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Board : Railway Recruitment Board
Exam : Staff Nurse Paper
Document Type : Question Paper
Location : Bilaspur
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Staff Nurse Paper Sample Paper :

1. What is Gout ?
(A) A degenerative disorder
(B) A vascular disorder
(C) A renal disorder
(D) A metabolic disorder

Related : Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology Staff Nurse Written Test Questions :

2. The Civil Disobedience Movement was started in the year
(A) 1905 AD
(B) 1920 AD
(C) 1930 AD
(D) 1942 AD

3. If 1st April, 2014 is Tuesday, then 1st June, 2014 will be –
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday

4. The currency of Japan is :
(A) Yen
(B) Pound
(C) Yuan
(D) Peso

5. In a certain code language, ‘mink yang pe’ means ‘fruits are ripe’; ‘pe iao mav mink’ means that language means ‘mangoes’
(A) may
(B) pe
(C) nue
(D) mink

6. The light of which colour is used to treat neonatal jaundice ?
(A) Red Light
(B) Yellow Light
(C) Orange Light
(D) Blue Light

7. Identify the part of Human Stomach which connects/joins with Oesophagus
(A) Fundus
(B) Cardia
(C) Body
(D) Pylorus

8. Which one of the following is infectious Hepatitis ?
(A) Hepatitis A
(B) HePatitis B
(C) Hepatitis C
(D) Hepatitis D

9. Internationally, the Nursing Day is observed on :
(A) May 12
(B) Nov, 14
(C) Oct, 24
(D) Dec 22

10. Which one of the following vaccinations is necessary for pregnant lady ?
(A) Tetanus
(C) Rubella

11. What is the chemical name of Aspirin (ASA) ?
(A) Acetic Salicyclic Acid
(B) Acetyl Salicyclic Acid
(C) Acetone Salicyclic Acid
(D) Amide Salicyclic Acid

12. Vhichone of the following vaccinations is necessary for pregnant lady ?
(A) Tetanus
(C) Rubella

13. What is the chemical name of Aspirin (ASA) ?
(A) Acetic Salicyclic Acid
(B Salicyclic Acid
(C) Acetone Salicyclic Acid
(D) Amide Salicyclic Acid

14. Indian Standard Time (I.S.T.) refers to the local time of which one of the following- place* India ?
(A) Delhi
(B) Kolkata Allahabad
(D) Jaipur

15. The first stool of neonate is called :
(A) Sebum
(B) Lenugo
(c) Meconium
(D) Vernix Caseosa

16. Mohan and Sonan, together can do a job in 12 days. Sohan alone can do this job in 28 days. In how jn any days can Mohan alone do this job ?
(A) 21 days
(B) 16 days
(C) 24 days
(D) 20 days

17. Which one of the following is known as Poor Man,s meat ?
(A) Milk
(B) Fish
(C) Pulses
(D) Chicken

18. Rajan is sixth from the left end and Vinay is tenth from the right end in a row of boys. If there are eight boys betweenJRajan and Vinay, how many boys are there in the row ?
(A) 23
(B) 24
(C) 25
(D) 26

19. Which of the following tests is used to detect Typhoid bacillus ?

20. Find the 21-“”- term of the following: series
3, 9, 15, 21,.
(B) 129
(C) 117
(D) 135

21 Thalessemia is a congenital ;
(A) Defect in bones
(B) Blood disorder
(C) Neural defect
(D) Muscular defect

22. Rice Water Stool is a symptom of : –
(A) Dengue
(B) Malaria
(C) Cholera
(D) Typhoid

23. Which of the following is a Presentation Graphics Software ?
(A) MS Windows
(B) MS Word
(C) MS Excel
(D) M S Power point

24. Who built ‘Red Fort’ at Delhi ?
(A) Akbar
(B) Sahjahan
(C) Jehangir
(D) Aurangzeh

25. Wilm’s tumour affects which of the following ?
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Uterus
(D) Skin

26. In a certain code, DOG is written as GRJ, then how will CAT be written in that code ?

27. Which one of the following blood group is universal recipient ?
(A) A
(B) O
(C) AB
(D) B

28. Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa are
(A) Sleep disorder
(B) Eating disorder
(C) Nervous disorder
(D) None of these

29. Which city will host Olympic Games, 2020 ? /i
(A) Madrid
(B) Istanbul
(C) Rio de
(D)Janeiro Tokyo

30. One side of a rectangle is 40 metres and its diagonal is 50 metres. Find the perimeter of this rectangle.
(A) 180 m
(B) 140 m
(C) 70 m
(D) 90 m

Note:- Correct Answers have been shown with a √ (Tick) Mark.

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