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A212 Poetry Drama & Prose, Fiction B.A Question Paper Model :

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject : A212 Poetry Drama & Prose, Fiction
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Download Model/ Sample Question Papers :,FICTION%20AND%20PROSE,FICTION.docx

KSOU Poetry Drama & Prose, Fiction Model Question Paper


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Q.1a) Write a note on the intellectual and literary developments in the seventeenth century.

b) Show how Chaucer gives us vivid portraits of the piligrims in The Prologue. Illustrate by giving any two examples.
Q.2Attempt a critical analysis of the central theme in Spencer’s Facrie Queen-Book I.
Q.3Comment on the use of Metaphysical wit, Conceit and hyperbole Donne’s poetry with reference to any two of his poems.
Q.4Attempt a critique of George Herberts “The Collar”.
Q.5Show how the ‘Carpe-diem’ theme is dramatized in “To his Coy Mistress”.


6. a) Write a critical note on the significance of the court scene in The Merchant of Venice.

b) “The Merchant of Venice is about judgments, redemption and mercy. It begins with usury and corrupt love; it ends with harmony and perfect love.” Substantiate.

7.a) Bring out the significance of the forest of Arden in As You Like It.
b) Discuss the character of Rosalind in As You Like It.

8.a) What view of man and nature does emerge from your study of The Tempest?
b) Comment critically on the earth-air or Caliban-Ariel antithesis in The Tempest.

9a) What is the problem in Measure for Measure and how is it solved?
b) Comment on the title of the play, Measure for Measure.

10.a) What according to Bradley, are the distinctive features of Shakespearean Tragedy?

b) What is the influence of Wilson Knight on Shakespeare Criticism in recent times?


First Year :
ENG-L 112: Poetry, Prose, Fiction, Language Component
Unit 1: Chaucer: The Wife of Both
Unit 2: Shakespeare: Full Many a Glorious Morning
Unit 3: Milton: How soon Hath time
Unit 4: Pope: Belinda’s Dressing table
Unit 5: Gray: Selection from the Elegy
Unit 6: Wordsworth: Three years She grew
Unit 7: Tennyson: Ulysses
Unit 8: Arnold: Dover Beach

Unit 9: Bacon: Of Studies
Unit 10: Swift: “Yahoo’ Extract from Gulliver’s Travels – Book IV Chapter II
Unit 11: Washington Irwing: The Widow and the Son
Unit 12: Hawthorne: Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
Unit 13: Dickens – Definition of a Horse
Unit 14: Maupassant: The Necklace

Units 15 – 24: Orwell: Animal Farm

Unit 25: Expansion of an Idea
Unit 26: Comprehension
Unit 27: Use of Idioms
Unit 28: Active and Passive Voice
Unit 29: Synonyms & Antonyms
Unit 30: One word substitute

Second Year :
ENG-L 212: Prose, Drama, English for Commercial Purposes
BLOCK 1: Poetry
Unit 1: Shakespeare: Polonius’s Advice to his son Ben Jonson: To Celia
Unit 2: Donne: A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
Unit 3: Marvell: To His Coy Mistress
Unit 4: Blake: London
Unit 5: Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn
Unit 6: Shelley: Ozymandias
Unit 7: Browning: My Last Duchess

BLOCK 2: Prose:
Units 8 to 13: The Power of Prose: Published by Prasaranga, Manasagangothri,
BLOCK 3: Drama:
Units 14 to 19: Shakespeare: Julius Caeser

BLOCK 4: Language Component:
Unit 20: Essay Writing
Unit 21: Precis writing and comprehension passage
Unit 22: Indirect and Direct Speech
Unit 23: Use of Prepositions
Unit 24: Forms of the Verb

Third Year :
A-412: Poetry, Drama And Fiction
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
Unit 1: W.B Yeats: A Prayer for My Daughter
Unit 2: W.B Yeats: The Second Coming
Unit 3: T.S Eliot: The Hollow Man
Unit 4: Robert Frost: Stopping by Woods
Unit 5: Robert Frost: Mending Wall
Unit 6: W.H. Auden: The Unknown Citizen

BLOCK 2: Poetry (contd.,):
Units 7 to 11: T.S. Eliot: Murder in the Catghedral
BLOCK 3: Drama:
Units 12-14: J.M, Synge: Riders to the Sea
BLOCK 4: Fiction:
Units 15-18: Albert Camus: The Plague

A-512: Growth Of English Language And Its Characteristics Of Modern English, Hudson And Practical Criticism
BLOCK 1: Growth of English Language:
Unit 1: Nature and origin of language
Unit 2: Origin of Writings
Unit 3: The Indo-European family of language
Unit 4: English as part of the Germanic family

BLOCK 2: Growth of English Language (contd.,):
Unit 5: Characteristics of Old English
Unit 6: Effects of the Norman Conquest
Unit 7: Latin, Greek and French Influence on the English Language
Unit 8: Influence of he Bible and Shakespeare

BLOCK 3: Characteristic of Modern English:
Unit 9: Standard English
Unit 10: Contemporary Influences on the English Language
Unit 11: English as a World Language
Unit 12: List of words of different origin

BLOCK 4: Hudson and Practical Criticism:
Hudson: An introduction to the Study of Literature:
Unit 13: Chapter III
Unit 14: Chapter IV
Unit 15: Chapter V
Unit 16: Chapter VI and Appendix, On Personality in Literature
Units 17-18: Practical Criticism

A-312: Poetry, Drama, Prose And Fiction
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
(Selection from Palgrave’s Golden Treasury: Edited by J. Press, OUP Madras)
Unit 1: Hardy: Neutral Tones
Unit 2: Hardy: The Man He killed
Unit 3: G.M. Hopkins: God’s Grandeur
Unit 4: G.M. Hopkins: The Windhover
Unit 5: Wilfred Owen: Strange Meeting
Unit 6: Emily Dickinson: Because I could not stop for Death
Unit 7: Emily Dickinson: The Soul selects her own society, I heard a fly buzz

BLOCK 2: Drama:
Units 8 to 11: Shakespeare: Othello
BLOCK 3: Fiction:
Units 12-14: Raja Rao: Kanthapura

BLOCK 4: Fiction and Prose:
Units 15-16: Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
Units 17-18: Hazlitt – On the Ignorance of the Learned Lamb – Poor Relations
G.K.Chesterton: A Defence of Nonsense

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