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Fluid Flow B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Food Tech & Bio-Chemical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Name : Fluid Flow
Year/Sem : II/I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Fluid Flow Question Paper :

B.E. FTBE Examination, 2012-13 :
(2nd Year, 1st Semester)
Full Marks : 100
Time : Three Hours

Related : Jadavpur University Waste Treatment Engineering B.Tech Question Paper :

Note :
Use a separate Answer script for each Part.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Answer any five question from Part I and Part II, but not more than three from any Part. Charts may be suplied .

Part – I :
1. A pipe carrying oil of relative density 0.877 changes in size from 150 mm at Section A to 450 mm at Section B. Section A is 4m. lower than B and the pressure are 0.91 bar and 0.6 bar respectively. If the discharge is 0.15 m3/s, determine the lost head and the direction of flow. 20
2. Develop the equation of continuity for steady flow of (a) a compressible fluid and (b) an incompressible fluid. 20

3. Write short notes on (any two) : 10×2
(i) Total energy balance for steady flow of fluid.
(ii) Friction losses in pipe fittings for fluids flowing through pipes.
(iii) Working principles of differential Manometer to measure of smaller pressure difference during Fluid Flow in pipes with a neat sketch.

4. Water at 15ºC is pumped from a reservoir to the top of a mountain through a 6” pipe at an average velocity of 3.048 m/s. the pipe discharges into the atmosphere at a level of 1.219m, above the level in the reservoir. The pipe line itself is 1.524 km. long. If the overall efficiency of the pump and motor driving it is 70 per cent and if the cost of electrical energy to the motor is Rs.5 KW hr. What is the hourly energy cost forpumpins this water. Assume the necessary data. 20

Part – II :
5. Water at 15ºC is pumped continuously through a horizontal pipe of 5 cm. die. A recording flow meter indicates a flow of 3000 gals/hr. with a head of 44 cm. of water across the orifice with thrat taps.
(i) What is the diameter of orifice meter
(ii) What will be the net loss in head due to the presence of the orifice when the flow is 2000 gals/hr. Given 1 gal = 4546 cm3. 20

6. Water is flowing through a 7.6 cm pipe at a rate of 150 gal/min. at 10ºC.
(a) If a standard sharp-edged orifice 4.4 cm. is dia is inserted in the line, what could be reading on a mercury manometer connected across the orifice.
(b) If a venturi meter with a throut 4.4 cm. in dia is used instead of orifice, what would be manometer reading?
(c) What would be the reading on each instrument if instead of water, an oil is flowing through the pipe at the same rate? Density and viscosity of oil are 0.89 gm/c.c. and 1.3 cp. 20

7. A centrifugal pump takes brine from the bottom of a supply tank and delivers it into the bottom of another tank. The brine level in the discharge tank is 50 m above that in the supply tank. the tanks are connected by 200 m of 18 cm pipe. The flow rate is 50 l/s. The line between the tanks has 2 gate valves, 4 stel T? s and 4 ells. What isthe energy cost for running this pump for a 24 hr. day?

Fluid Flow Syllabus :
Introduction to the properties of different types of fluid. Fluid pressure and pressure measuring devices. Fluid Kinematics. Streamline flow, turbulent flow, unsteady flow. Equation of continuity, Navier – stockes equation.

Hagen Posieuille equation. Fannings equation , Euler equation, Bernoulli,s equation, total energy balance equation. Flow of compressible fluid through nozzles. Fluidization. Flow measuring devices such as orificemeter, venturimeters, rotameter and weir. Energy losses in pipes, valves and fittings. Two phase flow and flow through packed bed. Concept of boundary layer separation and vortex formation.

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