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BT503 Bioinformatics–I B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : West Bengal University of Technology
Department : Bio-Technology
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : V
Subject Code/Name : BT-503/Bioinformatics – I
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Document Type : Previous Year Examination Question Paper

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WBT Bioinformatics – I Previous Question Paper

Full Marks : 70
1. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
2. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

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Bioinformatics Previous Year Question Papers

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 × 1 = 10
i) The first bioinformatics database was created by
a) Richard Durbin b) Dayhoff
c) Steven Altschul d) David Lipman.

ii) Which of the following database can be used to access protein domain information ?
a) Prosite b) DDBJ

iii) If you want literature information, what is the best website to visit ?
a) OMIM b) Entrez
c) PubMed d) PROSITE.

iv) How does the BLOSUM differ from PAM ?
a) It is best used for aligning very closely related proteins
b) It is based on local multiple alignments from distantly related proteins
c) It is based on global multiple alignment from closely related proteins
d) It combines local and global alignment information.

v) Which of the following compares a protein query sequence against a translated nucleotide sequence library ?

vi) As the E value of a BLAST search becomes smaller
a) K value also becomes smaller
b) Score tends to be larger
c) Probability p tends to be larger
d) The extreme value distribution becomes less skewed.

vii) The main difference between Pfam-A and Pfam-B is that
a) Pfam-A is manually curated while Pfam-B is automatically curated.
b) Pfam-A uses HMMs while Pfam-B does not.
c) Pfam-A provides full length protein alignments while Pfam-B aligns protein fragments.
d) Pfam-A incorporates data from SMART and PROSITE while Pfam-B does not.

viii) In a position-specific scoring matrix, the score for any given amino acid residue is assigned based on
a) a PAM or BLOSUM matrix
b) its background frequency of occurrence
c) the score of its neighbouring amino acid
d) its frequency of occurrence in an MSA.

ix) The BLAST algorithm compiles a list of word. Words at or above a threshold value T are defined as
a) Hits and are used to scan the database for exact matches that may then be extended.
b) Hits and are used to scan a database for exact or partial matches that may then be extended
c) Hits and are aligned to each other
d) Hits and are reported as raw score.

x) You have two distantly related proteins. Which BLOSUM or PAM matrix is best to use to compare them ?
a) BLOSUM45 or PAM250 b) BLOSUM45 or PAM1
c) BLOSUM80 or PAM250 d) BLOSUM80 or PAM1.

xi) Which of the following is not a scalar variable ?
a) $DNA b) $23_Seq
c) $seq_dna d) $DNA23.

xii) Let @ base = ( ‘A’, ‘T’, ‘G’, ‘C’ ) and $nt = ‘X’. The syntax splice @base.1.1.$nt ) will generate the output
c) AXGC d) A$ntTGC.


( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15
2. What is Bioninformatics ? Explain its application in genomics and proteomics. 5
3. Describe progressive alignment for MSA. 5
4. Describe in words how BLAST algorithm works and explain different BLAST programs. 5
5. Write a program that takes as input the ID of a gene as well as its sequence and thereafter generates the following output
ID : BC12345
Reverse sequence : ACATTACATTA
No of nucleotide : 11. 5


( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45
7. a) Differentiate local and global alignment. 6
b) Compute the global alignment ( proposed by Needleman and Wunsch-1970 ) between the two sequences S1 = ABCNJRQCLCRPM and S2 = AJCJNRCKCRBP. 7
c) Is the alignment you found unique, or are there multiple alignments ? 2

8. What is Scoring or Substitute matrix ? Describe BLOSUM in detail with an example. 7

9. a) Why do you use Perl ? What arguments do you frequently use for the Perl interpreter and what do they mean ? 3
b) What do the symbols $ @ and % mean when prefixing a variable ? 3
c) Write a program that takes as input a DNA sequence and outputs the length of the sequence.
The program should make use of <STDIN>. 3
d) Write a Perl script to count nucleotide frequencies in a DNA sequence. 6

10. Write short notes on any three of the following : 5 × 3 = 15
b) Dynamic programming
c) Gene prediction

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  1. Where can I get the answers?

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