ME010503 Advanced Mechanics of Materials B.Tech Model Question Paper :
Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Code/Name : ME 010 503/Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Sem : V
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Document Type : Model Question Paper
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MGU Advanced Mechanics of Materials Model Paper
B. TECH Degree Examination :
Fifth Semester :
Branch: Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering
ME 010 503 Advanced Mechanics of Materials :
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
Related : Mahatma Gandhi University Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing B.Tech Model Question Paper :
Part A
Answer all the questions. :
Each question carries three marks. :
1. Define the term state of strain at a point.
2. Explain the terms plain stress and plane strain.
3. What are the stresses in thick cylinder under axisymmetric load? Discuss.
4. State Maxwell reciprocal theorem.
5. What is the significance of membrane analogy
Part B
Answer all the questions. :
Each question carries three marks. :
1. What is a stress function? How do you relate the polar components of stress with stress function?
2. Explain the effect of small central hole in a rotating cylinder.
3. Explain the method of determination of constants in Lamis equation for thick cylinders
5. Derive the expression for torsion in a prismatic bar of elliptical cross section
Part C
Answer all the questions :
1. The state of stress at a point is characterized by the following rectangular stress components
sx = 20, sy=10, sz= 5 t xy=-10, t yz=-15, t zx=-20
Find the values of principal stress and their directions.
2. Derive the compatibility equations what are its significance.
3. Derive the expression for radial stress distribution over the thickness of a spherical shell
4. An alloy steel cylinder has a 120mm internal diameter and 444mm outside diameter. If it is subjected to an internal pressure of 125MPa,(outside pressure =0)
a. Determine the radial and tangential stress distribution and plot them
b. Determine the maximum principal shear stress.
5. Determine the ratio of numerical values of smax and smin for a curved bar of circular cross section if radius of curvature of centroidal axis is 5cm and h = r2-r1 = 40 cm.
6. Derive the expression for the pure bending of a bar with rectangular cross section.
7. The stress field for a beam of length 2l and depth 2c under the bending moment M is given by sx= -3M/2c3 y, sy = sz = t xy= t yz= t zx= 0. Find the total strain energy density in the beam.
8. Find an expression in terms of sy , sz , t xy for the strain energy V per unit thickness of a cylinder in plane strain.
9. Determine the shear stress induced and the angle of twist per unit length of a hollow shaft of dimension 80mmX40mm and wall thickness 5mm when subjected to a torque of 1 kN m. G= 1.3x104MPa
10. Derive the expression for torsion of hollow circular shaft (5X12=60 marks)
Turbo Machines :
PART-A: Each Question carries three marks (3*5=15)
1. State Buckingham’s -theorem
2. Explain the phenomenon of surging in a centrifugal compressor
3. Define slip factor? How can it be reduced?
4. Explain the concept of radial equilibrium in an axial flow compressor
5. What do you mean by compounding of a steam turbine?
PART-B : Each Question carries FIVE marks (5*5=25)
6. Derive an expression for Utilization factor of turbines
7. A turbine has the following data. Water is directed at an angle of 30 deg to the tangent. Degree of reaction is 0.45, utilization factor is 0.895.The absolute velocity at exit is axial, water enters the rotor with a static pressure 500 kPa and stagnation pressure of 750 kPa. Calculate the inlet blade angle and the work output for a mass flow rate of 10 kg/s
8. Explain the process of cavitation. How can it be avoided?
9. Draw the combined velocity triangle for an axial flow compressor for which the value of degree of reaction is 50%
10. List out the advantages and disadvantages of velocity compounding
PART-C : Each Question carries TWELVE marks
11. Derive on the basis of dimensional analysis suitable parameters to present the thrust developed by a property. Assume that the thrust P depends upon the angular velocity speed of advance V, diameter D, dynamic viscosity µ mass density elasticity of the fluid medium which can be denoted by speed of sound C in the medium
12. Derive Euler turbine equation and explain the three components involved
I need to know, Is it new scheme question paper?
I need the previous year question for mechanics of materials(mg university 2015- s5 mechanical).