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APM802F Entrepreneurship B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : West Bengal University of Technology
Department : Apparel Production Management
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : VI
Subject Code/Name : APM-802F/Entrepreneurship
Website :
Document Type : Previous Year Examination Question Paper

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2013 :

WBUT Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper

Time Allotted : 3 Hours
Full Marks : 70
** The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
** Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Related : West Bengal University of Technology APM802M Entrepreneurship Development B.Tech Question Paper :


( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10 × 1 = 10
i) Creativity
a) needs sound knowledge
b) needs high level of intelligence
c) needs team work
d) is a basic quality of a human being.

ii) Technical and technological innovations involve
a) improving products and production processes
b) introduction of a new product which is well accepted by the customers
c) introduction of improved relationship between manages and subordinates
d) introduction of new methods of management.

iii) Idea incubation
a) is a process of marketing new products
b) is a process to increase production rate
c) is a process for bringing ideas into reality
d) is a process of improving product quality.

iv) Micro-manufacturing enterprises involve investment up to
a) Five lakhs b) Ten lakhs
c) Twenty lakhs d) Twenty-five lakhs.

v) What is most important in a business plan ?
a) Type of products to be manufactured
b) Volume of output
c) Measures to maintain quality of products
d) Cash flow analysis and specific implementation details.

vi) The four P’s of modern marketing mix are Product, Price, Promotion and
a) People b) Plan
c) Place d) Profit.

vii) Advertising a product is a part of marketing strategy regarding
a) promotion b) segmentation
c) pricing d) positioning.

viii) The focal point of any successful enterprise is
a) innovation b) creativity
c) money d) growth.

ix) Each quality entrepreneur is concerned over the management of man, material, machine, method of production and means (5M’s) of working to control over
a) Capital b) Quantity
c) Quality d) Attitude.

x) “Exploratory” creativity involves
a) Transformation of some dimension of the structure
b) New combinations of familiar ideas
c) Generation of new ideas
d) None of these.


( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15
2. a) Define creativity and innovation.
b) What are the different types of creativity ? ( 2 × 1 ) + 3
3. Write in short about the process from identification of ideas to their implementations.
4. a) What is meant by industrial dispute ?
b) What are the different industrial dispute settlement machineries in India ? 2 + 3
5. Most of the entrepreneurial skills are acquired than inherited. Explain with suitable examples.
6. “Quality Entrepreneur is essential to Small Business.” Justify your answer with suitable reasons.


( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45
7. a) Justify the statement “Creativity leads to innovation”.
b) Discuss about the barriers and challenges faced in administration of innovation mechanism. Also give suggestions to meet the challenges and strengthen the innovation system in India. 6 + 9
8. a) Discuss about the different stages for systematic implementation of new ideas.
b) Discuss in detail about the business plan structure in India. 6 + 9

9. Discuss in detail about the different causes of industrial dispute in India.
10. Discuss the level of personal competencies required for becoming a successful entrepreneur. Mention different challenges to be overcome by a successful entrepreneur in his venture. 10 + 5
11. Describe different entrepreneurial models for selection of entrepreneurial ability of human beings. Hence explain the overall quality characteristics that an entrepreneur can possess. 9 + 6

Product Engineering And Plant Layout

Time Allotted : 3 Hours
Full Marks : 70
** The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
** Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

GROUP – A : ( Objective Type Questions )
1. Answer the following : 10 × 1 = 10
i) Time allowance considered for power cut is an example of
a) contingency allowance b) interference allowance
c) process allowance d) fatigue allowance.

ii) ‘Westinghouse Method’ is related with
a) average working efficiency of that worker
b) performance rating % of the worker
c) standard allowed minute of a job
d) productivity calculation.

iii) Which of the following control charts are useful to illustrate amount of rework and rejection ?
a) Two handed process chart
b) Multiple activity chart
c) Operation process chart
d) Flow process chart.

iv) Mention one example each for ‘Make Through Process’ and ‘Progressive Bundling Process’ of Apparel Manufacturing.
v) ‘Selection of the best possible alternatives’ is a step included in
a) work sampling b) time study
c) method study d) motion study.

vi) Which of the following factors have most significant influence on the ideal number of observation cycles for Time Study ?
a) Average cycle time of the job
b) Type of raw material
c) Location of the machine
d) Efficiency % of the job.

vii) Mention any two causes of Seam Puckering.
viii) Utilization of material handling trolley can be analysed through
a) multiple activity chart
b) two handed process chart
c) operational process chart
d) travel chart.

ix) Mention one example each for process layout and product layout.
x) Checking the lay alignment should be done
a) after cutting b) before cutting
c) before sewing d) after sewing.

GROUP – B : ( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following : 3 × 5 = 15
2. Write short notes on : 2½ + 2½
i) different levels of productivity calculation
ii) check list for cutting department.

3. Write a flow chart to describe different steps involved in Method study.
4. Draw a neat block diagram to show the constitution of standard time by showing different elements of standard time.
5. What do you mean by performance rate % ? Explain the method of determining performance rate % by Westinghouse system. Give a suitable example.
6. Draw a block diagram to describe the schematic method of plant layout plan.

GROUP – C : ( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. : 3 × 15 = 45
7. a) The path of material flow of four items A, B, C and D are as observed below in a manufacturing industry :
Item Department
A P ? Q ? S ? U ? V
B R ? P ? V ? U ? S
C Q ? U ? V
D P ? Q ? R ? S ? T ? V
Draw a suitable travel chart.

b) The stop watch readings of time (in second) of elements of a job recorded by a time study executive are as under :
Element Cycle-1 Cycle-2 Cycle-3 Cycle-4
A 2 1·5 1·5 2
B 10 10 9 11
C 6 5 6 5·5
Calculate the required number of cycles to be recorded at +/– 5% of accuracy and a 95% confidence level. 7 + 8

8. a) An assembly operation in Sewing Department consists of five elements with following observed time and the performance ratings :
Element Observed Time in Minutes Performance
Rating %
A 1·2 80
B 0·5 85
C 1·12 80
D 0·5 95
E 0·10 90
Assume element B and D are machine job and rest are manual jobs. Assuming rest and personal allowance as 15%, contingency allowance as 3% and process allowance as 5% of the basic time. Calculate Standard Allowed time.

b) Briefly mention the causes of any 4 commonly occurred sewing defects. 7 + 8

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