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TMU B.B.A Old Exam Papers Organizational Behavior : Teerthanker Mahaveer University

University : Teerthanker Mahaveer University
College : Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Management And Computer Applications
Degree : BBA
Subject : BBA105 Organizational Behavior
Semester : I
Document Type : Old Exam Papers
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TMU Organizational Behavior Old Exam Papers

Course Code : BBA105
Paper ID: 0111105

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BBA105 2010 – 11

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75
Note :
Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Explain briefly any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) “I am O.K.; You are O.K.” attitude.b) Organization goals.
c) Group Thinkd) Self managed Teams
e) Role Conflict f) Quality of Work life g) Organic Culture h) Socialization

2. “Since Organizational Behaviour is a common sense, there is no need to study OB.” Do you agree with this statement- Give reasons for your answer. (12)
3. Explain working of any three prominent techniques of group decision making.

4. a) Discuss the concept of personality. Do biological factors affect the personality of an individual- (6)
b) How power and politic affect organization- (6)
5. What is meant by reinforcement- What types of reinforces could be employed by managers to make the employees learn new behaviours- (12)

6. Explain three Ego states and various types of transactions between two persons with the help of suitable diagrams- (12)
7.a) “Motivation is the core of management.” Comment. (6)
b) Distinguish between hygiene factors and motivation factors. What is the significance of Herzberg’s theory in actual life- (6)

8. A well established unit manufacturing readymade garments plants to introduce new machines and new methods of production. The workers in the factory numbering one hundred and fifty one are fearful of the change and are resisting it in many ways. How will you advise the management to tackle the problem- (12)“Motivation is the core of management.”

b) Distinguish between hygiene factors and motivation factors. What is
the significance of Herzberg’s theory in actual life- (6)

BBA105 2014 – 15

BBA I (First) Semester Examination 2014-15 :
Course Code: BBA105
Paper ID : 0501205
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4×5=20)
a) Scope or organizational behavior.
b) Opportunities for organizational behavior.
c) Personality
d) Interpersonal relationship.
e) Organizational change
f) Classification of groups
g) Learning
h) Organization goals

2. Differentiate clearly between the various models of organizational behavior. (10)
3. Discuss the nature and characteristics of organizational behavior. (10)
4. What is perception and explain its role in individual decision making? (10)

5. What is leadership? Explain the factors to be considered important for accomplishing effective leadership. (10)
6. Discuss the factors of motivation for employees. (10)
7. Discuss important methods of resolution of various types of conflict. (10)
8. Define power and explain various sources of power. (10)

BBA105 2015 – 16

BBA I (First) Semester Examination 2015-16 :
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4×5=20)
a) What is organisational behaviour? What is the subject matter of organisational behaviour?
b) What is learning? How does learning differ from change in behaviour that occurs due to natural growing?
c) What compels us to study the subject of organisational behavior?
d) What is change? What are the different types of change?

e) Distinguish between
i) Formal and Informal groups
ii) A group from a crowed
f) What can be the causes of conflict at the work place?
g) What is a managerial grid? What is explained by co-ordinates (5,5) on the managerial grid?
h) What are the benefits and drawbacks of autocratic style of leadership?

2. What are the causes of conflict at the workplace? How shall you manage such conflicts? (10)
3. Discuss the advantages and dis-advantages of group decision making. (10)
4. What is organisational culture? What are the characteristics which help us to understand the culture of any organisation? (10)

5. What do you mean by the term Transaction Analysis? Explain three types of ego states of a person. (10)
6. What do you mean by the term ‘JOHARI WINDOWS’? How this model helps in understanding the interpersonal relationships. (10)
7. Discuss theory X AND theory Y of motivation as developed by McGregor. (10)
8. What is job satisfaction? How is it related to productivity, turnover and absenteeism? (10)

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