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Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XI
Subject : Geography
Year : 2008
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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JKBOSE Geography Model Question Paper

Maximum Marks : 40
Time : 2½ Hours
Note : In case of failures/re-appear cases and fresh private candidates; i.e. candidates appearing for the first time after having passed Secondary School Examination, marks secured out of 40 shall be raised proportionately as if obtained out of 60.

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XI Functional English Paper :

Section A

Long Answer Type Questions :
1. Name the Physical divisions of J&K State and describe Trans Himalayan Ladakh Zone in detail. 5
Name and explain main factors which effect the climate of J&K State
2. What is the importance of Irrigation in J&K State ? Write a detailed account on Martand Canal of Kashmir province. 5
State the importance, growth and distribution of Rice cultivation in J&K State
3. Write a detailed note on Coal deposits of J&K State. 5
Describe the production of Hydro Power Projects in Kashmir division.

4. What is a Cottage Industry ? Write a comprehensive note on Cottage Industries of J&K State. 5
Describe the distribution and density of Population in J&K State.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
5. Give the area and extent of J&K State. 3
6. What is the importance of forests in the Economy of the J&K State ? 3
7. Describe the cultivation of Saffron in J&K State. 3
8. Give a brief description of the Woolen Textile Industry in J&K State. 3
9. What facilities are provided to the Tourists in our State ? 3
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

10. The following very short answer type questions of one mark, each may be answered in a few words or few sentences or as may be required :
(a) Give two reasons for the absence of forest cover in Ladakh region. 1
(b) Name two private sector Cement Units of Kashmir Valley. 1
(c) Name two most famous places of pilgrimage in the State where most of the pilgrims come from out side the State. 1
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

11. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book :
(i) Which area was illegally occupied by China in 1962 ? 1
(a) Gilgit
(b) Aksaichin
(c) Leh
(d) Kargil

(ii) Which one district has highest Literacy rate in J&K State ? 1
(a) Jammu
(b) Srinagar
(c) Doda
(d) Rajouri


Long Answer Type Questions ;
1. How do yo define Public Sector ? How has it grown since 1960-61 ? 7
Discuss the importance of Infrastructure in the process of Growth and Development.
2. What do you understand by Privatisation ? Give its main features.
Define W.T.O. What is it supposed to do ? 7
3. What do you mean by Population Explosion ? Explain the various economic consequences of population explosion in India. 7
Discuss the various measures taken by the Government to solve the problems of Poverty in India.
4. What are the main problems of Electricity in India ? 7
What are the important Environment issues which should receive our attention ?
(Short Answer Type Questions)
5. Define Economic development. 3
6. Discuss the necessary steps for the construction of Human Development Index. 3
7. Define Longevity. 3
8. Write the constituents of Primary Sector. 3
9. What is meant by ‘Poverty’ ? What are its two main forms ? 3

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
10. The following very short answer type questions of one mark, each may be answered in a few words or few sentences
(a) What is Social welfare ? 1
(b) Name two important Companies of Air Transport in India. 1
(c)What is the significance of good Education ? 1
(d)Under whose Chairmanship and when was the ‘National Planning Committee’ setup? 1

Section B

Long Answer Questions (Answer in 200 – 250- words). Each question carries 6 Marks)
Q1. Identify any three major limitations of the existing curriculum? Suggest any three remedies according to Indian Education Commission. Or
Explain the meaning of activity centered curriculum? Give any two merits and two demerits of activity centered curriculum. 6 Marks

Q2. Explain the meaning of “Elementary Education”? Give any two objectives with any two points of importance of elementary education. Or
What do you understand by wastage and stagnation in education? What are their causes at last stage? How can they be averted? (Any two) 6 Marks

Q3. What do you mean by growth and development? Show your acquaintance with any three internal factors affecting growth and development. Or
Name different stages of growth and development with chronology? What are the main features of childhood? 6 Marks

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