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Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Exam : HSC Physics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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HSC Physics Model Question Paper :

for Kashmir Division-2010
Subject – Physics MM: 70 TIME : 3h
General Instructions

(a)All questions are compulsory.
(b)There are 30 questions in total. Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each Questions

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XII Chemistry Question Paper Model :

(c)There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided
(d)Use of calculators is not permitted.
(e)You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary :

1.If the number of turns and the length of a solenoid are doubled keeping
how is the inductance affected?
2.Draw a labelled diagram of Simple microscope.
3.A variable frequency a.c. source is connected to a capacitor.
Will the displacement current increase or decrease with increase in frequency?
4.The current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is 5 division/mA
5.The divisions marked on the scale of an ac ammeter are not equally spaced. Why

6.The forbidden energy gaps in insulators, semiconductors and conductors are EG1
Arrange them in ascending order. 1
7.What is the relation between power gain, voltage gain and current gain
8.Write two important characteristics of nuclear forces.
9.The given graph shows the variation of charge q versus potential

10he storage battery of a car has an emf of 12 V. If the internal resistanc
what is the maximum current that can be drawn from the battery?
11ame materials, one in each case, which are suitable for
12Name the waves that are often referred to as ‘heat waves’.
Name the physical quantity that has:

13a. In a metre bridge, the balance point is found to be at 39.5 cm from the end A,
when the resistor S is of 12.5 O.
Determine the resistance of R.
b.Determine the balance point of the bridge above if R and S are

14A ray of light passes through a prism in the position of minimum deviation.
Trace the path of the reflected ray.
What is the inclination of the ray (inside the prism) with the base of the prism.

15.The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV.
Following the Bohr’s theory, find the energy corresponding a transition
Calculate the shortest and the longest wavelength emitted in the Balmer Series.

16.A 100W sodium lamp radiates energy uniformly in all directions.
The lamp is located at the centre of a large sphere that absorbs all the sodium light
which is incident on it. The wavelength of the sodium light is 589 nm.
a.What is the energy per photon associated with the sodium light?
b.At what rate are the photons delivered to the sphere?

17.Consider an optical communication system operating at . wavelength associated with an electron
What will be its wavelength, when the accelerating potential is increased to 4 V?

19.Consider a uniform electric field E = 3 × 103 î NC-1.
(a) What is the flux of this field through a square of 10 cm on a side
whose plane is parallel to the yz plane?
(b)What is the flux through the same square if the normal to its plane makes

20a.For circuits used for transporting electric power, a low power factor
bA lamp is connected in series with a capacitor.

21. What are interhalogens? How are they produced? Give the structure of IF7. 5marks
How will you distinguish between?
(i) Ethanol and acetone
(ii) acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde
(iii) Tollen’s and Fehling’s test?

Long Answer ’Fype Questions :
1. Durability and cost of the material should be considered While purchasing clothes. Justify.
Family budget in?uences the plans for clothing. Justify your statement giving reasons in support of your answer. 5
2. Classify Textile ?bres according to their source. Write about the chemical and physical properties of Cotton.
What do you understand by the term Finishing of Textiles ? What is the aim of the process of Finishing ? 5
3. What is meant by the term Stain ? Write the classi?cation and general rules for removal of Stains.
Describe in detail the composition and properties of Silk.- 5
What are Bleaches ? Classify them and write their uses’and application. 4.
‘ Or
Explain Printing and different types of printing. 5
5. How will you wash and dry Woollen fabrics at Home ?
What is the procedure for washing and finishing of Silken garments ? 5

Short Answer Type Questions :
6. What are the functions of Clothing ? 3
7. How do fashions affect the clothing choice of a Person ? 3
8. Write short note on Clothing Budget. _ 3
9. How are Fibres classi?ed ? _ 3
10. How are Blood and Tea stains removed ? 3
11. Write the physical and chemical properties of Asbestos. 3
12. How are White clothes blued by using Ujala and Ranipal ? y 3

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