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MF4V031 Organizational Behaviours & Human Resources Development M.Sc Question Paper :

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Footwear Technology
Degree : M.Sc
Subject Code/Name : MF4V-031 / Organizational Behaviours & Human Resources Development
Year : December, 2011
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Document Type : Question Paper

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Organizational Behaviours & Human Resources Question Paper :

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
Term-End Examination :
MF4V-031 :
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt any seven questions. Three questions from Section – A, and Four questions from Section – B.

Related : IGNOU The People’s University MFW030 Marketing Management & Marketing Research M.Sc Question Paper :

1.”Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour.” Discuss the statement with the help of OB – Model.
2.Discuss the Big Five model of personality with suitable examples.
3.Define perception. Explain the steps in the perceptual process.
4.What is motivation ? Critically examine the Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation.
5.What is Managerial Grid ? Describe the various styles of leadership.

6.What is ASTD’s Human Resource Management Model ? Discuss the various functions of HRM.
7.What is human resource planning ? Discuss the process of human reosurce planning in detail.
8.What is job analysis ? Differentiate between job description and job specification with suitable examples.
9.What is recruitment ? Discuss the recruitment process and various sources of recruitment for the middle and junior level management positions in a pharamaceutical company.
10.What do you understand by placement ? How are employees placed on independent, pooled and sequential jobs ?
11.What is performance appraisal ? What are its objectives ? Discuss the 360 degree of performance appraisal.

M.Sc. Fashion Merchandising And Retail Management : (MSCFMRM)
Term-End Examination
MFW-006 : HRM/Organisational Behaviour
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. In what way do you find ‘Perception’ relevant to understand organisational behaviour ? 10
2. What is the relationship between values and behaviour ? 10
3. Compare “Intrapsychic Theory” with “Self Theory” ? 10
4. Critically examine Porter-Lawler model of motivation. How do performance and satisfaction relate to each other ? 10
5. Examine the different styles to the study of leader behaviour. Is there a best style ? 10
6. Discuss the role of human factors in the management process. 10
7. Briefly explain the major activities of HRM. 10

8. Write short notes an any two of the following : 2×5=10
(a) Job Analysis
(b) Job Description
(c) Job Design
(d) Job Rotation
9. Explain the steps in the development of “Group” ? Also explain Group Dynamics. 10
10. Explain HRM budgeting and forecasting. 10

M.Sc. Fashion Merchandising And Retail Management : (MSCFMRM)
Term-End Examination
December, 2014
MFW-006 : HRM/Organisational Behaviour
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is HRM ? What are its functions and objectives ? Outline the policies and principles of HRM. 10
2. Define the term ‘training and development’. Explain the various inputs required for a training and development programme. 10
3. What is performance appraisal ? What are its objectives ? How do the results of performance appraisal affect other HR activities ? 10

4. What is motivation ? Why is it a critical issue of interest to managers in an organisation ? Compare and contrast Maslow’s need hierarchy theory with Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation. 10
5. What is grievance procedure ? How does arbitration differ from grievance procedure ? Bring out the respective roles in resolving disputes. 10

6. What do you understand by Human Resource Planning ? Explain the various steps in the Human Resource Planning. 10
7. Draw an organisation chart, which is suitable for a big retailing outlet and write down the functions carried out by each head of hierarchy in the organisation chart. 10
8. Design a reward system for retailing personnel to enhance the sales growth. 10

9. List out the different types of employee grievances observed in the retailing organisation. Write down the procedure for solving any one type of grievance. 10
10. What do you understand about career positions and growth plans in retailing ? Explain with suitable examples. 10

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