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CSIR HRDG UGC NET General Science Question Paper Model National Eligibility Test :

Name of the Organization : Human Resource Development Group Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Name of the Paper : CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test
Name of Subject : General Sciences
Part : A
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Location : Delhi
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General Sciences Model Question Paper :

PART ‘A’ : General Aptitude
(logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparisons, series formation, puzzles, etc.)

Related : CSIR HRDG UGC NET Life Science Question Paper Model National Eligibility Test :

1. A sphere of radius 4 cm is carved from a homogeneous sphere of radius 8 cm and mass 160 g. The mass of the smaller sphere is
1. 80 g.
2. 60 g.
3. 40 g.
4. 20 g.

2. Two boys A and B are at two diametrically opposite points on a circle. At one instant the two start running on the circle; A anticlockwise with constant speed v and B clockwise with constant speed 2v. In 2 minutes, they pass each other for the first time. How much later will they pass each other for the second time?
1. 1 minute
2. 2 minutes
3. 3 minutes
4. 4 minutes

3. There are k baskets and n balls. The balls are put into the baskets randomly. Ifk<n,
1. There is no empty basket
2. There are exactly (n- k) baskets with at least one ball
3. There is at least one basket with two or more balls
4. There are (n- k) baskets with exactly two balls

4. An a nt is crawling along the x-axis such that the graph of its position on the x-axis versus time is a semi-circle (see figure). The total distance covered in the 4 s is x[m]
1. 4 m
2. 2m
3. 2nm
4. 4nm

5. In a bag containing only blue, red and green marbles, all but 15 are blue, all but 13 are red and all but 12 are green. How many are red?
1. 13
2. 7
3. 25
4. 20

6. Find the missing numbers in the bottom middle circle. (Clue: left halves of thecentral circles relate to the left circles and the right halves to the right circles)
7. Identify the missing letter.

9. A person buys a shirt with marked price Rs.300/- at 20% discount. In order to make a profit of 20% the person should sell the shirt for
1. Rs.288/-
2. Rs.300/-
3. Rs.240/-
4. Rs.360/-

10. A uniform cylindrical container is half filled with water. The height of the cylinder is twice its diameter. The cylinder is gradually tilted until the water touches the brim. At this instant, the container is inclined at
1. 30° to vertical
2. 45° to vertical
3. 60° to vertical
4. 75° to vertical

13. A box of sticks of equal lengths is provided. The minimum number sticks needed to build a frame to enclose a 3 dimensional volume is
1. 6
2. 12
3. 3
4. 8

14. 5 kg of adulterated rice has 2% stones in it and the rest is rice. Half of the stone content was removed. Now the percentage of stone content in it is
1. 0.99%
2. 1%
3. 1.1%
4. 1.01%

17. Several identical cubes are arranged in a close-packed single layer. If the area of the layer is A and the volume of the layer is V, then the number of cubes in the collection is
1. V/A.
2. A3/V2.
3. V2/A3.
4. A/V.

18. The average wage( s)
1. in 1999 is greater than that in 2000.
2. in 1999 is less than that in 2000.
3. in the two years are equal, but the variances are unequal.
4. in the two years are unequal, but the variances are equal.

19. Which of the following predicted property of lipid bilayers would result if the phospholipids had only one hydrocarbon chain instead of two?
1. The bilayers formed would be much less fluid.
2. The diameter of the head group would be much larger than the acyl chain and would tend to form micelles rather than bilayers.
3. the bilayers formed would be much more fluid.
4. the bilayers would be more permeable to small water-soluble molecules.

20. Which pump is responsible for initiating muscle contraction through depolarization of muscle cell membrane?
1. Na+ pump.
2. K+ pump.
3. Ca2+ pump.
4. Mg2+ pump.

21. Which of the following statements is not true for transposable element system?
1. It consists of both autonomous and non-autonomous elements.
2. Dissociation elements are autonomous in nature.
3. Transposase is transcribed by the central region of autonomous elements.
4. Certain repeats in the genome remain fixed even after the element transposes out.

22. A set of virulence genes (vir genes), located in the Agrobacterium Ti-plasmid, is activated by
1. octopine.
2. nopaline.
3. acetosyringone.
4. auxin.

23. When two mutants having the same phenotype were crossed, the progeny obtained showed a wild-type phenotype. Thus the mutations are
1. non-allelic.
2. allelic.
3. segregating from each other.
4. independently assorting.

24. What is the probable order of these genes on the bacterial chromosome?
1. thr, leu, pro, his
2. pro,leu, thr and the position of his cannot be determined.
3. thr, leu, pro, and the position of his cannot be determined.
4. his, pro, leu, thr

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