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Poetry,Prose,Fiction,Language Component B.A Question Paper Model :

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject :Poetry,Prose,Fiction,Language Component
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Poetry,Prose,Fiction,Language Component Model Question Paper :


Related : Karnataka State Open University A115 Indian History & Culture From Earliest Times To 1526 Ad B.A Question Paper Model :

I. Annotate four of the following :
a) Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest,
Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country’s blood.

b) Husbands at church door she had five
Without other company in youth.

c) One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

d) All is if I have grace to use its so,
As ever in my great Task-master’s eye.

e) This casket India’s glowing gems unlocks
And all Arabia breathes from yonder box.

f) But out alack! He was but one hour mine,
The region cloud hath masked him from me now.

g) The sea of faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.

h) Such thought to Lucy I will give
While she and I together live
Here in this happy dell.

II.Answer any two of the following in not more than a page

a)What are your impressions of Belinda in Pope’s poem?
b)Bring out the contrast between Ulysses and Telemachus.
c)How does Arnold describe the world around him in ‘Dover Beach’?
d)How does wordsworth associate the death of Lucy with the ennoblin influence of nature

III. Answer any two of the following in not more than a page and a half each:
a)Explain critically Dr. Heidegger’s experiment.
b)Describe the incidents which led to the tribulations and humiliations of the Loisels.
c)What are Bacon’s views on studies?
d)How does Dickens contrast fact and fancy through Sissy and Bitzer?

IV. Answer any two of the following in not more than a page and a half each:
a)What is the significance of the seven commandments introduced by Snow ball and Napoleon to the farm animals?
b)Write a note on Boxer.
c)What is the role of Squealer in Animal Farm?
d)Discuss Animal Farm as a political satire on the Russian Revolution.

V.a)Read the following passage and answer the questions that
It is in their attitude towards children that the Englishman and the Russian are poles apart. In an English family discipline is the order of the day. A favourite English proverb is “spare the rod and spoil the child”. This saying was almost elevated into a gospel by Dr. Arnold, who built up public school system on the basis of corporal punishment, side by side with Latin, football and the Bible.
i) Who built up the public school system?
ii) What is the favourite English proverb mentioned in the passage?
iii) In what are the Englishman and the Russian poles apart?

b) Choose one of the following and expand the idea in not more than a page:
i) Make hay while the sun shines.
ii) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
iii) Honesty is the best policy.
iv) Little drops of water make a mighty ocean.

c) Use two of the following idioms in sentences of your own:
i) Greek and Latin
ii) Body and soul
iii) Kith and Kin
iv) Hue and Cry

d) Change the voice of one of the following:
i) A new bridge has been built across the river
ii) The students sang a song.

e) Provide synonyms for two of the following:
i) Ability
ii) Feeble
iii) Lazy
iv) Kind

f) Provide antonyms for two of the following:
i) Bright ii) Wisdom
iii) Bad
iv) Punctual

g) Provide one word substitute for two of the following:
i) A person who loves his own county
ii) One who goes on a journey to a holy place
iii) A period of two weeks
iv) A period whose wife is dead.

First Year :
ENG-L 112: Poetry, Prose, Fiction, Language Component
Unit 1: Chaucer: The Wife of Both
Unit 2: Shakespeare: Full Many a Glorious Morning
Unit 3: Milton: How soon Hath time
Unit 4: Pope: Belinda’s Dressing table
Unit 5: Gray: Selection from the Elegy
Unit 6: Wordsworth: Three years She grew
Unit 7: Tennyson: Ulysses
Unit 8: Arnold: Dover Beach

Unit 9: Bacon: Of Studies
Unit 10: Swift: “Yahoo’ Extract from Gulliver’s Travels – Book IV Chapter II
Unit 11: Washington Irwing: The Widow and the Son
Unit 12: Hawthorne: Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
Unit 13: Dickens – Definition of a Horse
Unit 14: Maupassant: The Necklace

Units 15 – 24: Orwell: Animal Farm
Unit 25: Expansion of an Idea
Unit 26: Comprehension
Unit 27: Use of Idioms
Unit 28: Active and Passive Voice
Unit 29: Synonyms & Antonyms
Unit 30: One word substitute

A-112: Poetry, Drama, Fiction And Hudson
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
Unit 1: Wordsworth: Daffodils
Unit 2: Wordsworth: Solitary Reaper
Wordsworth: Westminster Bridge
Unit 3: Keats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
Unit 4: Keats: Ode to a Nightingale
Unit 5: Shelley: To a Skylark
BLOCK 2: Poetry (Contd.,):
Unit 6: Coleridge: Christabel
Unit 7: Blake: The Tyger
Unit 8: Blake: The Chimney sweeper
Unit 9: Browning: Prospice
BLOCK 3: Drama:
Units 10-13: Ibsen: A Doll’s House
BLOCK 4: Fiction and Hudson
Units 14-17: Emile Bronte – Wuthering Heights
Units 18-19: Hudson–An Introduction the Study of Literature–Chapters I & II

A-212: Poetry, Drama, Fiction And Prose
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
Unit 1: Shakespeare: Shall I compare thee…
Shakespeare: Let me not to the marriage.
Unit 2: Milton: On His Blindness
Unit 3: Donne: Death Be Not Proud, Good Morrow
Unit 4: Herbert: The Gifts of God
Unit 5: Dryden: Song for St.Cecilia’s Day

BLOCK 2: Drama:
Units 6-9: Galsworthy – The Silver Box

BLOCK 3: Fiction and Prose:
Units 10-13: Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist
Unit 14: Bacon-Of Travel, of Ambition
Unit 15: Addision – Tombs in Westminister Abbey
Unit 16: Goldsmith – National Prejudicies

BLOCK 4: Fiction:
Units 17-20: Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

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