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Agro Industrial Project Planning & Management M.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Food Tech & Bio-Chemical Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Name : Agro Industrial Project Planning And Management
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Jadavpur Agro Industrial Project Planning Question Paper

Master Of Technology In Food Tech. & Biochemical Engineering Examination, 2012
( 1st Semester )
Time : Three Hours
Full Marks : 100 (50 marks for each Part)

Related : Jadavpur University Advanced Advance Food Process Engineering M.Tech Question Paper :

Use a separate Answer Script for each Part :
Part – I :
Answer any Three questions :
1. Define storage of agricultural materials. What are the basic principles of crop storage? What bulk handling equipments and transportation infrastructures are needed for storage? Discuss on modern storage structures indicating the benefits of gas storage structure and hermetic storage structure. 2+3+4+7 2

2. What has been the major focus in agricultural imfrastructures in India? Why it is a social capital? Justify that infrastructure increases agricultural production and productivity. Define manpower planning for agriculture and discuss its quantitative and qualitative aspects. Make a list of utilities requirement for the improvement of agriculture and agribusiness. 2+2+2+7+3 =16

3. What are the special features and special hurdles in agri-based industries and how efficient supply chain management can help to solve it? Discuss the general objectives, functions and strategies of agro-product distribution and marketing.

4. What are the main issues to be addressed for capacity build up in agri-business? How agribusiness incubator centres can help in the growth of capacity? Justify that poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. 4+5+7 =16

5. What are the various models for contract farming? How agricultural mechanisation can improve production, productivity and profitability? Justify that systematic linkages development can improve agriculture management. 5+3+8 =16

Part – II :
Answer any Three questions :
All questions carry equal marks. :
6. Discuss the present status of agro based food processing industries in India. Suggest what are the methods need to be adopted to exploit the further opportunities in agro-food industries?

7. What is the role of public-private partnership in food quality and safety management? Discuss the major issues facing public private food quality control laboratories.
8. Discuss some practical considerations regarding quality assurance in agri-food enterprises. What are the considerations at stake?

9. Discuss the major guidelines and eligibility criteria related to agriculture and agrifoods development fund.

10. Write notes on :
a) Task force on food security crisis.
b) Fruits and vegetables processing industries in India.
c) Gender and social inclusion as safeguards of agri-food business development.
d) Major constraints faced in the development of small and medium scale rural based food processing industries.
e) Technology selection for rural based food industries.

Industrial Management :
Growth of Industries, Management thoughts and scientific management, Taylorism; Factory system of production, Introduction to management problems, Types of manufacture, Planning analysis and control aspects in industries.

Types of business ownership, means of finance and business combinations, organization structures, committee organization, authority and responsibility, duty and span of control. Plant location, factory buildings and physical facilities, plant layout, tools and techniques of plant layout, materials – handling arrangements.

Product development, standardization, simplification and diversification. Functions of production, planning and control, production forecasting, production scheduling and network techniques, Gantt chart, CPM, PERT etc.

Work study, job evaluation and merit rating; purchase system and inventory control. Inspection and quality control of systems, statistical quality control, maintenance and replacement policies for machine and equipments; decision making theories, breakeven analysis cost benefit analysis, evaluation of financial and managerial efficiencies. Introduction to operational research techniques.

Application of fuzzy logic in modern management concepts. Human relations in industry and labour compensation. Personnel management, provision of industrial legislations in India. Wage and salary administrations. Welfare and safety provisions, trade union acts. Study of environmental impacts and environmental laws.

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