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Project Engg & Process Plant Costing B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Food Tech & Bio-Chemical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Name : Project Engg & Process Plant Costing
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Jadavpur Process Plant Costing Question Paper

B. TECH. (FTBE) Final Examination, 2006 :
(1st Semester)
Time: Three Hours
Full Marks : 100
Use a separate Answer-Script for each Part :

Related : Jadavpur University Microbial Technology B.Tech Question Paper :

Model Questions


(60 marks)
Answer any Three questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. A company has three alternative investments which are being considered. Because all three investments are for the same type of unit and yield the same service, only one can be accepted. The risk factors are the same for all the three cases.

Company policy, based on the current situations, dictate that a minimum annual return on the original investment of 15 percent after tax must be predicted for any unnecessary investment with interest on investment not included as a cost. Company policy also dictate that, where applicable, straight line depreciation is used and for time value of money interpretations, end of year cost and profit analys is is used. Given below the following data, determine which investment, if any, should be made by alternative-analysis profitability evaluation methods of

i) Rate of return on initial investment
ii) Minimum pay out period with no interest charge.

2. Write short notes on (any two)
i) The importance of feasibility report before start of particular venture.
ii) Estimation of total product cost based upon manufacturing costs and general expenses.
iii) Methods for determining depreciation by various techniques.

3. A scheme for production of soft drinks is given below
The production target per month of soft drinks is 75,000 bottles each containing 300 mi and soid at the rate of Rs.10/- / bottle.

4 i) What are the decisions are to be taken for determining acceptable returns? 8
ii) A company is using a piece of equipment which orginally costs Rs. 1,50,000/-. The equipment has been in use for 5 years and it now has a net realizable value of Rs.30,000/-. At the time of installation service life was estimated to be 10 years and the salvage value at the end of the service life was estimated to be zero.

Operating cost amounts Rs. 1,10,000 per year. At the present time, the remaining service life of the equipment is estimated to be 3 years. The present piece of property is availableof more advanced design. The proposed equipment will cost Rs.2,00,000/- and the operating cost would be Rs.75,000/- per year.

The service life is estimated to be 10 years with a zero salvage value. Each piece of equipment will perform the same service and all costs other than operations and depreciation will remain constant. Generally the depreciation costs in replacement studies, sinking fund method is used. The company will not make any unnecessary investment in equipments, unless it can obtain an additional annual return on the necessary capital which is to invested again. Do you recommend replacement of the original one with a new one?.


(40 marks)
Answer any Three questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
6. Explain the following :
i) Application of PERT and CPM in project planning.
ii) External and Internal factors affecting technology transfer.
iii) Plant layout should follow certain specific characteristics
in Food Processing Unit.

7. A Fruit Processing Unit produces —
i) Tomato Ketchup — 50,000 kg/month for three months.
ii) Pineapple juice concentrate — (T.S. 60%) – 50,000 kg/ month for next three months.
iii) Capacity utilization of the plant is considered to be 70%.
iv) Two shifts per day and 180 working days / year.
v) Water charges @ Rs.4.50 per kilolitre.
vi) Assume other data as prevailing in the market —
Discuss Financial Analysis of the project.

8. Discuss Total Quality Management in Food Processing Industries in relation to
i) Basic Concepts
ii) Purpose and
iii) Benefits.

9. Write short notes on:
i) Concepts of ISO 14000 series standard.
ii) Customer satisfaction model
iii) Working capital in Food Processing Unit.

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