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Board :State Council of Educational Research & Training
Exam : HSE Geography
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Geography Question Paper :
Maximum : 60 Scores
Time: 2hrs
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

Related : State Council of Educational Research & Training Class XI Economics Question Paper Model :

General Instructions to candidates :
** There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 h.
** You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
** Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
** Read the questions carefully before answering
** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
** When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
** Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
** Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
** Give equations wherever necessary
** Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

1. Identify the branch of geography which deals with map making. [1]
2. Match the following. [3]
Convergent margin Fault zones Divergent margin Fold mountains Shear margins Mid oceanic Ridges

3. It was the post drift studies related to the ocean floor that led to the concept of sea floor spreading. List any 3 ofthese studies. (3)
4. Distinguish between shield volcano and flood basalt provinces. Give example for each. [3]

5. Carbonic acid formed by the reaction of carbon dioxide with rain water leads to a type of chemical weathering. Name this process of chemical weathering. Mention the other types of chemical weathering. [4]
6. List any two erosional features of waves. [2]

7. Differentiate the following
A. Transverse dunes and longitudinal dunes
B. Stalactites and stalagmites [4]

8. Identify the plates marked as A,B,C and D [2]
9. Identify the right sequence of atmospheric gases in the order of their proportion.
a) Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
b) Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide
c) Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon
d) Argon, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen

10. The temperature at which water starts
evaporating is referred to as
(a) Dew point
(b) Saturation point
(c) Latent heat of vaporization
(d) Frost [1]

11. Explain the different types of rainfall on the basis of their formation.
Analyze the factors affecting the speed and direction of wind. [6]

12. Himalayan glaciers are shrinking at the fastest rate. Examine the statement and mention the cause and consequences of the phenomenon. [4]
13. Even if the earth receives frequent rain, the available stock of water in the earth remains unchanged. Why? [3]
14. Suggest any two steps for the conservation of biodiversity. [2]
15. Write a note on the sub divisions of Himalayas. [3]
16. List out the factors that influence the climate of India. [3]
17. Which of the following is not true? a. Enclosed seas in the lowest latitude record relatively higher temperature than the open seas.
b. Normally there is a seven days interval between spring tide and neap tide.
c. The highest salinity in water bodies is recorded at Lake Van in Turkey.
d. The atolls are flat headed seamounts. [1]

18. Pick out the wring pair
(a) Lightning – Atmospheric Disaster
(b) Flood – Aquatic Disaster
(c) Tsunami – Terrestrial Disaster
(d) Dengue – Biological Disaster

19. Every year India loses millions of tons of soil and its nutrients through the proess of degradation which adversely affect the national productivity. Examine the statement and suggest measures to prevent the loss. [2]

20. Identify the layers of the atmosphere from the given diagram. [2]

21. Identify the following and mark on the outline map of India provided.
a. Capital of Jharkhand.
b. Major latitude passes through central part of India
c. The southernmost point of Indian Union
d. Areas getting winter rain
e. BWhW climatic region in India
f. Longest west flowing river which flows through a rift valley. [6]

22. Observe the line between A and B marked on the river map of India. What does the line indicate? Prepare a note based on this. [3]

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