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Board : Andhra Pradesh Open School Society
Exam : Senior Secondary Commerce
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Commerce Question Paper :

SUBJECT : Commerce
Time : 3 Hours

Related : AP Open School Society Senior Secondary Economics Question Paper Model :

Max. Marks : 100
Answer any five Questions. Each Question carries 8 marks 5×8=40
1. Explain the Primary Functions of Commercial Banks?
2. Define Memorandum of Association and Explain its clauses?
3. Describe the various Functions of Management?
4. What is meant by mutual funds ? Explain its Features?
5. Define Stock Exchange and Explain its Functions ?
6. What is Marketing mix? Explain (4 P’s) Four Components of Marketing mix.

7. Mr. Ram Reddy bought a T.V. from Reliance Show Room. When he fixed it in the house, it was not Functioned. The Sop Keeper refused to either exchange the T.V. or return the money. Where and how you suggest Mr. Ram Reddy to complain a file to get Redresel of his grievence?

Option I :
8. Categourise the avenues of Self employment and Explain them
Option II :
8. Explain the note of different Departments of a modern office.

Section – B :
Answer any nine Questions. Each Question carries 4 marks 9×4=36
9. Distinguish between whole life Policy and Endowment policy ?
10. What conditions are required to form a private company ?
11. What is meant by Scientific Management ?
12. Briefly Explain the differences between Primary Market and Secondary Market ?

13. State any four Functions of Channels of Distribution ?
14. State the different elements of delegation ?
15. What are the advantages of Public Enterprises?

16. Describe the features of sole Trade Business ?
17. What are the Qualities of a successful Entreprenuer ?
18. Explain the Organisational structure?

Option I :
19. In your district there are lots of unemployed youth and there are number of factories are comming up. One of the Factory owners confides the problem of getting suitable man power in the Factory of tat locality. You ant to start a placement agency to help in this situation. How would you go about setting a placement agency? Explain in detail

20. Select two different types of Business organisations in and around your locality. Without consulting those organisations make a list out any two probable reasons for establishing those units in such locality

Option II :
19. Prepare a chart showing two technical tools with full details
20. Give a Biodata for a job of your choice

Answer the following Questions. Each Question carries 2 marks 8×2=16
21. What is Trade?
22. List out any two documents submitted to the Registrar of a company for Registration ?
23. State the meaning of Preferential shares ?

24. Explain the term ‘ grading’ ?
25. Write any two objectives of sakes promotion ?
26. Write two differences between private company and public company?

Option I :
27. Explain the types of commission Agents?
28. What are the functions of packers and movers ?
Option II :
27. Name any four public Entreprises?
28. Distinguish between outward and incoming mail ?

Section – D :
Answer the following Questions. Each Question carries 1 marks 8×1=8
29. What is mixed Economy?
30. Give one example for Multi National Corporation ?
31. Expand C.P.M. ?
32. Expand SEZ ?
33. Define the term Dividend?
34. Give one example for Tangible and in tangible products ?

Option I :
35. Under which Act can a Partnership firm be registered?
36. What is Tiny Industry?
Option II :
35. Define wage Employment?
36. What is Office Layout?

Sociology – Model question paper :
Section-A :
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 1 Mark 1×3=3
1. What was the name of the Religion Propagated by Akbar-
2. What are the two sets of Jainism-
3. What is the meaning of population explosion-

Section-B :
Answer all Questions
Each Question carries 2 marks 2×6=12
4. Define Society-
5. Differentiate between primary and secondary groups-
6. What is meant by Social process- Give two Examples
7. What are the four attributes of science-
8. Name the four Varnas found in India-
9. Write two similarities between political Sciences and Sociology-

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