viceroy of India were the great Martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru hanged?
(a) Lord Curzon (b) Lord Irwin (c) Lord Minto (d) Lord Chelmford

Q26. The winner of the highest number of gold medals in an Olympic game is-
(a) Mark Spitz (b) Matt Biondi (c) Michael Phelps (d) Jenny Thompson

Q27. ‘Agha Khan Cup’ is associated with the game of-
(a) Football (b) Hockey (c) Badminton (d) Cricket

Q28. Usain Bolt, the 100 meters race world record holder, is from which country?
(a) Jamaica (b) U.S.A. (c) Canada (d) Nigeria

Q29. Only two cricket players have taken 10 wickets in an innings. One is Anil Kumble. The other is-
(a) Richard Hadlee (b) Muttiah Muralidharan (c) Jim Laker (d) Andy Roberts

Q30. ‘Borlaug Award’ is given every year to an Indian scientist for outstanding contribution in the field of-
(a) Medicine (b) Space (c) Applied Science (d) Agriculture

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