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Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Element of Science
Document Type : Model Questions/Answers
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Element of Science Sample Paper :

Introductions :
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Read the instruction of question paper carefully and write answer of them.
iii) There are two Sections – sections ‘A’ and section ‘B’ in question paper.

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class XII Anatomy Physiology & Health Questions Model :

iv) In section A question No. 1 to 4 are objective type, each question is alloted 5 marks.
v) Internal options are given in each questions No. 5 to 18 of section B.
vi) Question No. 5 to 8 carry 2 marks each.
vii) Q. No. 9 to 13 carry 4 marks each.
viii) Q. No. 14 to 16 carry 5 marks each.
ix) Q. No. 17 & 18 carry 6 marks each.

Section-‘A’ :
Objective Type Questions :
Choose the correct option
1) Non transparent object is –
a) Glass b) Water
c) Wood d) Air

2) Filament of electric bulb is made of –
a) Copper b) Silver
c) Tangestan d) Nicrom

3) Vibriyo Cholera Virus is responsible to spread the disease
a) Cholera b) Desentry
c) Tuberculosis d) Titanus

4) The substance that increase the activity of Catalyst
a) Catalyst Poison b) Catalytic Promotors
c) Positive catalyst d) Negative Catalyst

5) On which temprature enzymes are more effective
a) 5-100C b) 15-200C
c) 25-450C d) 40-500C

Fill in the blanks :
i) Electroamgnate are made of …………….
ii) ………………. bacteria are found in intenstine of Human body.
iii) The physical condition of reagent and catalyst are same in ………………. catalise.
iv) Another name of Light Reaction is …………………. reaction.
v) The plant of Tomato belongs ……………….. family.

Match the coloum :
i) Similar Poles – a) Transpiration
ii) Lenticle – b) Jel
iii) Self Indicator – c) Sorrel Cement
iv) Chees – d) Repulson
v) Cavity of tooth – e) KMNo4

Choose True / False :
i) 38 ATP are made from the oxidation of one molecule of Glucose.
ii) An anaerobic respiration 21 Kg. Cal. Energy released.
iii) Nickel Powder is the catalyst in the process of Hydronisation of vegetable oil.
iv) The strength of standard solution is known.
v) Allium Sepa is the Botanical Name of Potato.

Section-‘B’ :
Write the uses of Fuse wire.
What is Electric Power
Write its formula ?
Write the name of any two indicator, which are used in titration.
Explain Normality ?
Define the process of Respiration.
Explain the types of Respiration.
Write the formula of Ethyl Alcohol .
Write the two uses of Alcohol.
Write the difference between Luminous and Non Luminous.
Describe total Internal Reflection of Light.
Write the Biological name and uses of any two medicinal plant.
Write economic importance of Cruciferae family (any four).
Write the properties of Magnet?
Drwa a labelled diagram of Electric Bell.
Write the difference between Transpiration and Evaporation.
Write the importance of Photosynthesis ?
Write the economic importance of bacterias (any four).
Draw a labelled diagram of animal cell.
“Light move in straight line”, Expain it ?
What do you mean by Shadow ? Differentiate between Umbra and Penumbra.
Write the Chemical name, formula and use of Baking Soda.
Write the Chemical name, formula and use of Washing Soda.
Write the differences between Lyophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids.
Write the properties of Colloidal Solution (Any five).

Write short note on :
i) Electroplating
ii) Electro refining of metals.
Explain the structure of bulb with the help of suitable diagram.
Write the general characterstics of Enzymes ?
Write the classification of Gardening tools and appliances. Describe the Tillage equipments.

SET – B :
Objective Type Questions :
1) The angle between incident ray and emergent ray is called
a) Newton angle b) Angle of deviation
c) Angle of Refraction d) Angle of Reflection

2) Electro magnet is used in
a) Electric Bell b) Electric Bulb
c) Electric Iron d) Electric Train

3) The equipment used to determine the electricity consumption
a) Meter reading b) By calculator
c) By telescope d) By calorimeter

4) Volumetric analysis is used in the determination of
a) Percentage of mixture b) Equivalent weight
c) concentration of unknown solution d) All of them

5) Which scientist gave the name catalyst to external substance
a) Briggis b) Berzelius
c) Haber d) Calocius

Fill in the blanks –
i) Unit of pole strength is …………….
ii) Botanical name of Brinjal is ……………….
iii) The particle size of Dispersion medium is ……………….
iv) In preparation of vegetable ghee from vegetable oil ……………… catalyst is used.
v) …………. Acid present in lemon.

Answer in one sentence only :
i) What are catalytic promotors ?
ii) Write the floral formula of family cruciferae.
iii) Write full form of ATP and ADP.
iv) Define guttation.
v) What is Molarity ?

Match the coloum :
i) Catalytic Poison – a) Catabolic reaction
ii) Respiration – b) Vibrio cholera
iii) Photo synthesis – c) Anabolic reaction
iv) Typhoid – d) Bacillus anthresis
v) Dry Cleaning – e) Bacillus typhae
f) Molibdenum g) Arsenic Oxide

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