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Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE History
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History Model Question Paper :

Higher Secondary First Year – 2012
Part III
Time : 2 1/2 Hours
Cool off Time 15 minutes
Maximum 80 Scores

1. Analyse the factors that led to the conclusion with the Neolithic Age, there
2. Link colum A with appropriate items from cloum B and C

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a. Indology Athula Vikramangadeva charita
b. Colonial Historiography D.D. Kosambi Mooshakavamsa kavya
c. Biographical History James Mill Myth and Reality
d. Dynastic History William Jones History of British India
e. Marxist Perspective Bilhana Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal
3. On the outline map provided, locate the following places
a. Prayaga b. Maski c. sanchi d. Bodhgaya e. Sopara
4. ‘The drainage system and the great Bath of Harappans
5. Consider Rigveda as a main source of understanding Indian history
6. Describe the relevance of the Saptanga Theory of State
7. Each ‘Tinai” had its own geophical features and occupational patterns.
8. ‘In the field of education, Nalanda’s contribution is unique.’
9. Find out the relationship of both parts fo item ‘A’ and fill in the blanks of item ‘B’
(a) A. Mattavilasa prahasana : Mahendra Varman I
B. Ushaparinayam : __________________ (b) A. Dasakumara
B. Kiratarjuniyam : __________________ (c) 1st Battile of Panipat : Babur X
11. “Muhammed Bin Tughlak tried to transfer his capital from Delhi to Devagiri
12. Complete the timeline by writing event or year.
13. Prepare a siminar paper on the Government and society under the Delhi
14. Critically examine the landgrant system of Early Medieval India.
15. Analyse the administration and achievements of Krishnadevaraya.
16. How Sufism influenced the Society of Medieval India.
17. While participating in a seminar, on communal harmony, a social worker

Part III History
Time : 2 1/2 Hours Cool off Time 15 minutes Maximum 80 Scores
I. Find out odd one out
1. Max Muller, R.C.Majumdar, Bipinchandra, Tharachand
2. Arya Samaj, Brahma Samaj, Prarthana samaj, Viveka Vardhini
4. Almeida, Albuquerque, Dupleix, Cabral
2. The indological studies had boosted the image of Indian Civilization in the
Western World. Do you agree with this statement.
3. Howfar the religious policy of the Portuguese led to its decline? Can you
pointout some more causes for the dicline of Portuguese in India.pI?
4. Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan are the examples of true partriotism. Illustrate with
5. Critically analyse the three phases of Britiosh colonial and economic exploitation
6. If you asked to prepare a News Bullettin based on the Partition of Bengal,

1. James Mill periodisation of Indian History into Hindu, Muslim and British civilization sowed the communalization of History. How do you respond to this statement. Give. reasons.
2. Do you consider the Neolithic Age as a period of quick change in comparison with the palaeolithic Age. Evaluate.
3. Link Column ‘A’ with appropriate items from ‘b’ and ‘C’.
4. Locate the following mahajanupadas on the outline map provided.

5. Prepare a seminar paper on Harappan Culture.
Areas to be considered
* Town planning
* Social life
* Religious life
* Decline of the civilization

Prepare an article on Later Vedic Civilization.
Areas to be considered.
* Political life
* Economic life
* Social life
* Religious life.

6. What are the important factors that helped Buddhism to gain its influence in India and abroad than Jainism.
7. Find the odd man out:
i. Viswavara, Ghosha, Apala, Saraswathi
ii. Aranyakar, Atharva veda, Samaveda, Rigveda
iii. Mahayanism, Hinayanism, Kanishka, Parswanatha
iv. Asoka, Dhamma, Sanchi Stupa, Mehrali Pillai Inscription, Mrichcha khatika Score :5

8. Prepare a short note about Saptanga theory of State.
9. The ancient Indian philosophers proposed six Darsanas the attainment of Salvation. Prepare notes on six systems of Indian Philosophy
10. Complete the time line by writing either the event or the year.
invasion of Alexander
78 D First Battle of Panipat
1556 Battle of Thalikotta Score 5

11. Some of the features of the Village administration of the cholas are seen in the modern local self government system. Evaluate the statement.
12. It is said that Muhammed Bin Tughaq was unwise in his administration. Discuss.
13. Compare and contrast the Market Regulation System of Alavudin Khilji to modern public distribution.
14. The Mughal administration system was the most efficient administrative system in medieval India. Do you think so substatiate your arguments
15. Shershah was a great conqueror as well as an efficient administrator. Do you think so.Give reasons.

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