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Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Extension Education
Year : 2010
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Extension Education Model Question Paper :

For Kashmir Division 2010 Regular Exam Only :
Subject : Extension Education
Maximum Marks : 60
Time Allowed : 3 Hours (Fifteen Minutes Extra to read the question paper)

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XII Music Question Paper Model :

Do questions from Part A or Part B or from both Part A and B Part of maximum 60 marks as per your preparation.
1. Explain the significance of Philosophy of Home Science in Today’s society.
Briefly discuss the History of Home Science in India.
2. Discuss the aims of Extension Education.
Explain the Philosophy of Extension Education.
3. Distinguish between Formal Education and Extension Education.
Discuss the role of Extension worker in the Society.
4. Give a broad classification of subject areas of Home Science. Explain each briefly.
Enlist the vocational opportunities for Home Science graduates.
5. Discuss the correlation of Home Science with Science subjects.
Define the principles of Extension Education. 5
Short Answer Type Questions :
6. List the objectives of Home Science education. 3
7. Discuss the interdisciplinary nature of Home Science education. 3
8. What is the scope of Home Science ? 3
9. Briefly explain the relationship of Human development with other allied sciences. 3
10. How does the study of Management of Resources help a Home maker ? 3
11. Briefly explain the scope of Home Science education in Women’s education. 3
12. What is the concept of Home Science in our Society ? 3

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
13. The following very short answer type questions of two marks, each may be answered in a few sentences or as required.
(a) Explain the concept of Education Extension. 2
(b) When did Home Science begin in the UK and the USA ? 2
(c) Define Fatigue. Name the different types of Fatigue. 2
(d) Name the areas to be studied under the subject “Clothing and Textiles”. 2
(Objective Type Questions)

14. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book :
(i) When was the Indian Society of Extension Education established ?
A. 1964
B. 1974
C. 1955
D. 1961.

(ii) Extension Education gained popularity as a discipline because of
A. Support from Society
B. Developed Profession
C. Developed Social Sciences
D. All of the above.

(iii) The National Adult EducatiOn Programme was launched on 2nd October,
A. 1957
B. 2000
C. 1978
D. 1964.

(iv) Non Hurhan Resources include
A. Money
B Knowledge
C. Skills
D Energy.

(v) Citrus fruits are rich in
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin ‘ c
Vitamin K.

(vi) Prenatal period is the period
After the child is born
Before the child is born
When premature birth occurs
None of the above.

Long Answer Type Questions :
Describe the necessity of Teaching methods.
Give difference between Formal and Informal system of Education. 5
. What do you understand by Demonstration method ? Give the characteristics of good demonstration.
What are the various methods of Effective Teaching ? Discuss in detail. 5
. Name non-‘projected aids and describe one in detail.
Comment on the role of audio-visual aids in teaching Home Science. 5
. Describe the various types of Black-boards.
Describe the educational value of Television. 5
5. Describe the procedure of Lesson Planning.
What do you understand by Evaluation ? Define the purpose of Evaluation. 5
(Short Answer Type Questions)
6. Write short note on non-formal system of education. 3
7. What are the various factors essential for good. teaching ? 3
8. Define Leaflet, Pamplet and Flash card. 3
9. Write short note on Educational value of Films. 3
10. What do you understand by Lesson Planning ? 3
11. Give the difference between Measurement and Evaluation. 3
12. Write short note on Charts. 3
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
13. The following very short answer type questions of two marks. each may be answered in a few sentences or as required.
(a) List the factors essential for good teaching. . 2
(b) Give the advantages of Lecture method. 2
(c) State the educational value of text-books and journals. 2
(d) State the principles of Lesson Planning. 2
(Objective Type Questions)

14. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book :
(i) Knowledge lesson aims at
A. Sewing
B. Writing
C. Learning of History
D. Music. ‘ 1
(ii) The chief aim of teaching Home Science is to bring in students
A. Behavioural change
B. \Mental change
C. Physical change
D. Both physical and mental change. ‘ 1
(iii) Communication is a conscious attempt to share
A. Information
B. Ideas
C. Attitudes
D. All of the above. . I 1
(iv) Three dimensional aid is
A. Poster
B Models
C. Flash card
D Chart. 1
(v) Individual method includes
A. Farm and home visit
B. Study tour
C. Campaign
D. Demonstration.
(vi) Evaluation should be
A. Reliable
B. Valid
C. Meaningful
D. All of the above.

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