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Indian Writing In English B.A Question Paper :

University : University of Madras
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject : Indian Writing In English
Document type : Question Paper
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IDEUNOM NRP Indian Writing English Question Paper

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

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MAY 2012 U/ID 4029/NRP

1. Explain, with reference to context, any FIVE of the following passages, choosing not more than TWO from each group : (5 ´ 2 = 10)


(a) The moon stood silent in the sky, And looked upon our earth.
(b) The mighty perish in their might; The slain survive the slayer.
(c) Queen Gulnaar sighed like a murmuring rose; ‘‘ Give me a rival, O king Feroz’’.


(d) Then they must have taken him to work on the Mukta-dhara dam.
(e) Nonsense, don’t try to fool us that way, you’ll be telling us next that your blacksmith’s son
has mounted on the grasshopper and gone to catch the moon.
(f) There is a greater body than uttarakut, of which Uttarakut is a limb,and so is


(g) In what manner is the soul absorbed in the Deity? What relation does it bear to the divine Essence?
(h) Given these cleavages, is the idea of the universal religion realistic

(i) These principles of our religion are all safe, and it should be the life-work of every one of us to keep them free, from the accumulating dirt and dust of ages.

2. Write short notes on FIVE of the following questions in about 100 words, choosing not more than TWO from each group : (5 ´ 5 = 25)

(a) How does Ezekiel’s poem the Professor end?
(b) Write a critical appreciation of the poem Dawn at Puri.
(c) Write a short note on Toru Dutt’s Indianness as reflected in her ballads with ancient heroes
and heroines.

(d) What is the significance of the title Mukta-dhara?
(e) Compare and contrast Kapila and Devadatta. Who do you think is the greater loser, Kapila
or Devadatta?
Who do you think is the greater loser, Kapila or Devadatta?
(f) By what elements is the Chaos created Hayavadana?

(g) Quote examples from history of men who have supported the idea of world unity. who have supported the idea of world unity.
(h) How does Nirad C. Chandhan describe the festival Durga Puja?
(i) What are the ways in which Rammohan Roy requests Lord Amherst to envision India’s

3. Write essays on the following questions in about 400 words each : (4 ´ 15 = 60)
(a) (i) Attempt a comparative study of the poetic achievement of Ramanujan and
(ii) What do you learn about Mahapatra as a poet from your reading of the poem Dawn
at Puri?

(b) (i) Write an essay on the various problems involved in preserving world peace and
the methods of achieving it.
(ii) Swami Vivekananda comes out with a grand ideal for a Universal religion-

(c) (i) Describe critically the use of symbols by Tagore in the play Mukta-Dhara
(ii) What is the role-played by identity crisis in Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana?
(d) (i) Picturise the Indian tradition and culture in the novel lamp in the Whirlpool.
(ii) Analyse the part played by Ravi.

4. Analyse the following poem with reference to the literary devices like subject matles, language imagery etc. (5)
In the Bazaars of Hyderabad
What do you sell, O ye merchants?
Richly your wares are displayed.
Turbans of crimson and silver,
Tunics of purple brocade,
Mirror with panels of amber,
Daggers with handles of jade.
What do you weigh, O ye Vendors?
Saffron and lentil and rice
What do you grind, O ye maidens?
Sandalwood, henna, and Spice.
What do you call, O ye pedars?
Chessmen and ivory dice.

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