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MFW032 Communication Skill-II M.Sc Question Paper :

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Footwear Technology
Degree : M.Sc
Subject Code No / Name : MFW-032/Communication Skill – II
Year : December, 2011 ; June, 2015 ; December, 2015 ; December, 2014
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Communication Skill – II Question Paper :

M.Sc. In Footwear Technology : (MSCRATI)
Term-End Examination :
MFW-032 :
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : All questions are compulsory.

Related : IGNOU The People’s University MF4V031 Organizational Behaviours & Human Resources Development M.Sc Question Paper :

1. Answer any four questions : 5×4=20
(a)’Define business communication. How does it different from normal communication ?
(b)What are the types of communication ? What do you understand by creative and assertive non-verbal communication ?
(c)Why written communication has an advantage over other types of communication ?
(d)How many types of barrier’s are there in communication ? What are they ?
(e)What are the 7C’s of communication ?
(f)Write a sample business letter requesting state authority for Industrial land to set up your own business unit.

2. Answer any two questions : 10×2=20
(a)What are the three components of “Accent” ?
(b)What audience preparation is important during a public speech ?
(c)What is that “Secret” according to you to deliver a good speech ?
(d)What is platform presence ? Explain with the help of examples.

3. Answer any two questions : 10×2=20
(a)Define communication skill and explain the meaning of clarity and creativity.
(b)Why do you need to be selective in selecting words during a public speech ?
(c)What are the steps you will take to have your communication effective in a team ? Explain.

4. .Answer any two questions : 5×2=10
(a)During a public speech how will you improve your presentation ? Explain.
(b)What are the important point’s to remember to become a successful public speaker ?
(c)What do you understand by ” Flexibility of voice” ? How does it contribute toward’s public speaking ?
(d)What is the meaning of “logical sequence” in a speech ? Explain.

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
00204 Term-End Examination
June, 2015
MFW-032 : Communication Skills – II
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : All questions are Compulsory.
1. What are the main features of public speaking ? Explain in detail. 10
2. Why is body language in communication important ? How can you use effective body language in communication ? 15
3. Presentation is an art. Write down the key factors for an excellent presentation. 10
4. What is fear and shyness in communication ? How can one overcome the problem and develop confidence ? 15
5. How are perception and communication inter-related ? Give suitable examples. 10
6. Describe the impact of listening and style in public speaking. 10

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
December, 2015
MFW-032 : Communication Skills – II
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
1. Explain the persuasive power of spokeit words. 10
2. Explain in detail the misunderstandings in communication giving suitable examples. 10
3. Write a note on paralinguistic consideration in public speaking. 10
4. What do you mean by the saying “The face is the index of the heart” ? 10
5. Mention different types of gestures and postures in body language. 10
6. What are the different stages in writing a presentation ? 10
7. What do you mean by speaking without fear and shyness ? Explain in detail with the help of suitable examples. 10

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
0 07 5 Term-End Examination : December, 2014
MFW-032 : Communication Skills – II
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. How will you overcome nervousness if you were asked to make a presentation ? 10
2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2×10=20
(a) Perception of an audience before the speech of the speaker
(b) Importance of listening
(c) Effective use of body language
3. Discuss the reasons why in business the term `presentation’ has come to be used more commonly than ‘public speaking’. 10
4. Write an essay on the paralinguistic aspects of the oral presentation. 20
5. Distinguish between body language and speech. Illustrate with suitable examples. 10

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  1. What is communication skill?

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