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Board :State Council of Educational Research & Training
Exam : HSE Economics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Economics Sample Question Paper -I
Higher Secondary Education
Maximum : 80 Score
Time: 2½ hrs
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

Related : State Council of Educational Research & Training Class XI History Question Paper Model :

General Instructions to candidates :
** There is ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2.30 hrs.
** You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.

** Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
** Read the questions carefully before answering
** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.

** When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
** Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
** Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.

** Give equations wherever necessary
** Only nonprogrammable calculators are allowed in the Examination Hall

1. Critically evaluate the short comings of he industrial policy pursued by the colonial administrators (2)
2. Explain the merits of Green Revolution (3)
3. Examine how outsourcing helps Indian economy (4)
4. Critically evaluate the poverty alleviation programmes implemented in India (4)
5. Differentiate between human capital and human capital formation (4)

6. Give suggestion for further development in rural areas in India (8) (Clues: Rural credit – rural agricultural marketing organic farming)
7. Write the economic terms Unemployment caused by seasonal change (1)
8. Visibly employed but actually unemployed (1)
9. Mohan is an engineering graduate. But he is working as a bus conductor. Is he gainfully employed? Give your reasons (2)
10. Prepare a list of medical facilities of in your district. (4)

11. Identify the factors responsible for land degradation in India. (4)
12. Find the odd one out ASEAN, BRICS, WTO, GATT (1)
13. In which country planning started in 1956
a. India
b. China
c. Russia
d. Pakistan
Write wether the statement True of False

14. The Great Leap Forward programme was initiated in Pakistan for massive industrialisation. (1)
15. Find the odd one out (1) height, weight, honesty, price, income
16. Find the odd one out Consumption, production, investigation, distribution. (1)
17. Complete the following flow chart with different types of sampling. (4)

18. The marks of 30 students are given below.
59. 72 77 78 78 59
68 78 53 63 55 63
63 49 64 87 68 87
76 68 72 68 72 59
78 72 63 63 58 78
Prepare a frequency table by using exclusive class intervals. (4)

19. The marks secured by 60 students in an examination are given below.
Marks 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
No. of students 5 7 30 12 6

a. Construct the schedule for ‘more than’ and ‘less than ogives
b. Draw the diagrams
c. Locate the median graphically (5)

20. Suppose you want to study the saving habits of the households in your Panchyat. A survey of 50 households were carried out and the data obtained is tabuted as follows (5)
Class 0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 Total
Frequency 12 15 9 7 4 2 1 50

Correct the following statement
21. The sum of deviations of items from median is zero (1)
22. An average alone is enough to compare series (1)
23. Mode is the middle most item of a series (1)
24. Daily sale of Motor Cars from 80 distributors are given below. Calculate the standard deviation and co-efficient of standard deviation. (8)

Sales 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
No.of Class 5 9 12 18 15 11 7 3

25. Draw the scatter diagram for each of the relationship between X and Y
a. Positive correlation
b. Negative correlation
c. Perfect positive correlation
d. Perfect negative correlation (4)

26. Calculate simple Aggregative Price Index for the commodities given below:
Commodities A B C D
Base period 5 4 3 2
Current period 7 6 5 4

27. You are asked to study, the problems faced by the rubber cultivators in Kerala. List out the important steps for preparing this project. (2)
28. Write True or False. The width of rectangles in a histogram should essentially be equal (1)

29. Diversification in agricultural productive activity helps agricultural labourers to shift from agriculture to allied activities for sustain thir livelihood. Prepare a seminar paper on this statement. (8)
30. Write the economic term. Able bodied persons willing and seeking work but no work at all (1)
31. Unemployment in between leaving present job and picking up the next job (1)

32. When readymade garments become popular the local tailors loose their job. Give a suitable term for the situation and define it (2)
33. List out the major sources of energy (4)

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