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Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Biology
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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JKBOSE Biology Model Question Paper

The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education :
Academic Division, New Campus, Bemina Srinagar
Model Paper :
Biology : (12th)
Section A : (Zoology)
Max. Marks: 35
Time 1 :30 hrs

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XII Education Paper Model :

Long Answer Type Questions:
1. Reproduction generally involves two parents. Does it occur uniparently. How? OR
Assisted reproductive techniques bring hope to infertile couples. Explain How. 5Marks
2. Describe Darwins theory of Natural Selection.
OR Sex is generally determined by chromosomes of an organism .Does environment also determines sex. Illustrate with examples. 5 Marks

Short Answer Type Questions:
3. What changes occur in the uterus of a human female if the ovum does not receive a sperm? 3 Marks
4. What phenotypic symptoms are produced in an individual due to trisomy of 21st chromosome? 3 Marks
6. How Genetic engineering helps in producing pest resistant crops? 3 Marks
Short Answer Type Questions:
7. Draw a labeled sketch of human sperm? 2 Marks
8. Mention two differences between analogous and homologous organs. 2 Marks
9. Mention two applications of cloning. 2 Marks
10. How does DNA fingerprinting helps in detecting a criminal. 2 Marks
Objective Type Questions:
11. Explain ZIFT. 1 Mark
12. Write the scientific name of Silk moth. 1 Mark
13. Name the antibody present in Colostrum. 1 Mark
14. Human genome is said to have approximately ————–base pairs. 1Mark
15. Give one example of point mutation. 1 Mark
Section B : (Botany)
Max. Marks: 35 Time 1:30 hrs
Long Answer Type Questions:
1. How does dominance differ from incomplete dominance? Illustrate with suitable example.
Hershey and Chase conducted an experiment on T2 Phage using radioisotopes. 5 Marks
What were there observations and conclusions?
2. Define an ecosystem. Write an account of energy flow in an ecosystem.
Major pollutants of air are CO2, SO2 and NO2. What are their sources and harmful effects on human beings and plants? 5 Marks

Bio Chemistry

Part A :
Long Answer Type Questions :
. Define Hormone and write down the characteristics of Steroid Hormones.
Describe in brief the Chemistry and Biochemical functions of Prostaglandins.

. Explain the Biochemical functions of Thyroid hormones.
What is Calcito’nin ? Give the chemistry as well as biochemical functions of Calcitonin.
Define Enzyme and give the brief classi?cation of Enzymes. I
Describe the various factors affecting the Enzyme activity.
Explain in brief the Phenomenon of B-oxidation.
Describe the mechanism of Ketogenesis.
. Describe the Biosynthesis of Pyrimidines-Nucleotides.
Explain the Phenomenon 0f Purine Biosynthesis. 5

Short Answer Type Questions :
Write a short note on Biochemical function of Mineralocorticoid. 3
Classify the hormones based on Chemical nature. 3
Write a note on Biochemical function of two hormones secreted from Adrenal Medulla. 3
Differentiate between Isoenzyme and Coenzyme. 3
Write a short note on Enzyme assay. 3
What is the effect of Lipase on Lipids. 3
What is “Salvage pathway” ? ‘ 3
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

The following very short answer type questions of two marks, each may be answered
in a few sentences or as required :
(a) What do you mean by the term Prostaglandin ? 2
(b) What are Leucotrienes ? 2
(c) Write down the symptoms of Hyper~Uricemia gout. 2
((1) Write any four biochemical functions of Cholesters. 2

Bio Technology

Part A :
Long Answer Type Questions :
1. Describe briefly Tertiary and Quaternary structure of Proteins.
Give the role of Enzymes in Diagnostic arrays.
2. Give the classification of Proteins based upon their functional groups.
Describe briefly the Beta thalasaemia and Sickel cell Anaemia.
3. Name and explain the various steps involved in recombinant-DNA technology.
Describe in detail the method involved in the construction of CDNA Library.
4. Describe in detail the method of PCR technique and its applications.
Explain in brief Southern blotting technique and its applications.
5. Define Genomics and discuss Human Genome Project.
‘ Or
Define Bioinformatics and its application in Biological Sciences. 5

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  1. I need the model question papers of Biology.

  2. Definition of economic minerals.

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