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M12501 Manufacturing Processes DME Question Paper Model :

College : Psg Polytechnic College
Degree : DME (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering)
Semester : V
Subject : M12501 Manufacturing Processes
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Psg Polytech Manufacturing Processes Question Paper

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1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.
3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

Manufacturing Processes

Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100
Group – A
Marks : 10 x 3 = 30

1. What are the common materials used for pattern-making-
2. Draw a sketch of a typical mould and name its principal parts.
3. Classify different types of moulds.
4. Name the common materials used for forging.
5. Describe press forging.

6. What is the difference between the hammer and press forging-
7. What are the common forging defects-
8. List out the applications of welding
9. What are the functions of coatings on shielded electrodes-
10. Describe resistance welding.

11. What is meant by hot spinning.
12. Specify the merits of different kinds of rolling mills.
13. What is a press- Where it is used-
14. Name various parts of power press.
15. What is meant by Sintering-

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a.i] How are patterns classified? Describe them with neat sketches and state the uses of each of them. (7)
ii] Write short notes on core making process. (7)
b) i] Sketch a cupola and label the essential parts. Describe the operation of a cupola Furnace. (7)
ii] State the methods of cleaning castings. Explain any one method. (7)

17.a) i] What do you understand by gas welding? Describe in brief the equipment required for oxy- Acetylene welding? (7)
ii] How are neutral, oxidizing and reducing flames obtained in a welding torch? (7)
b)Describe and explain the following welding methods giving their advantages, limitations and specific applications:
(i) MIG (ii) TIG

18.a)i)State the difference between ‘smithing and forging. List the advantage and disadvantage of each. (7)
ii) Explain roll forging and its principal uses. (7)
b )i) Describe press forging. How does it differ from drop forging? (7)
ii) explain with neat sketches the following operations:
1)upsetting 2)punching 3)bending 4) drawing down (7)

19.a)Explain briefly with neat sketches different processes of extrusion and also discuss their relative merits and demerits.
b)Describe the process of hot and cold spinning stating their advantages and Specific uses.

20.a)Name and explain various power press driving mechanisms.
b)Outline the objectives of powder metallurgy process and also discuss the advantages and limitations of power metallurgy process.

Design Of Machine Elements

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Group – A :
1. Write short notes on theories of failure.
2. Define : Slip & Factor of Safety.
3. What is meant by crowning of pulleys-

4. List any three advantages of V-belt drive over flat belt drive.
5. List the important points to be considered during the installation of chain drives?
6. Define : Module, Addendum & Dedendum

7. List out the different types of gear used.
8. What are the advantages of worm gears-
9. With an example, explain the standards used for bearing specification.

10. Compare Sliding contact and Rolling contact bearings.
11. What is meant by Dynamic load carrying capacity of a bearing-
12. List out the forces acting on a shaft drive.

13. What are the different types of transmission shafts-
14. List out the different types of gear boxes used in an automobile.
15. What is the importance of a speed diagram in a gear box design-

Group – B Marks : 3 x 16 = 48
16. Select a Flat belt from the manufacturers catalog to transmit 8 kW of power at 960 rpm. The speed of the driven pulley is 750 rpm. The approximate center distance is 2.5m. The drive is used for machine tool application.

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  1. I need the answers for above questions.

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