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HU611 Knitting & Knitwear Technology B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the University : West Bengal University of Technology
Department : Apparel Production Management
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : VI
Subject Code/Name : HU-611/Production & Operations Management
Website :
Document Type : Previous Year Examination Question Paper

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2013 :

Production & Operations Management Question Paper :

Time Allotted : 3 Hours
Full Marks : 70
** The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
** Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Related : West Bengal University of Technology APM604A Knitting & Knitwear Technology B.Tech Question Paper :

GROUP – A : ( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 × 1 = 10
i) Which among the following is not a phase in the product life cycle ?
a) Maintenance b) Growth
c) Maturity d) Decline.

ii) Which among the following is not a tool for demand forecasting ?
a) Regression analysis
b) Moving average method
c) Simplex method
d) Exponential smoothing method.

iii) In ABC classification of inventory items, A items are
a) 20% items, 20% money value
b) 60% items, 20% money value
c) 20% items, 60% money value.

iv) KANBAN is a system of
a) inventory control
b) production planning
c) project execution
d) quality control.

v) Which is not an essential requirement of JIT purchasing ?
a) Stable relation with vendor
b) Simple purchase agreement
c) Timely exact quantity delivery
d) Specifying all conceivable design features.

vi) Cycling in a CPM/PERT network means
a) early finish of project
b) project will never start
c) project will never finish
d) existence of dummy activity.

vii) The appropriate control chart for control of defects in a casting is
a) X-bar chart b) R-chart
c) P-chart d) C-chart.

viii) P-chart in Quality control is also known as
a) fraction defective chart
b) chart for number of defectives
c) chart for number of defects per unit
d) none of these.

ix) i) At EOQ the Order Quantity is minimum
ii) At EOQ the total cost of inventory is minimum
a) only statement (i) is true
b) only statement (ii) is true
c) both statements are true
d) none of these statements are true.

x) Johnson’s Rule is applicable in
a) job sequencing
b) machine scheduling
c) quality control
d) none of these.

xi) Shoe manufacturing is an example of
a) Job production
b) Batch production
c) Continuous production
d) None of these.

xii) Productivity can be mathematically expressed as
a) cost/input b) input/output
c) input + output d) output/input.

GROUP – B : ( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15
2. Discuss in brief various Qualitative Methods of Forecasting.
3. The actual demand for a particular model of mobile phone for three months is given below
Period January February March
Actual Demand 500 600 800
a) Forecast the demand for the month of April based on simple average.
b) If the weights assigned to the periods of January, February and March are 025, 035 and 040 respectively, forecast the demand for the month of April using Weighted Moving Average Method.

4. Ten woolen carpets were studied critically for total number of defects in their texture. The details of the number of defects in each carpet are given below
Carpet No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of defects 5 7 3 2 6 4 5 3 2 3
Calculate the following for constructing a control chart for number of defects :
a) Central Line
b) Upper Control Limit (UCL)
c) Lower Control Limit (LCL)

5. M/s Raj Engineering Works, Durgapur has been given a contract by Indian Railways to make seven components. Each of these components requires processing on two machines M1 and M2 in the order M1, M2. The time required by each of these jobs for processing on two machines is given below. Find the optimal sequence for processing the seven jobs and calculate the waiting time of jobs.
Job | M1 | M2 :
A 9 2
B 5 4
C 8 10
D 3 5
E 4 6
F 1 11
G 7 6
6. What do you understand by ‘Material Requirement Planning’ ? How is it used in planning for materials ? 2 + 3

GROUP – C : ( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. : 3 × 15 = 45
7. a) Identify the various costs associated with inventory. 4
b) Explain the concept of the ‘Q’ system and ‘P’ system. 5
c) Fixed costs in a factory are Rs. 10,000/- per year, the variable costs are Rs. 2/- per unit and selling price is Rs. 4/- per unit. Calculate no. of units at Break-even points. If sales are 8000 units, calculate safety margin. If desired profit is Rs. 6,000, calculate target sales volume. 6
8. a) What is an Operating Characteristics (OC) curve ? 3

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