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Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Elements of Animals, Husbandry and Poultry Farming
Document Type : Model Questions/Answers
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Elements of Animals, Husbandry & Poultry Farming Paper :

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Mark : 75
Instructions :
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Read the instructions of the question paper carefully and answer the questions.

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class XII Crop Production & Horticulture Questions Model :

iii. Q. No. 1 to 4 are objective type which include – choose the correct answers, match the column, Fill up the blanks and one sentence answer. Each question is allotted 5 marks.
iv. Internal options are given in Q. No. 5 to 18. 1 x 5 = 5 x 4 = 20 Marks.
v. Q. No. 5 to 8 are assigned 2 marks each.
vi. Q. No. 9 to 13 carry 4 marks each and answer should be given in about 75 words.
vii. Q. No. 14 to 16 carry 5 marks each and answer should be given in about 120 words.
viii. Q. No. 17 to 18 carries 6 marks and answer should be given in about 150 words.
Choose and write the correct answer from the following given options. :
(a) Causal organism of Mastit is disease is –
(i) Fungi (ii) Bacteria
(iii) Ascaris (iv) Virus

(b) Saner breed of goat is –
(i) Foregion (ii) Deshi
(iii) Hybrid (iv) Milk

(c) Most lengthy ears sheep is –
(i) Bamini (ii) Bhadarwah
(iii) Lohi (iv) Kachhi

(d) Operation flood is related.
(i) Fish farming (ii) Goat farming
(iii) Pig farming (iv) Milk production

(e) Disease spred by bacteria in poultry
(i) Pullorum (ii) Bird flu
(iii) Fowl pox (iv) Ranikhet

Fill up the blanks. :
(i) Causal organisms of fowl pox disease is…………….
(ii) Indian buffalo’s research institute is situated in…………
(iii) Hisar date is sheeps……….breed.
(iv) ………… called poor man cow.
(v) Anthrax disease is also called…………

Make the right pairs for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’.
A – B
(a) Black Quarter – Poultry disease
(b) Bird flue – Animal disease
(c) NDDB – Milk product
(d) CSWRI – Indian Agriculture research Institute
(e) Over run – National dairy development Board
– Central sheep and wool research institute.

Write true/false of the following. :
(i) Milk powder cantain 26% fat.
(ii) Teeth are not found in poultry mouth.
(iii) Brooder is useful for artificial care of smallers chicks.
(iv) Cream separator is useful for making ghee.
(v) Cheese is the coagulated product of milk.

Section – B:
Write any four names of fish breeds.
Write any two uses of piggery.
Write any four names of pig breeds.
Write two advantages of goat farming.
Write any four dual purpose freed of goat.
Write the composition of cow ghee.
Write the composition of buffalo ghee.
Write down four symptoms of Healthy Animals.
Write down healthy body temperature of Cow, Goat, Horse and Hen.
Write down the composition of the cow ghee.
Write down the four objective of adding salt in butter.
Write down the Importance of Curd. (any four).
Write down the method of cheese preparation.
Write any five attributes of milk cow.
Write down cow is score card.
Write the Ideal poultry farm. (any five)
Write down composition of Egg.
Provide the details of pure milk power on the following points.
(i) Definition.
(ii) Its Types/Method.
(iii) Storage temperature.
Write the composition of condensed milk.

SET – II :
1. Fill up the blanks :
(i) ………….No. of words are kept in deeplitter system.
(ii) The origin place of merino sheep is………..
(iii) Approximate percentage of fat in Ghee is…………
(iv) Anthrex disease are spread by ………… bacteria.
(v) …………..animal is called poor man cow.

Choose and write the correct answer from the following given options :
(a) A foreign breed of goat is –
(i) Beetal (ii) Alpain
(iii) Barbari (iv) Chamba

(b) Origin place of gaddi sheep is –
(i) Jammu Kasmir (ii) Rajasthan
(iii) Karnataka (iv) Tamilnadu

(c) Frogen dairy product is –
(i) Khoa (ii) Ghee
(iii) Rabri (iv) Kulfi

(d) Swelling in animal organ’s and pressing on affected organ’s a special sound is the symptom of –
(i) Anthrax (ii) Black Quarter disease
(iii) Mastitis (iv) H.S. speticamia

(e) Highly fatty milk product is not –
(i) Paneer (ii) Butter
(iii) Cream (iv) Ghee

Write true/false of the following :
(i) Death rate of animal is 95% in the disease of Black quarter.
(ii) The body hair of Kashmiri goat is called pashmmna.
(iii) In India conception of milk is 140 gm. perday a person.
(iv) The powder obtained from the drying milk by any method is called condensed milk.

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