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Sample Question Paper Commerce Computer Application : Plus Two/ 12th Std/ +2/ HSE

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Computer Application
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DHSE Kerala Computer Application Question Paper

HSE I Computer Application (Commerce Group)

1. Which among the following is information- 1 Score
a. The marks of six subjects of a student

Related : HSE Higher Secondary Education Kerala Journalism Model Question Paper :

b. The mark-list with total, percentage and grade for each subject.
2. Complete the Octal number series given below 1 Score
3. A memory area inside the microprocessor is called ………. 1 Score
4. Identify the name of the complex circuit inside the computer which holds
5. The user interface in Visual Basic software is ……… 1 Score
6. Praveen wants to give his name and class in a VB program he developed without
7. “It is always better to select computer as a tool for data processing”.
8. Express -21 in 2’s complement form. 2 Scores
9. In a shop the price of products are shown in hexadecimal system.
priced AD, FC and BB respectively. He gave 1000 rupees.
10. A student got some hand-written notes from his friend. He wants
i. Identify the most suitable input device for the above purpose

11. Ram and Murali went to a hardware shop for purchasing a hard-disk.
and high access time. The second type has less access time
your opinion, which model is best- Why- 2 Scores
12. There are two offices, office1 and office2. In office1 everyon
which are not interconnected. But in office2 all the computers
your opinion which is better- Why- 3 Scores
13. Internet connection can be taken mainly in two ways. Identify the
14. The following is an algorithm
Step 1 : Start Step 2: Let A=1 Sum=0 Step 3: Input the limit, N
Step 4 : Let Sum=Sum+A*A Step 5: Let A=A+1 Step 6: If A <=N then
15. Two friends decided to buy computers for their home purpose.
required software also along with the hardware. He had to pay a good
software. But the second person bought the hardware and copied
somebody. Thus he saved some money. Which person do you support-
16. Read the following and identify the particular name given to the
a. It is possible to treat a patient sitting in distant place by a specialist
b. Identification of criminals can be done by analyzing the samples collected
c. Government can control and coordinate the functions by integrating
17. In the olden days people used a mechanical device for making copy of
it is very easy to make a copy. Identify the different methods mentioned overand
18. Now a day, communication in an office is not a difficult task. Briefly explain

19. Rahul wants to collect some details about output devices for his class seminar. He decided to make use of Internet.
a. Identify the software tools available in Internet which can help Rahul 1 Score
b. Briefly explain the activities involved in the above process 2 Scores
20. How do you differentiate between Autosize and WordWrap properties of a Label control in Visual Basic. 2 Scores
21. Write the significance of any two components of VB-IDE(Integrated Development Environment). 2 Scores
22. Babu a student is doing a VB project. He likes to do the following tasks. How can you advice him to fulfill them?
a. There is a TextBox in the form. The number of characters in it must be restricted to 20
b. The form must look like a Fixed dialogue box.
c. Set the color of the command button in the form to Green. 3 Scores

23. Re-write the following VB code segment using some other statement without affecting the output.
If n=1 Then
MsgBox “Apple”
ElseIf n=2 Or n=3
MsgBox “Orange”
MsgBox “Grapes”
End If 3 Scores

24. Identify Event, Method and Property from the following statement. Also define each. 3 Scores “ On pressing the red key, the mobile switched off”
25. Write the effect of the following VB statements 2 Scores
a. Form1.Caption = “My Form”
b. Me.Hide

26. Write a VB program to calculate the simple interest of a deposit. If the deposit amount is below 10000, the rate 5%. If the amount is 10000 to 25000, the rate is 8% and 10% for other amounts. The details to be accepted are amount deposited and number of years of deposit. Input and output must be accepted/displayed in TextBoxes. The calculation is done when a command button is clicked.
Hint: Simple Interest = P*N*R/100. P-Principal Amount. N-No.of Years R-Rate of Interest 5 Scores

27. Anoop got a class assignment to write suitable VB statements to print all odd numbers between 10 and 100 in four different ways. How can he do that? 5 Scores Hint: Full program is not necessary.
28. ‘Computers have many applications in the field of Education’. Write value points to justify the above statement. 5 Scores

1 Comment
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  1. Let me know in which chapter we need to study about VB.

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