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Board : Andhra Pradesh Open School Society
Exam : Senior Secondary Sociology
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Sociology – Model question paper :

Time : 3 Hrs
Marks: 100

Related : AP Open School Society Senior Secondary Painting Theory Question Paper Model :

Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 1 Mark 1×3=3

1. What was the name of the Religion Propagated by Akbar-
2. What are the two sets of Jainism-
3. What is the meaning of population explosion-

Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2×6=12

4. Define Society-
5. Differentiate between primary and secondary groups-
6. What is meant by Social process- Give two Examples
7. What are the four attributes of science-
8. Name the four Varnas found in India-
9. Write two similarities between political Sciences and Sociology-

Section – C
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 4 marks. 4×10=40

10. What do you mean by normlessness- Explain.
11. What are the four characteristics of competition-
12. Explain the concept of family.
13. Describe any two patterns of social change.
14. Explain the concept of Buddhism.
15. What do you understand by communalism-
16. Write any four characterization of tribal society.
17. Differentiate between caste and class.
18. How unity can be maintained in India.
19. Describe any four ‘pillars’ of Islam-

Section – D
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 6 marks. 6×5=30

20. Explain the main causes of poverty in India.
21. Describe the development of Sociology in India in your own words.
22. What is regionalism- Explain its impact on Indian Society.
23. Explain the changes that have taken place in the institution of marriage.
24. Discuss in detail the role of technical factors in social change.
25. What is feminism-

Option – I : Marks : 15
(Status of Women)
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Each Question carries 1 Mark 1×1=1
25. What is feminism?
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2×2=4
26. Distinguish between sex and gender?
27. What is meant by women’s movement?
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 4 marks. 4×1=4
28. Write a note on sexual harassment at the work place?
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 6 marks. 6×1=6
29. Write about the status of women in medieval period.

Option – II : (Culture)
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 1 Mark 1×1=1
25. Name the four Vedas.
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2×2=4
26. What are the two characteristics of culture?
27. What is the meaning of Cultural Heritage?
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 4 marks. 4×1=4
28. Explain the concept cultural lag with examples.
Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries 6 marks. 6×1=6
29. Explain the positive and negative impact of television.

Model Question Paper : (Practical)
Painting (Practical) 332- P3
Folk Art As Motif
Paper – III : (English & Telugu Versions )
Time : 1.00 Hours
Maximum Marks : 15
(English Version)
Create a border design for a table cloth using Kalamkari motifs
Create a border design for a table cloth using worli Motifs paper size 4”x8” (Telugu Versions)

Accountancy – Model Question Paper :
Section – A Marks : 4 x 10 = 40 M
: Answer any four of the following questions. not exceeds 40 lines each
1. What do you mean by Accounting concepts. Explain different accounting concepts?
2. Describe the role of computers in Accounting?
3. Discuss the accounting treatment of goodwill on retirement of a partner.
4. Describe the debenture and mention the types of debentures
5. Distinguish between capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure?

6. From the following Trail Balance of Ms. Narsimhan & Co., Prepare Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31, March 2010 and Balance sheet on the date.

Particulars Balances Particulars Balances
Opening Stock 27,600 Capital 1,30,000
Purchases 1,04,000 Bills Payable 36,000
Wages 8,000 Sales 1,48,800
Sales return 4,800 Purchase returns 3,000
Land & Building 80,000 Discount received 900
Plant & Machinery 49,000 Sundry Creditor 2,300
Bills receivables 24,000 Interest 1,900
Sundry Debtors 11,000 Reserve for doubtful debits 500
Cash in Hand 17,500 Loan 26,000
Office Rent 4,400 Commission 1,400
Bad debits 800
Insurance 3,000
Freight Inward 2,800
Fuel & Power 4,900
Furniture 9,000
3,50,800 3,50,800

Adjustments :
1. Closing stock Rs. 50,000/-
2. Write off depreciation on furniture 10%, Plant & Machinery 20%
3. Provide for wages outstanding Rs. 650. Ret outstanding Rs. 200, Prepaid Insurance Rs. 300
4. Provision for doubtful debts on debentures 5%
5. Interest on Capital 8%

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