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M.Tech Object Oriented Software Development Question Paper : Karnataka State Open University

University : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : M.Tech
Year : II
Semester : 4th Sem
Stream : Computer
Subject : Object Oriented Software Development
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Object Oriented Software Development Question Paper :

Model Question Papers :
M.Tech IV Semester
Spe : (Object Oriented Software Development)

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Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75

Instructions :
** Question paper is divided into three groups.
** Each group is of 25 marks.
** Figure to the right in bracket indicates mark.
** Assume suitable data if necessary.

Answer any three questions. (Question No. 1 is compulsory)
Q.1 What is information system? What its purpose? (05)
Q.2 What is derived attributes? Give an example. (10)

Q.3 Explain the following terms (10)
(i) Candidate key
(ii) Composite Primary key
(iii) Foreign key
(iv) Secondary key

Q.4 Explain all the components of the dynamic HTML environment (10)
Q.5 What is a macro? Explain how to create macros with in the macro group. Give example of java code for each case. (10)

GROUP B : Answer any three questions. (Question No. 6 is compulsory)
Q.6 Write about natural and outer join. (05)
Q.7 Explain OLAP system. (10)

Q.8 Explain the following terms
: (10)
(i)Buffer management (ii)Virtual memory
Q.9 Explain how the following term differ : fragmentation transparency, replication Transparency and location Transparency. (10)
Q.10 What do you understand by database design? Implement database design in accordance with different phases . (10)

GROUP C : All Questions are Compulsory.
Q.11 Fill in the blanks (Each question carries 2 marks)
(i) In database level entire __________ is locked.
(ii) Database mostly focus on ________.
(iii) A ___________ is an instruction that triggers one or more actions.

(iv) Two approaches to the designs of conceptual schema are_________ and __________.
(v) The key idea behind the shadow –paging technique is to maintain two page tables during the life of a transaction : the _______________ and the _____________.

Q.12 Multiple choice question. (Each question carries 2 marks)
(i) DAO is an object oriented API used to access __________.
(a) MS Access
(b) MS visual basic
(c) MS word
(d) MS excel.

(ii) ROLAP uses __________.
(a) Star schema
(b) Data cubes
(c) Client
(b) Server

(iii) _____________ is used for Query insertion, deletion & updation of data/information stored in the database.
(a) DDL
(b) DML
(c) DCL
(d) None of the above

(iv) An entity set that does have a primary key is called a ________ entity set.
(a) Weak
(b) Strong
(c) Medium
(d) None of the above

(v) __________ Join is a join operation that connects relations when
values from specified columns have specified relationships.
(a) Theta
(b) Outer
(c) Equi
(d) None of the above

Q.13 True or false : (Each question carries 1 marks)
(i) One to one relationship is a data model.
(ii) Granularity refers to represent values.
(iii) The lowest implement able normal form is labeled 2NF,for second normal form.

(iv) The purpose of degree to consistency is to avoid cascading, abort without necessarily insuring serializablity .
(v) A Microsoft Access database administrator retains full permissions on a secure database Used by a workgroup.

Model Que Papers :
M.Tech : IV Semester
Spe : (Object Oriented Software Development)
Java 2 Programming

** Question paper is divided into three groups.
** Each group is of 25 marks.
** Figure to the right in bracket indicates mark.
** Assume suitable data if necessary.

GROUP A : Answer any three questions. (Question No. 1 is compulsory)
Q.1 Explain routers, terminators, NIC. (05)
Q.2 Define stream and explain all types of streams. (10)
Q.3 What is a java Bean? Explain the advantages of Java beans. (10)

Q.4 What is an interface? Describe various forms of implementing interfaces.  Give example of java code for each case. (10)
Q.5 What is a package? How do we add a class to a package? (10)

GROUP B : Answer any three questions. (Question No. 6 is compulsory)
Q.6 Write a program for sorting of an array. (05)
Q.7 Explain 3 Tier Architechure. (10)

Q.8 Explain the following terms
: (10)
(i) Referential Integrity
(ii) Metadata
(iii) Data warehouse
(iv) Dependency

Q.9 Explain concept of JVM, How byte code is compiled by JVM. Explain portability in detail. (10)
Q.10. Write a program to draw a triangle using draw polygon ( ) method of the Graphics class. Discuss Graphics class (10)

GROUP C : All Questions are Compulsory.
Q.11 Fill in the blanks (Each question carries 2 marks)
(i) TCP stands for__________.
(ii) Home interface defines the methods for locating __________.

(iii) Declaring a method ____________guarantees that the deadlock cannot occur.
(iv) Every method of a final class is implicitly__________.
(v) Members of a class specified, as ________ are accessible only to the methods of the class.

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