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Organization : Container Corporation of India Ltd
Exam : Management Trainee Personnel & Administration Written Test
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CONCOR Management Trainee Personnel Question Paper

Max. Marks : 170
Duration: 3 Hrs.

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CONCOR Management Trainee Question Paper

Part I :

(Max. Marks : 120)
All questions are Compulsory. All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the difference between Recruitment & Selection. Discuss the various sources of Recruitment. Explain the procedure of selection in a large scale infrastructure based or manufacturing enterprise.
Explain the significance of Manpower Planning in a large scale enterprise in the present dynamic environment. Explain the steps involved in Manpower Planning. Explain the impact of business environment and educational infrastructure facilities on manpower planning.

2. “The wages in an industry are determined by wage laws and industry’s capacity to pay.” Examine the statement. Explain the various types of fringe benefits or employee benefits provided to the employees in a large scale enterprise.
Explain the concept of Social Security. Explain the various statutory and nonstatutory measures of social security prevalent in India.

3. Explain the concept of Collective Bargaining. Explain the essentials of a good collective bargaining process. Discuss the trend and practice of Collective Bargaining in India.

Explain the dispute resolution machinery under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Explain the difference between Strikes and Lockouts. Explain the provision of Strikes and Lockouts in Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

4. How performance appraisal helps in creating a performance oriented culture in the organization? How performance management system is different from performance appraisal?

How Job Enrichment serve as a motivational tool in an enterprise? “Money is necessary but not the major source of motivator for the employees”. Examine the statement. Explain the various factors which help in attracting and retaining talent in an organization.

5. Write Short notes on any four. (5X4=20)
(i) Prohibition of Employment of Contract Labour
(ii) Employer’s liability for injury arising out of and in the course of employment.
(iii) Job Description and Job Specification
(iv) Notice of Change under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(v) Career Planning & Development

6. Multiple Choice Questions. In the questions below choose any one option (10X2=20)
(i) Which Act provides for the provision of Medical Benefit to the insured employees?
(a) Workmen Compensation Act, 1923
(b) Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
(c) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
(d) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act), 1970

(ii) The performance appraisal method which rates the appraisee on various parameters on a point scale is :
(a) Critical Incident Method
(b) MBO Method
(c) Graphic Rating Sheet
(d) Bell Curve Appraisal

(iii) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act), 1970 can be classified into the category of :
(a) Social Security Act
(b) Industrial Relations Act
(c) Welfare Act
(d) Commercial Act

(iv) Job Evaluation is a technique which aims at :
a) Establishing fair and equitable pay structure
b) Analysing of requirement of updating technology
c) Assessing safety requirement of jobs
d) Improving productivity

(v) Under what circumstances the gratuity of an employee can be forfeited.
(a) Wilful Omission or negligence
(b) Termination for riotous or disorderly conduct
(c) Offence involving moral turpitude
(d) All of the above

(vi) Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 provides the following industrial relations machinery for resolution of conflicts: (Tick mark the wrong one) :
a. Negotiation
b. Conciliation
c. Meditation
d. Arbitration

(vii) When a young person joins an organization he needs some senior person in whom he can confide and get advice and support. Such relationship may be called :
(a) Mentoring
(b) Counselling
(c) Listening
(d) Understanding

(viii) As per Factories Act, 1948 canteen should be provided in factory where more than _______ workers are employed :
a) 100
b) 250
c) 600
d) 1000

(ix) The logical and possible sequences of positions that could be held by an individual based on what and how well he performs in an organization is called :
(a) Career
(b) Career Anchors
(c) Career Path
(d) Succession Planning

(x) Gratuity is paid to the employee for every completed year of service or part thereof in excess of six months at the rate of 15 days wages based on last drawn wages by the employee. While calculating the 15 day’s wages, the number of working days in a month are taken as ___________
(a) 30
(b) 31
(c) 15
(d) 26

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