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JHB Applied Statistics B.Sc Question Paper :

University : University of Madras
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Geography
Subject :JHB Applied Statistics
Document type : Question Paper
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JHB Applied Statistics Model Paper :

OCTOBER 2011 U/ID 1414/JHB
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : University of Madras UCHD Geographical Thought B.Sc Question Paper :

SECTION A — (10 ´ 3 = 30 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. State the limitations of Statistics.
2. What is meant by tabulation?
3. State Baye’s theorem.
4. Define Mathematical expectation of a continuous random variable.
5. What is a scatter diagram?
6. What is meant by fitting of distributions?
7. State the applications of t-distribution.
8. Define contingency table.
9. State the importance of sampling.
10. What is meant by local control?

SECTION B — (5 ´ 14 = 70 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

11. (a) What is meant by classification of data? Describe various methods of classification.
(b) What are measures of locations and dispersion? Explain their merits and demerits.
12. (a) (i) Define continuous random variable.
(ii) Let X be a random variable with the probability function given by (b) Find E (X), ( ) , 2 E X [ ( )]2 E X – E X and

13. (a) (i) What are regression lines?
(ii) Find out coefficient of correlation between X and Y based
(b) (i) Define binomial distribution.
(ii) Fit a Poisson distribution for the following data :
X : 90 96 96 94 98 112 110 120
Y : 88 89 88 86 84 118 116 130

14. (a) (i) What is a chi-square test?
(ii) A fertilizer mixing machine is set to give
(b) Table given below shows the relation between the performances
(b) Perform the analysis of variance on Latin square design
No. of failures of a machine : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of shifts : 82 42 31 12 8 3 2

(b) Table given below shows the relation between the performances of students in geography and geology. Test the hypothesis that performance in geology is independent of that in geography using 5% level of significance

15. (a) Write a detailed note on sampling and nonsampling errors.
b) Perform the analysis of variance on Latin square design given below at 5% level of significance and state your conclusions.

OCTOBER 2012 U/ID 61776/URHC
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 50 marks
SECTION A — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Distinguish between measures of location dispersion.
2. Write down the primary rules to be observed in the classification
3. State Baye’s theorem and explain its importance in probability theory.
4. Define conditional probability, when two events
5. Define binomial distribution. State its main properties.
6. What are the applications of Poisson distribution?
7. What is contingency table?
What are the assumptions for the validity of chi-square test?
8. What is non-sampling error? What are its sources?

SECTION B — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.

9. Calculate the coefficient of skewness from the following data :
10. A problem in Statistics is given to five students
11. The ranks of 15 students in two subjects A and B
12. 1000 families were selected at random in a city so far
13. Analyze the following results of a Latin Square Design.

APRIL 2011 : U/ID 1414/JHB
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Section A : (10 ´ 3 = 30 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. State any three nature of statistics.
2. What is classification?
3. What do you mean by conditional probability?
4. Explain mathematical expectation.
5. Briefly explain the scatter diagram.
6. Define Rank Correlation.
7. Explain the concept of sampling distribution and standard error.
8. What is testing of hypothesis?
9. What is Simple random sampling?
10. Explain sampling and non sampling errors.

SECTION B : (5 ´ 14 = 70 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
11. (a) Explain the scope and limitations of statistical methods.
(b) (i) Explain Skewness and Kurtosis.
(ii) Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness for the following data.
x : 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50
f : 8 16 30 45 62 32 15 6

12. (a) State and prove addition and multiplication theorem of probability.
(b) (i) Explain discrete and continuous random variable.
(ii) State and prove Bayes theorem.

13. (a) (i) Explain the regression lines.
(ii) Obtain the two regression lines from the following data.
X : 6 2 10 4 8
Y : 9 11 5 8 7
(b) (i) Explain binomial and Poisson distribution.
(ii) Fit a binomial distribution and calculate the expected frequencies from the given data.
x : 0 1 2 3 4 5 7
f : 6 20 28 12 8 6 0

14. (a) Explain the following :
(i) t, F and c 2 distributions.
(ii) Explain the procedure for testing of hypothesis.
(b) (i) Explain the theory of attributes.
(ii) Explain the tests of independence in contingency table.

15. (a) (i) Explain the stratified random sampling method.
(ii) Describe in detail systematic random sampling method.
(b) (i) Explain the principles of scientific experiments.
(ii) Explain the one way classification in analysis of variance.

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