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Concepts of Political Science B.A Question Bank :

Name of the University : University Of Calicut
Degree : B.A
Department : Political Science
Semester : II
Name Of The Subject : Concepts of Political Science
Document type : Question Bank
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Core Course for BA Political Science
(2011 Admission)

Related : University of Calicut Foundations Of Political Science B.A Question Bank :

1. “The art of looking for trouble. Finding it whether it exists or not,
2. Who among the following pioneered the integration of the study
3. Aristotle is rightly regarded as “the father absent in the world”
4. Who among the following advocated that the central idea
5. Harold Lasswell’s “Politics : Who Gets, What, when and How” discusses:
6. Who among the following employed a biological method in the study of politics-
7. The work ‘Power and Society’ is co-authored by :
8. The keynote of liberalism is _________
9. The famous ‘fourfold functional analysis’ of the social systems is made by
10. A scientific sociological evaluation of the state has been discussed by :
11. Jurisprudence is
12. The work ‘Political Science : A philosophical Analysis’ is authored by:
13. Which of the following works have note been authored by R.M. MacIver-
(a) The Web of Government (b) Society : its structure and changes
(c) The Modern State (d) An introduction to Politics

14. Which of the following have been authored by RobertDahl-
(a) A preface to Democratic theory
(b) Politic science – The discipline and its dimensions
(c) Modern political analysis (d) Both (a) and (c)

15. In Marxist theory, society is divided into dominant and dependent
(a) Political Power (b) Economic Power
(c) Social Power (d) None of the above

16. Who opined that it was in small states that democracy first arose-
(a) Lord Bryee (b) Lord Action
(c) Lord Hewart (d) None of the above

17. The chief proponents of the theory of natural rights are
(a) John Locke and Thomas Paine (b) Lasswell and Kant
(c) Hegel and Kant (d) Durkheim and Weber

18. Which of the following theories is the one opposed to the theory
(a) Personality theory of rights (b) Historical theory of rights
(c) Legal theory of right (d) social expediency theory of rights

19. The historical theory of rights can be summed up in the sentence :
(a) History makes right (b) What is right is historical
(c) History of the child of right (d) History and right are antithetical

20. In connection with rights, Bentham and Mill expressly advocate the
(a) Conventions and traditions
(b) Merely following customs and appealing to the arbitrary voice of nature
(c) Law and rules (d) Principles of jurisprudence

21. One of the obvious criticisms of the social welfare theory of rights is that :
(a) It accords precedence to welfare over law
(b) Social welfare may infringe on individual rights and may lead to the position that it is right to do a little injury to an individual in order to do a
great deal of good to the community.
(c) Social welfare is the antithesis of community’s welfare
(d) The thinking based on social welfare does not discriminate between

22. Who among the following laid down an elaborate defiance of personal liberty?
(a) Rawls (b) Poulantzas
(c) Robert Michels (d) John Stuar Mill

23. Civil liberty stands for :
(a) Freedom to pursure one’s desire
(b) Freedom to exercise discretion in one’s own domain
(c) Liberty to mass wealth
(d) Liberty to free action and immunity from interference

24. Who among the following held the view that liberty and equality are opposed to each other?
1.J.S Mill 2. Lord Hewart 3. De Tocqueville 4. Lord Acton
(a) Only 2 (b) Only 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) Only 4

25. “—– Who opines that freedom exists only because there is restraint”
(a) Dicey (b) Seeley
(c) Bryce (d) Willoughby

26. “Man is free when he obey’s the law of impulse for self –perfection” – Green in the above
statement Thomas Hill Green upholds which of the following ideas of freedom?
(a) Personal freedom (b) Moral freedom
(c) National freedom (d) Constitutional freedom

27. Which of the following works are NOT authored by Harold J.Laski?
1. The Dilemma of Our Time 2. The Web of Government
3. Democracy in Crisis 3. Democracy in Crisis

28. The author of Anarchy, State and Utopia is
(a) F.A. Hayek (b) C.B. Macpherson
(c) Robert Nozick (d) Neitzsche

29. The idea of joining or fitting’ is implied in the concept of
(a) Liberty (b) Equality
(c) Property (d) Justice

30. Which of the following are the sources of law?
(a) Custom, religion, scientific commentaries adjudication, equity and
(b) Constitution, morality, religion, custom, public opinion and equity
(c) Public opinion, custom, parliament, judicature and executive
(d) Judiciary, equity, nature, religious commentaries and plebiscite

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