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Introduction To Sociology B.A Question Bank :

Name of the University : University Of Calicut
Degree : B.A
Department : Sociology
Name Of The Subject : Introduction To Sociology
Document type : Question Bank
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Introduction To Sociology :


Related : University of Calicut Social Informatics B.A Question Bank :

1. Life skills can be systematically acquired and reinforced through non formal
A. Formal B. Informal B. Vocational D. Traditional
2. According to Delors Commission human beings future progress depends upon ………….
A. Economic growth, B. Education C. Personal development D. None of the above

3. The international Bureau of education focused on four pillars
A. Promote co-existence B. Participate C. Live together D. Transport
4. International Bureau of Education defines life skills as personal
A. Social B. Educational C. Cultural D. Physical

5. UNICEF defined life as Psycho- Social and ……………. skills.
A. Personal B. Inter personal C. Intra –personal D. Social
6. World Health Organization’s Department of mental health defined life
A. Socially B. Economically C. Developmentally D. Psychologically

7. Life skills enable effective …………………….
A. Development B. Growth C. Communication D. Contract
8. Life skills help people to establish productive …………………. relationships.
A. Personal B. Social, C. Cultural D. Interpersonal

9. Information gathering skills belong to ……………. abilities.
A. Cognitive abilities B. Personal abilities C. Inter-personal abilities,
10. Analyzing peer and media influence belong to …………… skill.
A. Critical thinking B. Time Management skills
C. Stress management D. Self monitoring skill

11. ……………… is the ability to listen and understand others.
A. Refusal skills B. Managing skills C. Love Empathy D. None of the above
12. Expressing respect for others contribution belongs to …………………
A. Negotiation skill B. Empathy C. Cooperation and teamwork D. Refusal skill

13. Influencing skills and persuasion belong to ………………..skills.
A. Decision-Making skill B. Advocacy Skill, C. Critical thinking skill
14. Anger management skill is an example for managing …………..
A. Anxiety B. feelings Anger, C. feelings D. None of the above

15. Determining alternative solutions to the problem is related
A. Critical thinking B. refusal skills C. problem solving skills
16. Individual must be able to evaluate the future consequences
A. Communication skill B. inter-personal skill C. coping skill critical thinking skill

17. ……………. skill includes the verbal and non-verbal aspects
A. Decision making B. Advocacy C. Communication D. Problem solving

18) Groups which serve as points of comparison
a) In-group b) Reference group c) Ideal group

19) A social unit of which individuals are not a part or with which they do not identify.
a) Secondary groups b) Out groups c) Unorganised groups

20) The ————– perspective was the earliest theoretical perspective in Sociology
a) Evolutionary b) Functionalist c) Structuralist

21) ————— theories assume that societies are in constant state of change, in which conflict is a permanent feature.
a) Functionalist b) Conflict c) Interactionalist

22) —————– refers to the enduring orderly and patterned relationships between the elements of a society.
a) Social system b) Social interaction c) Social structure

23) The systematic ordering of social relations by facts of choice and decision
a) Social structure b) Social system c) Social organization

24) Law of three stages is the one of the major theories of —————–.
a) Comte b) Spencer c) Durkheim

25) ——————- has divided sociology into social statics and social dynamics.
a)Comte b) Spencer c) Weber

26) ———— are merely the characteristic ways in which interaction occurs.
a)Social processes b) Social interaction c) Social relationships

27) ——————- is a process whereby men interpenetrate the minds of each other
a)Social interaction b) Social network c) Social process

28) ————— refer to any recurring pattern of social behaviour
a)Social function b) Social structure c) Social system

29) ———— refer to the interdependence of parts in groups
a)Social organizational b) Social groups c) Social system

30) ——————- is a unique possession of man
a) Custom b) Culture c) Folkways

31) ————— implies statuses and division of labour
a) Social organization b) Informal organization c) Formal organization

32) ————————was considered the Father of Sociology
a) Herbert Spencer b) Max Weber c) Auguste Comte

33) Comte introduced the word “Sociology” for the first time in his famous work———-
a) Positive philosophy b) Positive polity c) System of positive politics

34) ————-has classified communities into Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
a)Ferdinand Tonnies b) Max Weber c) Karl Max

35) The study of every day behaviour in situations of face-to –face interaction is usually called ———-Sociology
a) Macro b) Micro c) General

1 Comment
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  1. 1. Life skills can be systematically acquired and reinforced through non formal
    A. Formal B. Informal B. Vocational D. Traditional

    This (above) question looks ambiguous
    Force connections – Let me know what is covered (In 21st century skills)

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