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Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Electronics
Year : 2010
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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JKBOSE Electronics Model Question Paper

For Kashmir Division 2010 Regular Exam Only :
Subject : Electronics
Maximum Marks : 60
Time Allowed : 3 Hours (Fifteen Minutes Extra to read the question paper)
Do questions from Part A or Part B or from both Part A and B Part of maximum 60 marks as per your preparation.

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XII Extension Education Question Paper Model :

Part A :
(Long Answer Type Questions)
. What do you understand by Frequency Modulation ? Give its advantages over Amplitude Modulation.
What is Modulation ? Why is modulation necessary in Communication systems ? 5
. Explain the demodulation of an AM wave using Envelop detector;

Draw the block diagram of a Superheterodyne radio receiver. Explain the function of its each block. 5
. Describe PCM. Give the advantages of PCM over Amplitude modulation technique.
Draw the circuit of a Square Law Modulator and explain its operation. 5
. Define Gauge factor and obtain its mathematical expression.
Explain the construction and workings of a Strain Gauge. 5
Describe, with the help of a labelled diagram, the basic CRO circuit.
With the help of a diagram, explain the working of a PMMC galvanometer.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
What is Modulation Index ? Give its signi?cance.
Give various advantages of a Superheterodyne receiver.
. What is Interlaced Scanning ?
Give the definition of Systematic and Random Errors.
What is a Thermocouple ? Give its applications.
Compare and contrast a Voltmeter and an Ammeter.
What are the basic controls of a CEO ?
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
The following very short answer type questions of two marks, each may be answered in a few words or few sentences or as may be required.
(21) Give the de?nition of Analog and Digital signals.
(b) Give any two limitations of Amplitude Modulation.
(c) De?ne a Passive transducer with examples.
(d) De?ne a Shunt and a Universal Shunt.
(Objective Type Questions)
14. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book ‘:
(i) Strain gauge is basically a device for measuring
A. Electrical resistance
B. Mechanical surface strain
C. Force
D. None of the above.
(ii) Conformity to true value is
A. Accuracy
B. Precision
C. Resolution
D. Sensitivity.
(iii) A CEO. is used to measure
A. Voltage
B. Frequency
C. Phase
D. All of the above.
(iv) An aquadag is used in a C.R.O. to collect
Primary electrons
Secondary emission electrons
Both A and B
None of the above.
(v) In an AM wave for audio frequency of 500 Hz, the appropriate carrier frequencywill be
A. 50 Hz
B 100 Hz
C. 500 Hz
D 5000 Hz.
The number of sidebands and the signal strength of each sideband is determined by 39W?
Modulation index
Carrier frequency
Modulating frequency
None of the above.

Part A : Clothing :
(Long Answer type Questions)
1. Durability and cost of the material should be considered While purchasing clothes. Justify.
Family budget in?uences the plans for clothing. Justify your statement giving reasons in support of your answer. 5
2. Classify Textile ?bres according to their source. Write about the chemical and physical properties of Cotton.
What do you understand by the term Finishing of Textiles ? What is the aim of the process of Finishing ? 5
3. What is meant by the term Stain ? Write the classi?cation and general rules for removal of Stains.
Describe in detail the composition and properties of Silk.- 5
What are Bleaches ? Classify them and write their uses’and application. 4.
‘ Or
Explain Printing and different types of printing. 5
5. How will you wash and dry Woollen fabrics at Home ?
What is the procedure for washing and finishing of Silken garments ? 5
(Short Answer Type Questions)
6. What are the functions of Clothing ? 3
7. How do fashions affect the clothing choice of a Person ? 3
8. Write short note on Clothing Budget. _ 3
9. How are Fibres classi?ed ? _ 3
10. How are Blood and Tea stains removed ? 3
11. Write the physical and chemical properties of Asbestos. 3
12. How are White clothes blued by using Ujala and Ranipal ? y 3
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
13. The following very short answer type questions of two marks, each may be answered _ in a few words or few sentences or as may be required.
(a) How does utility and cost affect the choice of Clothes ‘? 2
(b) Write short note on Dyeing. 2
(c) Write a note on Dry cleaning. 2
(d) What is the difference between Ujala and Ranipal ? 2

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