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Board : Andhra Pradesh Open School Society
Exam : Senior Secondary Economics
Document type : Model Question Paper
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Economics Question Paper :

Economics (318)

Related : AP Open School Society Senior Secondary Sociology Question Paper Model :

Note :
(i) This Paper Consists of two parts. Part A is from Core Module and Part B is from optional Module.
(ii) Attempt all questions from Part A and any one Group from Part B.

(iii) Answers to questions Carrying 1 mark should not exceed one or two lines each, 2 marks should not normally exceeds five lines, 4 marks should not normally exceeds ten lines and 8 marks should not normally exceeds 15 lines.

(iv) The sentence limit is not applicable to numerical questions.

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

Answer the following questions. 6 x1=6

1. What do you mean by an Economy –
2. What do you think about Economic Development –
3. What is the meaning of statistical Data –
4. Distinguish between ‘Rate’ and ‘Percentage’ –
5. What is “Micro Economics” –
6. State examples of ” Giffen goods”.

Answer the following questions. 5 x2=10

7. What do you mean by “Index Numbers” –
8. How is “arithmetic mean” of a grouped frequency distribution calculated –
9. Name different factor Incomes.
10. What is “deductive Method” –
11. What are “Intermediate Products ” –

Answer any 8 questions. 8 x4=32
12. State briefly the various stages of statistical Enquiry?
13. Explain the meaning of time series Linegraph ?
14. Explain the difference between characteristics of Indian Economy and developed economics.

15. What do you mean by excess supply and demand ?
16. What is “Bank Rate” ? How it check money supply ?
17. Give an account of major failure of economic planning in India ?

18. Illustrate the role of defit budgetary & fiscal deficit ?
19. Distinguish between revenue receipts & capital receipts ?
20. Distinguish between Economic growth and Economic development ?

21. Plot the following data on a diagram is the curve obtained by joining data points on straight line or not ? give reasons.
Price (Rs) Quantity demand
5 100
4 120
3 180
2 200

Section – IV :
Answer any 4 questions. 4×8=32
22. What is the World Bank Criterion for classifying world economics into developed and under developed countries.
23. What was the justification for economic policy reforms in 1991 ?
24. Distinguish between closed Economy and open Economy ?
25. How the National Income data collected from the income distribution method can be used to draw useful conclusions about an economy.
26. How money supply is checked through “Open market operations” ?

27. Prepare a Pie diagramme of a family expenditure from the following data.
Sl. No. Items Expenditure (Rs.)
1 Food 480
2 Clothing 300
3 Education & Entertainment 330
4 Rent 450
5 Miscellaneous 240
Total Expenditure 1800

28. Market demand and supply of mangoes are given below draw a diagram of Equilibrium Price. Price Demand Supply
9 4 14
7 6 11
5 8 8
3 10 5
1 12 3

Part – B : 20 Marks
Attempt either Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’.
Group – A :
29. Where is santacurz International Airport ? 1
30. What is “Life Expectancy” in India ? 1
31. NABARD 2
32. What do you mean by Extensive cultivation ? 2
33. What are the benefits of social infrastructure ? 2
34. Explain the need and importance of Education? 4
35. “Air Transport is important for Indian Economy” – Explain.? 8

Group – B :
36. What is Sex ratio ? 1
37. What is share of India in world population ? 1
38. Distinguish between current account and capital account ? 2
39. Explain the meaning of foreign Trade ? 2
40. What do you understand by “dependency ratio” ? 2
41. What do you understand by growth rate of population ? 4
42. “Policy of Liberlisation has helped India to expand its foreign trade with less strain on its balance of payment” – show how it works. 8

Accountancy – Model Question Paper :
1. What do you mean by Accounting concepts. Explain different accounting concepts?
2. Describe the role of computers in Accounting?
3. Discuss the accounting treatment of goodwill on retirement of a partner.

4. Describe the debenture and mention the types of debentures
5. Distinguish between capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure?

6. From the following Trail Balance of Ms. Narsimhan & Co., Prepare Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31, March 2010 and Balance sheet on the date.

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