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Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Geography
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DHSE Kerala Geography Model Examination

Max. Marks : 60
Cool off time: 15 min

Related : HSE Higher Secondary Education Kerala Zoology Question Paper :

General Instructions

** You are not allowed to write answers or discuss anything with others during cool off time.
** Cool off time is for familiarizing questions and planning answers.

** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
** When you select a question all sub questions must be answered from the same question itself.

Model Questions

1. Cliff and Gorge are erosional landforms. Which among are the result of erosion
2. Match the following. a. Map (i) Petrology

b. Landforms (ii) Hydrology c. Rocks (iii) Cartography d. Oceans (iv) Geomorphology.
3. The present day continents gives the idea that continents were once united.
4. Gothenburg and Mohorovicic are two scientists whose names are used in two
transitional zones in the earth’s interior. Identify those transition zones. (2)

5. A characteristic feature of rainfall in India is the variability. Identify the formula
6. Complete the table by identifying correctly the erosional and depositional
landforms against the erosional agents given.
Agents Erosional landforms Depositional landforms

1. River Cirque Moraines 2. Groundwater Mushroom rock Delta
3. Glacier Canyon Stalactites 4. Wind Sinkhole Sand dunes
7. One of the major concerns of the world today is global warming. Analyse how
Identify the water body that separates Andaman in the North from Nicobar in the South. (1)
9. Identify and complete the index of the given map of India and analyse it. (4)
10. One the outline map of the World, an ocean current is marked along the coast
(1) The current (2) Whether it is cold or warm. (2)
11. We can see different types clouds in the sky. Classify them according to their
12. Himalayan mountains and Andaman Nicobar Island come under very high risk
13. On the given outline map of India, mark the following. (6)
a) The major river of Rajasthan. b) The rainiest place in the world
c) The highest mountain peak of India. d) One biosphere reserve in South India.
e) State whose capital is Raipur. f) State where Mumbai is located.
14. The most unpredictable and highly destructive of all the natural disasters. (1)
15. Analyse and give reason for the formation of spring tide and Neep tide. (2)
16. Kovalam beach experiences on shore winds during day time. Name the wind.
17. Name the following. (3)
1. 2 types of plate boundaries. 2. Crescent – shaped sand dunes.
3. Hypothesis regarding origin of the earth. 4. The hardest mineral.
5. Two types of rainfall 6. The boundary zone between two air masses.
18. The earth is made up of different types of rocks. Analyse it. (3)
19. Identify the type of rainfall given in the figure and explain how it is caused.
20. Fill the given flow chart (1)
21. Factors controlling temperature distribution also affect the climate of a place.
22. The atmosphere has different layers which show difference in temperature
23. Fill up the following. River Tribularies
1. Ganga a.———– b————–
2. ——————— a. Penganga b…………………………. (2)
24. Tropical cyclones are known as Hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. Identify its
25. Trivandrum weather station recorded a temperature of 28°C at 5 am. What will
26. An earthquake occurred at a place 75°E was recorded at another place 105°W.

Geography – 2010
Max Marks: 60
Time : 2.15 Hrs
1. Identify the lithosphere plate which is not a major plate. (Antiradical plate, Arabian plate, Pacific plate, Exrasian plate). (1)
2. Suggest any two measures for bio-diversity conservation (1)
3. Identify the false combination and make corrections. (1)
Land forms Climatology
Rocks Petrology
Role of water Hydrology
4. Define food chain and mention the different levels in the process. (2)
5. Certain cloud types and their characteristics are given below. Match them. (2)
Types of clouds Characteristics
a. Nimbus i Feathery appearance
b. Stratus ii Look like cotton wool
c. Cirrus iii Layered clouds
d. Cumulous iv Black and dark grey

6. There are earth like and Jupiter like planets in the solar system. Identify and classify them and write any two major differences between. them. (3)
7. Based on the diagram given below, answer the following question. (3)

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